Friday Fictioneers: Be Careful What You Wish For…

friday-fictioneersWell…  Once again, I forgot to link up, for 10 hours; but better late than never!  Friday Fictioneers is brought to you each week by the indefatigable Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, who leads our band of merry writers, in weekly photo-prompt flash fiction. It is also her birthday this Thursday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROCHELLE! Thank you so much for all you do each week, to make FF so wonderful!   You can find other 100-word stories on Rochelle’s blog, Addicted to Purple. Join us, or just enjoy the wide variety of stories.  This week’s photo was provided by our hostess, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. **Please leave a comment. I always welcome honest, thoughtful or constructive feedback.

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Be Careful What You Wish For (100 words)

“Please put your shoes away; they don’t belong on the kitchen floor.”

“Mom, what’s the big deal? I’m going to wear them again in a little while.”


“Put your dishes in the dishwasher when you’re done eating; don’t leave them in the sink!”

“Yeah, I know, Mom. I will.”

“You know what? And when?”


“Seriously, put your stuff away! This isn’t a dorm, it’s our home.”

“Yeah, I know.”

I come home from the airport– my daughter headed 7,000 miles away, my son 8,000 miles, chasing their dreams. Tears burn in my eyes, as I stand in my clean, silent kitchen.

*    *    *

What do I want? I’d love to see my Tales From the Motherland Facebook page reach 500 likes in 2014. Have you stopped by to spread some fairy dust? Follow me on Twitter, it’s where I try to be brief.  Most importantly, if you like a post hit Like, and leave a comment. I love to hear what readers think.  Follow along; you’ll get each new post delivered by email, with no spam.  If you see ads on this page, please let me know. They shouldn’t be there.  © 2014 Please note, that all content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, please give proper credit. Plagiarism sucks.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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78 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Be Careful What You Wish For…

  1. Dawn, Don’t worry. That’s part of the reason they love you. You’re just being a mom. They leave for a while, but they’ll come back now and again because that’s “home.” Some day they’ll probably remember those times when they do the same things with their kids. Well written as always. 🙂 —Susan

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jgroeber says:

    There’s a beautiful old Erma Bombeck column where she writes to a young mother who is lamenting the drudgery of her housework-filled days. It ends with Erma describing walking through a perfectly clean house over and over, and it makes me get the chokey voice every time.
    A beautiful reminder of how fleeting these days, these little hands,these messy faces, these Legos everywhere, are.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hbksloss says:

    Quiet and clean versus cluttered and lived-in. I love both!


  4. kjlangton says:

    hugs. and tears.


  5. Melanie says:

    An empty (and clean) house is quite an adjustment. It takes time, like most things.

    (Side note, I noticed a typo (I think): “bid deal” should be “big deal”, yes?)


  6. An empty house.. one has to get used to it.. and there sure has to be some advantages too. but the longing.. and then the excitement.. They will keep coming back all the time.. that’s the beauty of it.


  7. Thank you for the reminder. As I gripe and badger my son about picking up his Legos, I’ll have to keep in mind about how quiet and relatively clean my house will be one day. I say relatively because my husband has a huge problem with organization (don’t know if it’s part of his dyslexia or ADD or a combination of both), and his stuff is everywhere, too.


  8. Grace says:

    Ah, tender story. My grandson started kindergarten today…the Wheel keeps turning, and with the end of one season, another is just beginning.


  9. Lovely! This reflects so many things that have been going on in your life! I sometimes “flog” myself for these exact same rants, thinking, “Does it REALLY matter if Donn leaves his shoes in the middle of the floor?” NO! Someday I might plead to have them in my way…..


  10. Mike Lince says:

    Ah, summer is over, and so is vacation time. What an adjustment for your home to go from busy to suddenly quiet. That has to be emotionally draining. It has to be all the more difficult for your children to be so far away. I can almost imagine the echos of laughter they left behind. They will be back because they know you make them feel at home like no one else can. In the meantime, relish the memories with your morning coffee in your neat and orderly home. – Mike


    • Thanks Mike, but you give me far too much credit! No doubt, they are relieved to have their own space again and be out from under my “issues.” Some day they may miss it, and me, but for now they are loving their adventures… as it should be, I suppose. But thank you for your ever supportive words! I love that about you. 🙂


  11. Aww really emotional. My eldest has just left home. Can’t get used to shopping for one less. My fridge is bursting.


    • When my eldest left, I did the same thing for a long while! She was gluten free too, and I’d stalk up on GF stuff, and then realize we didn’t need it. One by one mine have left. My eldest has just immigrated to Israel, my middle graduated college in May and is in Australia for a year and my youngest graduated high school, but is staying local for a while… I told him he can never leave. 😉 They don’t prepare you for this stage, when you’re reading all of those parenting books. Thanks for sharing, and hugs– from one mom to another.


