Friday Fictioneers: Swimming Lessons

Oh how I’ve missed my incredible Friday Fictioneers community! I’m dipping my feet back in the flash fiction waters, and forcing myself to write. This photo just spoke to me on so many levels! As always I welcome honest, constructive feedback.

If you’d like to learn more about this 100- word weekly challenge, check out Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ blog, Addicted to Purple. She manages to keep us on track, while keeping her many balls in the air! This weeks’ (fabulous) photo prompt was provided by C. Hase.

A giant Mazel to Jennifer/Elmo Pendergast, on the birth of her gorgeous baby boy! What a joy to see his lovely photo. And woot woot to Dawn, who got her story in first! That is a late night, girlfriend!

© C. Hase

© C. Hase

Swimming Lessons

Shackled to the consequences of my actions, as well as those you bequeathed to me, I walk the green forest and hike the sacred shore– soaking up their peace.

I dig into our shared history, seeking moments of clarity.

There are too few.

But I am learning to swim against the currents; I’m reformatting my voice.

I will discard the kernels of poison you left me to hold, and I won’t hold my hands open for more.

I am breaking those chains and tossing them into the salty sea.

I won’t sink; I’ll swim.

(94 words)

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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64 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Swimming Lessons

  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    Something tells me this one is personal and comes from the heart, Dawn. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You go girl! (Love the anchor chain- so many possibilities to write about).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ansumani says:

    The “I will discard…” sentence as powerful. Nicely done.


  4. Amy Reese says:

    I sense this is personal, as well, Dawn. It seems to come from a intimate place and I can sense the depth of it. Very nicely done! You will persevere.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Archon's Den says:

    Some freedom has been achieved here. Nicely voiced. 🙂


  6. MrBinks says:

    I really liked, “I’m reformatting my voice.”

    Great stuff.


  7. “I won’t sink; I’ll swim.” Touching, courageous, inspiring.


  8. “I will discard the kernels of poison you left me to hold, and I won’t hold my hands open for more”
    A poetically powerful sentence.
    94 strong words creating a very vivid and moving piece for your readers.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nice to have you back with such a positive piece.


  10. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Swimming Lessons | ugiridharaprasad

  11. Dear Dawn,

    It seems that our stories are joined at the hip this week. Viva la swim!



    Liked by 1 person

    • Well then, I’m in very good company. I haven’t gotten to read any of them yet, but I presumed there’d be a few about swimming, ties that bind, etc. 😉 I look forward to reading your take; you always do such a wonderful job!


  12. Dave says:

    There you go, responding to challenges with positive energy.


  13. Loved this Dawn,
    I felt empowered by it!
    There is a story (of of course) as to why I was first. When/if you read mine, scroll to the comments between Amy Reese and I and you will see it.
    I hope this piece empowers you also.
    Much love,

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Beautiful, Dawn, That’s it in a nutshell. Welcome back, Alicia


  15. A great able to be able to swim if you are breaking those chains.. very hopeful piece.


  16. Mike Lince says:

    I started with the image of those massive chain links, Your verse built with a crescendo to that powerful line, ‘I will discard the kernels of poison you left me to hold…’ When you responded with, ‘I am breaking those chains…’, I could hardly imagine how much power you wielded.

    Artfully written, Dawn! Writing from your heart reveals the depth of your talent. – Mike

    Liked by 2 people

  17. gahlearner says:

    This is so powerful. I would have quted the ‘I discard…’ line as my favourite, too. Wonderful piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. storydivamg says:

    So good to have you back, swimming in this pool, Dawn.

    This week’s photo seems to be inspiring stories about toxic relationships,and yours is well told. Nice work.


  19. Margaret says:

    Powerful feelings here. Your images convey so much.


  20. Jan Brown says:

    Beautiful language, Dawn, and strong imagery that evokes so much pain and, finally, freedom. Brava, my friend. Well done!


  21. Excellent writing. I’m cheering her on in her swim toward herself!


  22. rgayer55 says:

    A survivor’s story. Great selection of words and lovely flow to this piece.


  23. A beautiful style and flow of words there, and tale of survival, but lacked originality in ending.


  24. What a sense of freedom, determination,and self-reliance you’ve expressed here, Dawn, and you’ve conveyed it in such a positive life-affirming manner, it’s almost intoxicating. Great metaphor!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Susan Langer says:

    I loved your story,,,one of courage and strength. I’ve been there too. 🙂


  26. plaridel says:

    brilliant use of metaphor. well done.


  27. amiewrites74 says:

    The “I will discard” sentence is my favorite as well. Powerful imagery here. Loved it.


  28. Welcome back, Dawn. I know also how life inspires your writing. This shows a strong willingness to achieve freedom from the past. Well done, 🙂 — Suzanne


  29. Certainly great expression of a sentiment many of us can relate to. My immediate thought and I sang the song for weeks after was “unchain my heart….”. I love your “reformatting my voice”
