Friday Fictioneers: Purple Daze.

It’s Friday Fictioneers, the greatest free show in town!  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields runs this band of merry writers, where participants are asked to write a 100-word story, with a beginning, middle and end, using a photo prompt.  Check out other participants here.

I always welcome feedback: positive or constructive. Leave something in the comments, and make my day. Hit Like, to feed my vanity.

I try very hard to read each story in the weekly series, and appreciate those of you who visit mine. This week I’m leaving for New York city, so I may be slow in responding. But I will eventually.

Please check out Tales From the Motherland on Facebook, and hit like. It will give me another reason to be Thankful.

A bonus– One of my favorite bands, Arcade Fire, Sprawl:

copyright Randy Mazie

copyright Randy Mazie

(95 words)

They planted the tiny “California lilac” at the corner, hoping it would one day be a larger shrub, and send purple joy to the windows.

The city added another lane, to the small road in front of their home; requiring a new sidewalk.

Jerry and Lois watched their yard disappear foot by foot, the sprawl slithering beyond the downtown. Their lawn gone, the sidewalk soon pushed up against the house.  Imminent domain they were told.

Boarded and barred, they finally left. The lilac clung to the empty shell, its roots cut off, her flowers poisoned.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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28 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Purple Daze.

  1. Great descriptive voice, Dawn. I’m a still thinking on this one! I like your take on it. Well done.


  2. Anja says:

    Wonderful job and sad. 😦


  3. Dan Hennessy says:

    Another nice post . Looks like a bougainvillea , though .


  4. Aussa Lorens says:

    This was excellent for so few words. Imminent domain makes me sad… We have a university and a hospital that are constantly displacing people in my city, many of them are older like the characters in your story. You definitely captured it.


  5. Laurel Leigh says:

    Nice short tale with so much implied. I especially like the ending and it’s relevant to our society of today. Thanks for the chance to read!


  6. Kourtney Heintz says:

    Powerful and saddening. Great work here. 🙂


  7. I remember when I was a child my uncles house was the victim of imminent domain. The back yard that we played in was reduced to a driveway for one car.
    I can imagine they felt this way.


  8. Mike Lince says:

    If someone had posted this or read it to me without introduction, I would have thought it was a news story. The details are stark and revealing. It could easily have been real, which I think is an indicator of good writing. – Mike


  9. pattisj says:

    I can see that. We are now closer to the road than when we moved here.


  10. The Waiting says:

    Dawn, one of your best. There is a road very close to me that is being widened, and I feel really bad for the people whose homes are on that road because their front lawns are shrinking. I just keep thinking that if they have kids, they surely won’t let them play out there anymore because it would be too dangerous.

    “Sprawl” is *easily* my favorite Arcade Fire song. My husband and I used to listen to it on repeat when we played Scrabble when I was pregnant with C. 😉
