Friday Fictioneers: Today and Tomorrow…

friday-fictioneersHere’s Friday Fictioneers, the greatest free show in town!  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields runs this band of merry writers, where participants are asked to write a 100-word story, with a beginning, middle and end, using a photo prompt. It’s a wonderful challenge with lots of interesting outcomes. Check out other participants here.   One of these days, I plan to get up extra early to be one of the first contributors… this West Coast delay is always a bummer!

I always welcome feedback: positive or constructive. Leave something in the comments, and make my day. Check out Tales From the Motherland on Facebook, and hit like. I will smile for hours.


(99 Words)

Alma pulled the heavy cart through the dark streets, heading home. She carefully lined up the wooden wheels with ramps the Spaniards had built, while destroying the Inca nation, and bringing religion to her “soulless” ancestors.

Throughout Cusco the stone roads still served the locals, as well as the touristas, stopping on their way to Machu Picchu.  These roads were old friends; Alma knew each rut– where the stones had been rubbed smooth or hollowed out.

She pulled the hand-woven goods, day into night.

“Buenos noche, Señora.”

She passed Señor Condori, exchanging weary smiles.

“Hasta mañana, Señor;” until tomorrow.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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49 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Today and Tomorrow…

  1. jgroeber says:

    I was thinking, oh, that sounds like fun! I could write every Friday! Then I read your post and thought, holy crap, I could not muster that beauty every Friday. Uh-uh. (Lovely.)


  2. What a lovely little slice of life!



    • Thanks Janet. I think those steps are actually in Israel, but when I saw them I thought of Cusco instantly! Then I thought of all the local women and men I saw there, who worked so very hard, surrounded by such history. Love this weekly gig! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time.


  3. wmqcolby says:

    I like the South American motif here. Keep writing more of this. I want to hear more!!! Fine story.


  4. You dare me? Well, I dare. Lovely little word picture of a life far removed from ours and I think I want to adopt Alma. Very nicely done.
    Okay, I dared.


    • Perry, Indeed, Alma deserves to be adopted, but would never accept it.

      We traveled to Cusco last summer, and trekked through the Andes to Machu Picchu. Entirely different world. I saw the picture and knew just where to go. 😉


  5. Sandra says:

    A very effective vignette. Well done.


  6. Cathy Ulrich says:

    I really liked this one, Dawn. I too, saw people pulling carts up those ramps. You got a sense of time in your story – the history of the road and the people who have used it!


  7. Nicely portrayed thoughts of an ancestor of one of the greatest nations of its time. But how easily everyone mixes in the Spanish language.


    • I loved visiting Peru, and exploring the Inca Empire. Truly amazing people… I love the Spanish language, and tried not to play too much with it. My own family have Spaniard, Mexican and Maya ancestors… and here I am with red hair and freckles! Thanks for taking the time, Lindaura; much appreciated!


  8. Thanks for bringing Cusco back into my head from memories burried deep. Great piece.


  9. mahjira says:

    Great story! Seems the thought of pulling a cart through the alleyway is a common one!


    • Thanks so much Mahjira. I haven’t had a minute to read many others yet… the ones I’ve read haven’t had to do with carts, but I’m excited to read more! I appreciate you taking the time to read my post, and leave a comment.


  10. mike olley says:

    It’s amazing how many people still have a routine like this in the world today. And people complain about 9-5? Nicely told.


  11. Chowderhead says:

    These Friday Fictioneers posts amaze me by how much story you can fit into a hundred words. Or, in this case ninety nine. Loved it.


  12. You’ve captured the sense of history and time in these few words, Dawn. Beautifully done.


  13. kz says:

    wonderful vignette.. felt like i was there 🙂


  14. atrm61 says:

    I could almost see Alma in her (once)bright clothes- hidden now under the dust and grime of daily struggle for survival and yet her determination and spirit shines through-her hope for maybe a better tomorrow not yet extinguished!A wonderful piece with interesting bits of history,loved it:-)


  15. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    So, which of these ruts is the Emperor’s New Groove? (Sorry, darling, I couldn’t resist).
    This was a lovely little tale.


  16. zookyworld says:

    Hard work and a hard history — your story is a powerful combination. Alma deserves a vacation. I’m glad she has friends in her hard life, such as the kind gentleman, Señor Condori.


  17. Thanks for the view into a world I knew nothing about.


    • Thank YOU, for reading, Dawn. Cusco, Peru is a very special place! There are many Almas… and great beauty and culture all around. We have guests and I’m way behind on FF, but look forward to catching up this weekend! Thanks for taking the time; it’s much appreciated!


  18. Dawn, I enjoyed the history and imagery in your story. Powerful and insightful. It’s interesting to think about history in terms of a road and what happened there. Great story.


  19. Mike Lince says:

    These roads look so familiar, like the passageways outside my apartment here in the Old World. It is only natural to wonder about the many footsteps over hundreds of years that have worn them smooth. As I add my own footsteps down these stone passages, I wonder who will follow in my footsteps and what their stories will tell. Thanks for reminding us of the ancient roads you, too, have traveled. – Mike


  20. Querida Dawn,

    ¡Muy bien, hermana! Yes, Kent took the photo in Jerusalem. So? No importa. Your story is lovely. You put me back into another place, another time. Well done.


