The 2018 Annual Attitude of Gratitude: Bloggers Flood The Internet With Happiness & Positivity!


It’s the 5th annual Attitude of Gratitude! In the past I’ve called it 50 Happy Things, but the goal is the same: to see bloggers unite to flood the internet with gratitude. Happy-Gratitude, it all = Good stuff! For the past two years I’ve opted out on New Year’s resolutions and decided to go with intention. It’s been a challenging few years, and I decided to focus on gratitude; it’s always timely. The Linkup is effective from today until January 31st at 11:59pm. Share this with your blogging friends; join us in spreading gratitude!

I’m doing this a teeny bit differently this year, based on feedback from some of you, and observations from the past 4 years. First, this is really a blog hop as well as a chance for all of us to pause and share positivity. So, please follow these simple instructions:

1) Please read my post/list and leave a like and a comment. It feels good to be appreciated. I’ll do the same. What’s not to like; it’s gratitude!

2) Add a link to this/my post in your post, so your readers come back to read mine; I can add their link to the collection, and enjoy the fruits of my labor. It’s a bigger tidal wave of positivity if we’re all linked. It’s more fun! In addition, I love reading all of the posts, and once they link to me, I’ll add their link at the bottom of mine.

3) Set a timer for 15 minutes. Really; do it (it’s in red, clearly I mean it). This isn’t your usual post. It’s meant to be as spontaneous as you can be. It’s not supposed to be finessed, but from the heart. You’re not explaining every thing you put on your list, you are just listing as many things as you can, in 15 minutes. Once you start the timer, start your list. The goal is to write things that make you happy, or things you’re grateful for. Don’t think too hard; just write what comes to mind in the time allotted. If you use the numbered mode and just type what comes to mind, it’s easy. When the timer’s done, finish whatever sentence you’re on and stop writing. If you’d like to add links or photos, do it after the timer; keep your list short and spontaneous. 

4) Be sure to click on the blue link at the bottom of my post, and add your info to the inlinkz, so that folks can find all of us in one place. I will also add each of you to the bottom of my post. I update it daily.

5) Include instructions in your piece, or provide a link to mine, and ask your readers to join us.

6) Finally, when you tag your piece, or share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media, use these hashtags #AttitudeOfGratitude #BloggersUnite to our impact is collective.

The holiday season has a way of rushing in every year, making it hard to remember that throughout the year there are blessings. There are so many things that bring joy, so many happy things; yet it’s easy to lose sight of this fact, as we manage busy lives. For the fifth year in a row, this is an opportunity to hit pause and focus on all the good things that each of us has in our lives.

In 2014 I followed in the footsteps of Jen over at Jenny’s Lark, and wrote a list of 50 things (in 10 minutes) that I was grateful for in 2014. The list actually became 60 things, because I still had time, and a lot to be grateful for. The exercise was originally a spin off a Daily Prompt challenge. Those Daily Prompts are something to be happy/grateful about, if you haven’t checked them out yet, do it now! Jen’s an incredibly talented woman, who works to help others at work, and then comes home and creates beautiful artwork and gorgeous writing. Check out her blog for a dose of true magic. Jen and I had so much fun with it in 2014, that we added links to each other’s blogs, and other bloggers followed suit.

In 2015, happy-gratitude exploded as I invited a few bloggers and suggested we all come together and share gratitude. Bloggers begat more bloggers, in a blog hop of sorts and it grew… and grew… and grew! And once again, Jen had another great idea: focus on happy and be grateful. It’s about choosing happy, choosing positive, over the negative things that we could focus on. Gratitude or Happiness–– Chicken or egg?

The 2015 project–– something I thought would be small and easy–– turned into something huge, with 74 bloggers joining in. I met so many cool new bloggers, and my happiness and gratitude grew exponentially. In 2016 a lot of bloggers bowed-out. As the inauguration loomed, many said they just weren’t up for it. That year, I needed all of this positivity more than ever! There were 30 bloggers who shared their happy thoughts and gratitude.

Each year I’ve read every post, to see what we have in common, and how we differ. Those places where we meet, and where we are unique, are a beautiful thing and a great way to start the year.  Admittedly, it’s hard not to go back and edit my list, each time I find something wonderful on your lists… but it gives me things to focus on next year. When I express gratitude, I find myself feeling happy, and if I list happy things, I inevitably feel grateful–– either way, it’s win/win! I guarantee, you’ll find yourself smiling, feeling grateful and happy, if you spend 15 minutes reflecting on positivity. Couldn’t we all use more of that? Think of this as a blog party, to share happy, grateful thoughts. 