  12. Shilpa Gupte says:

    Beautiful story!
    My house/kitchen are clean, in the sense that there aren’t any toys/stuff lying around, but there is dog hair all around and I enjoy every bit of the ‘hairy’ look my house has! 🙂 Better messy than quiet, right?! 🙂


  13. Well captured. My house always seems to be a mess from my younger children but my eldest has just left for university, so I have both things going on at the same time.
    I wrote an article for the local paper I work for this week on the subject of the ’empty nest’ and a local poet very kindly let me use one of her poems for it. It’s such an emotional time, I think letting go is the most challenging part of parenting


    • It is indeed, Siobhan! I’ve done it several times now… and with three exchange students as well. You’d think it would be old hat, but my heart still bleeds a bit, each time. Thanks for sharing; I appreciate your thoughts.


  14. Dear Dawn,

    In a few words you’ve reduced me to tears. Well done.




    • After visiting your son and DIL, I’m sure you understand, Rochelle! Shabbat Shalom! My girl is celebrating her first Shabbat in Jerusalem, as a new citizen of Israel. They greeted her at the airport with whistles and flags, and her friends are all taking her out… gulp. I’m happy for her, but sad at the same time. Thanks for your kind comment. Shalom.


  15. Shandra says:

    Lovely. True. Wise.


  16. So well said! My son is off for the first time in a week, I will really miss him, even though he’s only about 60 miles away, not thousands!


  17. Hmmm, sounds like a page from your diary. 🙂 Nicely written, Dawn.



  18. wmqcolby says:

    Awwww. One of the sad points of parenting, the saying goodbye. 😦 Well, for some, anyway (my parents joked they were going to rent out my room!). 😀
    Sweet story with your usual high caliber touch, Dawn. Splendid! 🙂


  19. BrainRants says:

    So true. Very nice, Dawn.


  20. K.Z. says:

    aww i felt the mom’s longing in this story…


  21. Dee says:

    An empty nest takes some getting used to and no matter what everyone says to make you feel better, inside your heart still aches. Life has to go on and we have to adapt and do the things mothers do.

    Sending you a big hug

    Dee 🙂


  22. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Dawn, I love your story and certainly can relate to it. We raised 4 sons in this house and every bump and bruise on it (the ones that haven’t been repaired) I blow a kiss to occasionally. When we took my oldest to school, we brought him back with us so he could get his car and take another small load. I literally cried all the way home with him in the van (after dropping off the first load). When he left our house, 2 hours later, I tried to make it merry for him but, as soon as his car turned the corner, my legs felt like jello. At least our children have all settled here in Kansas City area and I’m so thankful for that. They have all married and have their own children. Gosh, time goes by too quickly and I talk too much. Really Dawn, I loved your story. Have a wonderful year – they will come back home! Shalom, Nan 🙂


    • Thanks for sharing such lovely memories, Nan. I appreciate you sharing. As for talking to much, you’re talking to a talker! 😉 No worries. I love that you read my story, and it stirred these personal memories for you. That’s why I write. Shalom!


  23. rgayer55 says:

    I loved this one, Dawn. I remember hounding our kids about stuff like this. I even threatened to reduce their allowance by 25 cents every time they left a light on and I had to turn it off. Jesse once had to wash the same skillet seven times before it got a passing grade. They hated me and their mom for it at the time, but it taught them life skills. Now they have kids of their own. Alas, the cycle of yelling at children continues.


  24. Amy Reese says:

    Yeah, I know. That worked well repeating that. I bet you might want to hear that one again without the messes to worry about. I can’t imagine where you’re at now, but life is a journey even if you don’t leave your house. They will return again, and when they do, I bet it will feel really good.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Start leaving your own dishes out and you can start nagging yourself. You’ll feel better.
    It’s like leaving the TV on for company.
    Some people are comforted by the sounds.
    You can comfort yourself by keeping up the mess and torturing yourself about a messy house.

    Or, you an enjoy a clean house, get naked, and party hardy.

    I do.


    Now, time for me to nag you: get going, no pity pot, have fun, ,yadayadayada…

    Liked by 1 person

  26. That’s why I keep a messy house, so I can delude myself my kids are still there. And how about those wacky people who say things like “your kids are finally out of the house, you must be loving it!”


  27. subroto says:

    It seems all we do on the weekend is clean. Who knows one day they might start doing it on their own without being asked. Now that will be a miracle indeed.


  28. What a lovely story, Dawn. Even the little annoyances are missed when loved ones leave. I have to say that reading your story, I thought, this sounds a lot like my husband. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  29. I love your work. Your words grab you and hook you up to the last lines, and then, once you reach there, your mouth drop, “what? This is it? This is the end? I want more.”

    Liked by 1 person

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