Oh Captain My Captain… There But For the Grace.

It is the 2nd anniversary of Robin Williams’ death, and I still miss him. I know, he wasn’t a personal friend; I didn’t know him in “real life,” but I loved him. He was out there making magic, for most of my adult life… and several years before that. I miss him. I am sharing this post again, while I struggle to write new ones, to remember all of the things I loved most about him.

This post also marks my own coming out. I had not shared my own struggle with suicide and depression, until I posted this piece. Much has changed in the past several years. I am well. I am strong. But Robin Williams is a reminder that many of us stumble. We feel alone; we feel sad and hopeless; we don’t know what to do. Robin Williams is a reminder that endings like his leave only pain and lost opportunities. I am here, as a reminder that things do change. We do find strength, and joy, and reasons to live. If you are struggling, please reach out.


*As you start this post, know that there are some great links here. I spent a lot of time digging them up– there are so many, it’s hard to choose!  Play them. It’s been a full week since I he…

Source: Oh Captain My Captain… There But For the Grace.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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8 Responses to Oh Captain My Captain… There But For the Grace.

  1. Love this post. I miss him too. Keep staying strong.


  2. Cathy Ulrich says:

    I reread this post and it still touches me in the ways in which I commented that first time. Months after Robin’s death, his wife revealed that he had been suffering from an aggressive form of dementia and that this fulminating loss of cognition was the reason that he chose to end his life. I think I can understand that. For someone so incredibly brilliant, this would have most likely been the ultimate loss, and so he chose to leave before the disease had a chance to render him incapable of making the choice that he did.

    This revelation in no way diminishes the loss that I (and you and many others) feel, but I’m left with an even deeper compassion for his decision. At least we can now understand why.

    Blessings, Dawn.


    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve thought a lot about this, Cathy, for both personal reasons, and just out of compassion for that kind of pain. An still, I struggle with that decision, and the enormously painful impact it has on the those he left behind… namely, his children, but friends and family, and fans too. So many repercussions! And again, I feel enormous compassion for the act he felt compelled to take, but I still feel it is a decision that leaves so many other people lost.

      I appreciate each ad every comment you share. Every single one is thoughtful and meaningful. Thanks for your support and wisdom, Cathy; it is so very appreciated. xox


    • jabber says:

      “endings like his leave only pain and lost opportunities”

      Just want to thank you for the post. I feel like I’ve felt the weight of your words, and they are to me a beautiful reminder of my own struggle.
      I too had never met the man, however I also miss him, greatly. Many days, possibly weeks I’ve spent immersed viewing/re-viewing his works. I’ve been graced with the discovery of 19, of which 7 are of my all-time, favourite favourite flicks, 3 that would be in my ‘favourites’ selection and 4 childhood favourites/classics from my time.

      “hopelessness you feel in that moment, always passes”

      These words do and shall ring true to me always.
      Thank you again, and I hope you continue to strive towards truth and find happiness, and your goals be reached.


      To Robin:

      I miss you dearly buddy. I know you don’t know me .. but your works have affected me in so many ways, indescribable and not. I wish there was something/more I could have done for you in return. One is happy to be of service.
      I will cherish your works, and remember you for the rest of my journey ..

      1 Love


      7 of my all-time, favourite favourite flicks:

      Bi-Centennial Man
      Good Morning Vietnam
      Dead Poets Society
      (A.I. Artificial Intelligence)
      Good Will Hunting
      Death to Smoochy

      5 that would be in my ‘favourites’ selection:

      The Birdcage
      The Fisher King
      Cadillac Man
      Patch Adams

      4 Childhood Favourites/Classics from my time.. :

      Hook, Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji,

      Adrian Cronauer
      John Keating
      Joey O’Brien
      Dr. Malcom Sayer
      Peter Banning
      Leslie Zevo
      Daniel Hillard
      Alan Parrish
      Armand Goldman
      Sean Maguire
      Dr. Adams
      Andrew Martin
      Dr. Know
      Rainbow Randolph

      Oh Captain, My Captain … nanu nanu!


      • Welcome to Tales From the Motherland, and thank you so much for taking the time to read my work and share your own meaningful thoughts. I agree with so many of your movie choice, but then, Robin Williams remains one of my favorite actors. His death does not change that. Thank you for your kind, supportive words, and for taking the time to share them.


  3. Thanks for sharing this beautiful and purposeful tribute again. I missed it the first time around. I have so many thoughts about depression, but can’t seem to finds the right words here (I think it wants its own post). Robin was brilliant and we were all shocked when he left. We are fortunate to have so many of his talented performances to look back on. I’m so glad you decided to stay during your darkest time. It definitely leaves a big hole in the world when a person goes before their time. You and your writing would be very missed.

    Liked by 1 person