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What I am grateful for from 2018  (in no particular order)

  1. My family
  2. My kids
  3. My husband
  4. My 3-year-old grandson, Amitai- my sun, moon, and stars
  5. Boats on the water
  6. The full moon each month
  7. Popcorn
  8. Frozen dark chocolate covered bananas
  9. Going to the movies
  10. Whistler, Port Townsend, Home–– my happy places
  11. Water, to drink, to bath & swim in, to look at.
  12. Driving in my car, with the radio on
  13. Reunion with friends back east… AMAZING!
  14. Music, EVERY day
  15. Personal growth, therapy
  16. Sleep— I need a lot more of it
  17. Orgasms
  18. Puzzles
  19. My dogs Gracie and Luna
  20. Air flight, any travel
  21. Fresh flowers
  22. A first snow
  23. Girl’s night out
  24. Hiking solo
  25. Hiking with friends/family
  26. Alexa, and all the music she shares with me
  27. Dental floss
  28. WA state ferries
  29. Writing & blogging. My writing group.
  30. Good books. My book group.
  31. The blogging community- you guys rock!!
  32. Amitai- each and every chance I get to see him. (he lives overseas)
  33. Sun on the water
  34. My laptop
  35. The Internet–– it’s magic!
  36. My pillow w/a cold pillowcase
  37. My husband & friends, when I was recovering from meningitis
  38. British Airways, who got me home when I was so sick–– They rock!
  39. Anticipating the birth of our 2nd grandson, in January 2019
  40. Reuniting with my brother. It has been one of THE highlights of 2018!
  41. Green moss on trees
  42. Mountains
  43. The Pacific NW- it’s a magical place
  44. My dogs–– They make me smile every day!
  45. Regular dinner parties with friends
  46. My work at Hospice- The people I serve, the people I work with.
  47. Sunsets
  48. Good food.
  49. Sushi, sushi, sushi! Every Friday, and any other day.
  50. My cell phone—a computer in my hands
  51. Fresh sheets on my bed
  52. Fresh seafood
  53. Fall colors
  54. Our new property and the house we’re building (expected completion 3/20)
  55. The chance to design and create a home we will live forever in
  56. Museums–– art, and more art. Always art.
  57. SO EXCITED FOR OUR NEW GRANDSON… and to see the one who’s already here!
  58. The desert.
  59. Our trip to Tahiti— magic, beyond magic!
  60. Hummingbirds at my window daily
  61. My sea glass
  62. Yellow post-it notes
  63. Love & Kindness
  64. #MeToo & #TimesUp- knowing we are not alone, and feeling supported
  65. Friends who fill my life with joy. I am so grateful for each of you.
  66. Shoes. I might have a problem.

That’s my list for in 2018. I know I’ve forgotten some things, and I’m sure I’ll see things on your lists that inspire me; but that’s the point! There’s a lot to feel overwhelmed by these days–– in the news, in our cities, towns and homes, on our planet and in our environment. It’s good to stop and remember that there’s also a lot to be grateful for!

If you’re wondering: Yes, I do type very fast (I got an A in typing, 40 years ago!) and I had been thinking about this for a while. Once I set the timer, it went very fast. I added photos and links after I was done. That takes a lot longer!

Remember: please follow the instructions at the top. If you have any trouble with the link up (it can be confusing), feel free to contact/PM me on my Tales From the Motherland FB page, and I’ll help add your post. As I get link backs to mine, I’ll add each of you to the bottom of this post, so folks can find you two ways. Happy New Year and thanks for joining #BloggersUnite #AttitudeOfGratitude The 2018 Attitude of Gratitude is now officially open, and will close at 11:59pm Pacific on January 31, 2018.

Be sure to check out these other wonderful bloggers who have contributed this year : Melissa, Rochelle, April, Francine, Dale, Na’ama, Suzanne, Marian, Avalonia, Isadora, Dawn, Blissfully Creating, Emma, Courtney, Stephanie, Heather, Rushvi, Jackie

Inlinkz Link Party

*     *     *

GIPYKAPOW! Have you stopped by Tales From the Motherland Facebook page to spread some fairy dust? I’m grateful for each Like. Follow me on Twitter, LeBron James does (for real… well, he did. But he may have dropped me recently)! Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. Honest, constructive feedback is always appreciated. Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email,  no spam.

