Friday Fictioneers: Silent Prayer.

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I always welcome constructive feedback or a thoughtful comment. My goal for 2014 is to really build my blog and FB page. Please stop by Tales From the Motherland, or the TFTM Facebook page, and hit Like, to help me in this goal. Thanks for reading!


(97 Words)

The cold air feels cleansing, as I breathe in deeply and pull my scarf tighter.  My sweet lab, Baker, runs ahead, returns to check on me, and then chases another scent into the brush.  My boots in the mud and crackling frost sound louder against the silent morning.

“Come on Baker! Come back, boy!” He has rolled in something foul and I watch as he finally abandons his prize and ambles over, tail wagging guiltily.

The fog, still water, and muted sun trying to break through the gloom– reflect my own inner turmoil, as I search for clarity.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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50 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Silent Prayer.

  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    Hmm, I wonder what he’s rolled in. Hopefully nothing too macabre like a corpse. But that photo does have a Stephen King vibe to it…

    Very nice!


  2. Perry Block says:

    Nice interpretation of the mood of the prompt. And I can sense your inner turmoil — part of which is whether to get a much smaller cleaner dog! Could see further installments here as in your other pieces.


  3. You expressed the gloom and darkness in the photo. I was bracing for Baker finding something greusome.


    • I’m not the thriller or horror writer that some of my FF peers are. Admittedly, when I saw the photo, I thought of an apocalyptic story, but my mood is dark today, and I guess the photo just connected to that. Thanks so much for reading and sharing your feedback. I really appreciate it!


  4. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Silent Prayer. | ugiridharaprasad

  5. The picture does look like something out of a Stephen King novel or a story from my husbands cousin. I love the independent dog, Baker. Sure hope he didn’t run into something really creepy out there.. Really entertaining read – Thanks, Nan


  6. The Waiting says:

    I love the rhythm of your writing, Dawn. The way you described a Baker going after his prize created such a vivid image.


  7. unfetteredbs says:

    I can ” feel” your self reflection. Nice.


  8. kz says:

    you painted a very vivid moment. it’s like taking a walk inside that photo,but im glad to have Baker as a companion


  9. Eena says:

    Maybe Baker is the hero of the story. I honestly think he can help you find the way! 🙂


  10. Cathy Ulrich says:

    I love how you used Baker’s actions as a way to help us focus on the narrator’s thoughts. Very real-life, Dawn!


  11. Honie Briggs says:

    …and all the while Baker finds clarity in a good romp in the woods.


  12. hugmamma says:

    Oftentimes one’s surroundings can invite reflection, and clarity. Good one.


  13. Sandra says:

    Trust a dog to lighten your day… nice one.


  14. A great setting of the moment worded from a real life situation. Introspective and thoughtful writing.


    • Thank you HA. I appreciate your thoughtful feedback. While it’s not my real life situation, I know it is someone’s. I love where the photos take each of us. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment; it’s much appreciated.


  15. MissTiffany says:

    Wonderful descriptions – I really felt like I was there. And great comparison with the mist and inner struggles – but hopefully the sun will shed some light on both situations. Nicely done.


  16. Dear Dawn,

    This is so vivid and concise that I felt the cold air on my face. Well written.




  17. The contrast of the dog and you gave this story a perfect glimpse intp the mood.. though I expected the lab to return with a human hand in his mouth.. 🙂


  18. Mike Lince says:

    You made a 100 word story – beginning, middle and ending. That’s impressive. You also surprised me. I saw the fence in the photo. Your story barely includes the fence except maybe metaphorically in your final sentence because the fence is the most clear feature in the photo. I love how your mind works. – Mike


    • I try very hard to go with what feelings and what story comes to me, regardless of what dominates the photo. Sometimes, I intentionally avoid the most obvious details. That said, I got a much darker image on my computer (something wrong with the contrast) and the sun and water, the foggy mood, really jumped out at me. The fence seemed an afterthought. Thanks for reading, Mike! I always appreciate your feedback.


  19. This picture does indeed inspire pondering.


  20. erinleary says:

    Sounds like my many trips to the dog park. My dog always finds to best stuff to roll in.


  21. Wonderful atmosphere, coupled with the beautiful but eerie picture.


  22. pattisj says:

    Great take on the prompt, very descriptive writing.
