I Like Mike.

Note: there are several links in this post, to other bloggers who I follow and enjoy. there are many others, but check out the posts I’ve included.

Over the nearly two years that I’ve been blogging, I’ve had the good fortune and pleasure of meeting some very interesting people in the blog world (on line).  As bloggers, we share one main thing right up front: we put it out there, in our writing. Some bloggers write about their personal lives, some write about interest topics (food, travel, news, etc) and some combine themes. Many of us travel in the same circles, and so we eventually notice each other. From there, the we check out each other posts.  It’s a wonderful circle, where one good thing begets another good thing. Consequently, some of us get to know a lot about each other as we read each other’s work, and/or comments, and eventually we sometimes connect through follow up emails—where things are a little more personal.  As fellow bloggers we often challenge each other; we roast each other; we comfort; we educate, we support each other in our journeys, and sometimes, we actually meet… face to face.

Word traveler, Mike L.

Word traveler, Mike L.

Mike, at the blog Applecore, is one of the people who I’ve gotten to know over time. He started following my blog many months ago, and I then checked out what he was writing about. At the time, Mike was living in Panama with his wife. The first few posts that I read were interesting, as I love to travel and it was fun to read about their experiences. Then I learned that they were not just traveling, they have created an amazing lifestyle that I find fascinating: The Six Monthers.  Mike and his wife sold everything, boxed up the few things they could not part with (only a handful of boxes that fit in the corner of her parent’s garage), and they now live in locations around the world for six months, and then they move on to a new country. They are seeing the world, six months at a time— Wow! That really caught my attention, and I’ve been a fan ever since.

Over time I left comments on Mike’s blog site and he left them on mine. Mike read a post about where I live and let me know that he too hales from the state of Washington. Then we figured out that I live a few towns away from his daughter, and somewhere along the line we agreed that if he was ever in the area we’d try and meet up for coffee. And we went on reading each other’s work. He sent me some edits when he found little mistakes on my post, and I did the same for him. Our blog friendship grew, and I figured one day maybe we’d meet.

When he recently emailed me that he was in the area, and that he’d  that he’d be a few miles from my home, to run some errands, we agreed that some facet to face time, and coffee was in order. Today it finally happened: I had the pleasure of meeting up with Mike to talk blogs, family, travel, writing, and life. What a pleasure to meet this lovely man, who’s living such an interesting and dynamic lifestyle. When I pulled up to the location where we were meeting, I knew his face instantly from some of the pictures he has shared on his blog. We met with a big hug, which just seemed natural. After months and months of sharing details and touching base with each other in a comment box, it really did feel like meeting an old friend, finally.

We fell into easy conversation and compared notes on so many things in the blog world. We both love writing our blogs, and we love reading other blogs. We both want to improve our “readership,” but we also want to remain true to what we write. We agreed that it’s frustrating (Hurtful? Disappointing?) when you follow and comment on posts for other bloggers, but they don’t visit yours. It’s a slippery slope sometimes… remembering that we’re all strangers on one level, but we also have gotten to know each other on another. The ties are vague, but we’re all putting ourselves out there and that can lead to some expectations. I struggle with this more than Mike. We both worry about word count, finding interesting topics and not losing an edge.

Me and Mike, real time.

Me and Mike, real time.

It was fun to talk in real time— to use our kids’ real names and ask questions we’ve each had about the other’s posts, and each other’s lives. It was so relaxed and fun. Two hours were gone in a blip and I think we both could have chatted on.  I’m grateful for a lot of things that blogging has brought my way, but new friends tops the list. For a long time I’ve enjoyed Applecore, and the stories that Mike has to share with his readers. After today, I know that I like Mike, too.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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43 Responses to I Like Mike.

  1. That’s so cool! How very lovely to meet a blogging friend in person 🙂
    Great post x annie


  2. What a great story! I am fairly new to the Circle of Bloggers on WordPress, but I gotta say that I have encountered a few folks I’d really get a kick out of in person. For you, I am very happy that your meeting with Mike went over so well. I appreciate you sharing it with me.


    • Thanks Fearless! It was a blast. There are a number of people who I’d really like to meet in person, but this was the first time that I’ve crossed into that territory. No doubt I’ll read Applecore with a new eye from now on. Thanks for taking some time to check it out and comment!


  3. The Waiting says:

    It is indeed a pleasure to meet other bloggers! I have only met one face to face (other than Skype; I’ve Skyped with quite a few of my blogging pals) and the entire time, I felt so validated to have put so much energy and time into my blog simply because the conversation I had with my friend was so enriching and wonderful. I’m glas you got to meet Mike! That’s really, really cool how he and his wife are traveling the world in six month chunks. That is something I can really see us doing too after C is grown.


