Friday Fictioneers: Broken Dreams.

friday-fictioneersAs soon as I saw the photo this week, I knew where I’d go… it just took, me awhile to pull myself out of the happy stories I’ve written of late, to address this “squeamish” photo– brought to us this week by Madison Woods. That, and a very busy few days!

Friday Fictioneers is brought to you each week by the indefatigable Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, who leads our band of merry writers, in weekly photo-prompt flash fiction. You can find other 100-word stories on Rochelle’s blog, Addicted to Purple. Join us, or just enjoy the wide variety of stories.  ** Please leave a comment. I always welcome honest, thoughtful or constructive feedback.

© Madison Woods

© Madison Woods

Broken Dreams (99 words)

Jonathan paused, the box heavy in his arms. He glanced around and swallowed hard, tears springing to his eyes again. He’d spent the weekend clearing the small room of anything that would remind her: freshly cleaned blankets and soft onesies; the “perfect lamp,” chosen to send dancing stars across the room at night; the cradle, passed down from her parents. Everything was packed away, the room returned to it’s previous benign status as an office.

They’d gotten so close this time… Three more weeks, he thought.  Jonathan took these moments to grieve in private, the fourth and final loss of their dreams.

*     *     *

What do I want? I’d love to see my Tales From the Motherland Facebook page reach 500 likes in 2014. Have you stopped by to spread some fairy dust? Follow me on Twitter,it’s where I try to be brief.  Most importantly, if you like a post hit Like, and leave a comment. I love to hear what readers think.  Follow along; you’ll get each new post delivered by email, with no spam.  If you see ads on this page, please let me know. They shouldn’t be there.  © 2014 Please note, that all content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, please give proper credit. Plagiarism sucks.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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32 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Broken Dreams.

  1. jgroeber says:

    Ah, so sad, and so accurately captured. Beautifully written.
    But how did that strange photo get you there, I wonder… Hmmm.


  2. I second the previous comment Dawn. Heart-wrenching and wonderfully written, as always. Perhaps it will always remain a mystery as to how the photo inspired your story…


    • See the comment before… I too find it intriguing each week, to figure out what took various writers from the photo to their stories. For me, this week, it all came from the broken egg I see in this photo. Thanks for your kind words; I really appreciate the feedback!


  3. Carrie Rubin says:

    I cringe every time I see this photo, but I love where you took it. 🙂


  4. susanissima says:

    Tightly written. So much said in so few words.


  5. Dawn, I was wondering when you would post a story. This is lovely and heart breaking. I had a friend who lost more babies than one would want to count – several so near to being born it was awful. Now she has ONE gorgeous daughter. Well told, my dear.


  6. Amy Reese says:

    Dawn, well written, capturing of loss. How sad it must be to go from a dream back to the reality of an office. Very sad story this week, although truthfully, there haven’t been many happy ones with this prompt.


  7. Dawn, you took us right into the sense of loss and the room return to an office sealed the deal. Well done.



  8. Dear Dawn,

    I had no problem connecting your story with the prompt. Exquisitely heartbreaking. So much skillfully said in so few words.




    • I’m glad someone got it, Rochelle! I was beginning to think that I got this photo entirely wrong. Do you happen to know what it is? I was sure it was a broken egg, and that made me think of loss, instantly. I am honored to get such wonderful feedback from you; your stories always impress. Welcome back from vacation! Shalom, Dawn


  9. hbksloss says:

    Ditto the other comments. Moving, well written and so compact! Captures the emotional draman if the experience so well.


  10. Dawn, Sad but well-written story. It must be heartbreaking to lose babies like that. I was blessed it never happened to me. My mom had a little boy that was stillborn at seven months. She used to talk about it. My dad mentioned it once and had tears in his eyes. Madison Woods wrote a comment on Alistair Phillips’s blog “dralimanonlife” and said that she had taken the photo, and that if was a cut grapevine. Who could imagine that that’s what’s inside a grape vine. —Susan


  11. DCTdesigns says:

    Dawn- This is spectacular and heartbreaking. Nothing cuts quite like the hope of getting so close. Especially when there are multiple miscarriages before. Honestly, really well written snapshot of grief and the beginning of the healing process. Dana


  12. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Dawn, Wonderful story, as always, and so very sad. This story was so good yet so sorrowful too. I read some of the comments above and the answers too. Is this really what is inside a grapevine? Creepy gook? Really? Oh well, I learn something new everyday! You are such an interesting person and a great writer. Thanks, Nan 🙂


    • Thanks so much Nan. You’re so kind; your compliments are very generous and thoughtful. I really appreciate you taking the time to read and share your thoughts! I totally agree, that grapevine is totally icky! I would never have believed it, if I didn’t hear it from people who know. 😉


  13. Dawn. sorry for being late visiting.. this was heartbreaking.. especially that little word last.. there is a time to give up.. but it’s sad…


    • Thanks Björn. Better late than never, but I also understand that folks can’t get to every story every week… sincerely, no worries! I’m glad you appreciated the story. Unfortunately, as we both know, reality is indeed sad sometimes.


  14. jwdwrites says:

    That was moving Dawn, I don’t know what else to say, anything with kids always gets me. Well done.


  15. MissTiffany says:

    I literally have tears in my eyes. Stories like this one always break my heart, and this one especially with last line “fourth and final loss”. Poor parents. Perhaps they could adopt?
    Anyway. Well done. Heart-wrenching, engrossing and written to perfection. Nothing less than I expected! 🙂