©2011-2019  All content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, I’m grateful, but please give proper credit and Link back to my work; plagiarism sucks!

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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76 Responses to The 2018 Annual Attitude of Gratitude: Bloggers Flood The Internet With Happiness & Positivity!

  1. Patti Imhof says:

    I love your list! It brings smiles

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brian Arbenz says:

    I have always liked and been moved by your writings. And that is not exaggerated!

    On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 12:05 AM TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND wrote:

    > Dawn Quyle Landau posted: ” It’s the 5th annual Attitude of Gratitude! In > the past I’ve called it 50 Happy Things, but the goal is the same: to see > bloggers unite to flood the internet with gratitude. Happy-Gratitude, it > all = Good stuff! For the past two years I’ve opted out on N” >

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Psychobabble says:

    Great list! I’m inspired. I’ll try to do this tomorrow, even if I have to lock myself in the bathroom for 15 minutes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lyn Keiran Smith says:

    Thank you for the much needed reminder that we have so much to be grateful for.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so welcome, friend! Hope your world is good and filled with happy things in 2019… it’s not always easy, right? But yes, there is so much to be thankful for, each and every day! Happy New Year! xo


  5. Pingback: The 2018 Annual Attitude of Gratitude: Bloggers Flood The Internet With Happiness & Positivity! | Psychobabble

  6. jgroeber says:

    Grateful for you and the positivity you share with the world (despite the days you struggle, which makes your positivity all the more precious.) Looking forward to more Dawn joy in 2019!



  8. Dear Dawn,

    I love that you do this every year. I found myself wondering about it this past month. Love your list. I found it interesting that both of us had reconnections with our brothers. Definitely the high point of my year. 😀 Happy New Year, my friend.




    Liked by 2 people

    • Rochelle, my next goal is to start writing some flash fiction again; I’ve missed our wonderful posse! So happy for both of us that we’ve been able to reconnect with our brothers. I honestly thought it was something that would probably never happen–– now, he’s a very special part of my life. I feel immense gratitude for that. Wishing you much happiness and success in 2019! xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Dawn,

        I look forward to seeing you back amongst the FF clan. Although it was a good year in so many ways, connecting with my brother in a new way was the pinnacle. So much has changed between us since August. ❤ I'm happy for you, too. There's nothing like having a sibling in your court, is there?

        Much love,



        • Amazing what a few months can do! My brother and I connected in June, and nothing’s been the same since. Yes, there’s nothing like “having a sibling in your court!” Really special, and I hope he and I continue work on nurturing this relationship. Much love in return, friend. xo

          Liked by 1 person

    • Fancy meeting you here gal-frend! (then again, I did ‘stalk’ Dale to get here … and I’ve got me a feeling that you who ‘hang out’ in some of the same good places) 🙂 Happy 2019! Grateful I’d come by your this year and now am a fairly regular FF’er! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • I met Dawn when she became a Friday Fictioneer. Dale joined us three years ago and we’ve become fast friends. I’m also grateful you’ve joined us. Happy 2019 to you, too, my friend. 😀

        Liked by 3 people

        • 🙂 I do like hearing those little stories of meet-and-find. How fun! And … here I stroll me-self into an established loveliness. I consider myself thoroughly spoiled!
          Here’s to a year of new and less-new and always-new-in-some-way friendships! That latter is often the best kind!

          Liked by 3 people

  9. April says:

    Dawn, thank you for all you do and the positivity that you brung to the blogging world. Wishing you a fabulous 2019!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: DAWN LANDAU’S ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE 2018 Challenge Jan 1st 2019 – Woman Walks Dog

  11. A great idea Dawn – I loved the 15 minutes of free flow writing. Here’s my link.

    DAWN LANDAU’S ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE 2018 Challenge Jan 1st 2019

    Liked by 1 person

    • So happy you joined in!! I love doing this each year, but honestly, my favorite part is reading all the other lists. Inevitably, I find things that I have taken for granted, that I too am grateful for. Thanks for taking the time; I’m grateful for your participation. Happy New Year!


    • Just looked at the Inlinkz and don’t see your post. If you send me your email (you can PM me on the Tales From the Motherland FB page), I can help you link up.