    • Wow, you skype with other bloggers?! I find it strange enough to skype with my own kids sometimes. Feel strange looking into the camera; struggle to just chat. There are numerous folk that I really think I’d enjoy meeting, but this opportunity fell in my lap. What a kick it was. Thanks for weighing in Emily.


  4. How great! I hope I’m next! I think meeting bloggers is so special. Everything comes together. I’ve only met one of my blogger friends in Austin and I got to hold her brand new baby. It was surreal. I kept saying, “I can’t believe I’m really with you!” I’m sure it was a little like that with you and Mike. His story is so inspiring, it doesn’t surprise me that you both met.
    LOVE the photo!!! You both look fantastic! 🙂


    • You are way up on my list Lisa… but I haven’t found the perfect PJs yet… cause we’ll be hanging out in bed, watching movies, listening to music, snacking and chatting! 😉 It will happen; I’m sure of it.


  5. nantubre says:

    Awesome! I met an online friend in person too and had the same ‘familiar’ experience. funny thing – We live probably 2500 miles apart and we met at a concert in Baton Rouge some two and a half or three years after meeting online!
    I love your traveling experiences. Please don’t stop!


    • Thanks so much nantubre! It was really a kick to finally meet Mike, after chatting on line. I imagine there will be others, but this was a real treat. One always remembers their first. 😉 Thanks so much for reading my post, and leaving a comment. Much appreciated!


  6. Carrie Rubin says:

    How cool that you met up in ‘real life’ and hit it off so well. My nature will probably preclude me from doing something similar, but I enjoy reading about those of you who have linked up outside of the blogosphere. 🙂


  7. Cathy Ulrich says:

    I loved this post, Dawn. There are so many people with whom I’ve connected on the blogosphere that I’d love to meet in person. I really feel like I know them. I’m so glad you got to spend “real” time with Mike. And I look forward to getting to know you better through this connection that we’ve made recently. Who knows? Maybe I’ll come to Washington or you’ll come to Colorado!


    • When you come to WA, we’ll got take some amazing photos together, and visit the museum of anthropology. WA is a photographer’s dream! I’m enjoying the connection too… and now I’ve got a taste for face to face time! Thanks for your comment Cathy.


  8. Lyssapants says:

    What a cool experience. I hope more are to come!


  9. misslisted says:

    I would love to have coffee with you!


  10. All I can say after reading your post is the feelings are mutual. I was taken by surprise when we looked at the clock and nearly two hours had blown by. It felt like we had just started talking. I only wish I had brought my camera so I would have my own photo for an upcoming post.
    Thank you for the feedback about providing greater details about living abroad. I will keep that in mind going forward. And most of all, thank you for your friendship! I look forward to our next visit. – Mike


  11. I’ve met a few of my “blog” friends– it is really fun. I’m sure I’ll be in your neck of the woods one day- yoga mat and hiking boots in hand, ready for adventure.


  12. meagan mac says:

    You are truly fearless!! What a fun story–glad it worked out. I don’t think I’ve ever met a blogger online and then face-to-face…only the other way around so far. I’d still like to connect with you again in real life, and though it wouldn’t really count because I’ve met you before, I still think it would be a good first step 🙂


  13. Adam S says:

    Thanks for the plug, Yo! This Mike dude’s got it going on. That’s ideal living. When I get caught up with all the other bullshit I’m caught up in right now, I’m gonna go around and catch up. I’ve been extremely busy, side-tracked, yadda yadda yadda…

    Talk soon! \m/


  14. etomczyk says:

    I really enjoyed this post. My husband and I are trying to decide where we’d like to relocate (we are world travelers, as well) while I continue to write once he retires. He’d love living somewhere for 6 months at a time but I’m not quite sure I could be away from our grandson that long. I loved the concept that you got to meet one of your blogging pals. Bloggers, especially here on WordPress, tend to form delightful communities, and eventually meeting them would be a blast. If I’m ever in the State of Washington, I’ll give you a shout out. 🙂


    • If you’re ever in WA, you’d BETTER give a shout out! Or, if you’re in Vancouver… that’s even closer. I think the 6 monthers are not for everyone, but it’s amazing what they’re doing!! Mike and his wife love to give advice about all of this, as they like the community they form in the various places they live, with the other expats, or travelers, who they meet… on line or in person. It was a fun meet and greet for sure!


  15. Pingback: Planes, Trains and Automobiles, or The Daily Quest for Coffee « Applecore

  16. Pingback: When Bloggers Meet « Applecore

  17. Pingback: The Bucket List Experience You Can’t Buy | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  18. Pingback: Meeting Our Soul Mates Through Words: and Other Adventures In Blogging | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

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