  12. Pingback: The 2018 Annual Attitude of Gratitude: Bloggers Flood The Internet With Happiness & Positivity! | A Dalectable Life

  13. Pingback: Wrap It Up In Gratitude | Na'ama Yehuda

  14. Yay, joining the party! (for some reason this version of linky thingy didn’t let me link my thing but I can still copy it here, so here tis’!)

    Wrap It Up In Gratitude


    Liked by 1 person

    • Na’ama, I’m so happy to have you join; it’s a wonderful thing to read all of these posts! I just left a long response on your blog, but re: the InLinkz, please visit my Tales From the Motherland FB page, and leave me a PM with your email and the link to your post. I’d be happy to make sure your’s is added to the collection. They really aren’t that easy to work sometimes! Happy New Year and thanks so much for taking the time!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Done! Check your ‘hidden messages’ folder, because FB sometimes chucks new ones into those … but you should see a PM from moi. Subscribed to your blog in the meanwhile–your writing is fun, but extra bonus is you having a grandson named Amitai (one of my nephews is an Amitai! :)).

        Liked by 1 person

        • It’s a beautiful name! I’m headed to Israel on Monday, to be with my little guy… and wait for the birth of his brother (as yet unnamed). How lucky we are to have an Amitai in our lives! Bonus that we found ourselves over gratitude!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Indeed it is! My Amitai is already a father to a sweetie of his own who is just now finding her first words (BTW, my nephew’s photos – and some of my other nieces and nephews – adorn many of my posts, so it is a nice connection through this, too).
            Safe travels to Israel and I hope all goes splendidly and smoothly and with utmost health for all involved. Would love to know the name of the new addition to the family when they name the little cutie-yet-to-be-born.
            Gratitude does take people to unexpected lovely places! 🙂


            • I will likely post something when he’s born… though my daughter doesn’t allow photos of her kids on my blog. SO hard for me to resist, but I respect her wishes. I’ll check out photos on your blog, as soon as I get a chance… love that we share an Amitai connection! He is my sun, moon and stars. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: A gratitude list – Being in Nature

  16. Suzanne says:

    Your list is really inspiring. It got me motivated to have a go at this challenge. I think I forgot the bit about keeping it succinct though.


    • NO worries about being succinct, Suzanne! It’s all about gratitude, and I love that you took the time to share your own list. I found several of your items intriguing and look forward to reading more. I’ve just added your post to the bottom of mine. Happy New Year!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. teensoul457741303 says:

    it is so refreshing to see someone relishing the small but good things in life.It’s a wonderful community you’ve bought together.Keep going


    • Thanks so much! I love that you joined us last year, and hope you’ll give it a try for this year’s challenge. I really do believe that when we pause and reflect on these positive things, it helps reset our brains and souls. Mush perhaps, but it works for me! Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: Attitude of Gratitude | Inside the Mind of Isadora

  19. Hello Dawn,
    I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you in the blogosphsere.
    Welcome back … I’m sure you’ve had a few exciting things going on.
    I plan to return to hear all about them. In the meantimes, I’ve added
    my Attitude of Gratitude for your wonderful challenge. A blessed way
    for us to realize how truly blessed we are. Thank you for hosting.
    I had to smile when you listed pillow as it is the one thing my hubby is connected to.
    He had a hotel ship his pillow once when he’d forgotten it. : )
    When I saw your dog, sunsets and movies I cringe as I forgot to add my King Pelu cat, fabulous Florida sunsets and wow movies – how could I forget those tissue box movies.
    Well … I could go on … You have a New Year of good health, joyful happiness, peace and more LOVE than your heart can hold.
    Isadora 😎
    ps – my e mail I have to the link but could not. I went through my google email.
    I usually don’t go to that one much. : (


    • Isadora, SO wonderful to hear from you! No doubt you found the breadcrumbs back to my space via Dale or Rochelle, and I’m so grateful you have. There are so many reasons I’ve been missing… my post right before the Gratitude one addresses a few, but mainly I’m hoping to get back in there. I’ve missed it and hope to dive back in now! Regardless, I love doing the annual Attitude of Gratitude–– it’s so wonderful to see how many other bloggers join in and contribute their wonderful lists as well. I enjoy reading every single one. So sorry you had trouble with the InLinkz. I really don’t know what happened this year, but it’s been a mess. Glad you were able to add your link, but sorry for the hassles. Happy New Year and thanks so much for joining in the positivity posse!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Pingback: Weekly Quote: An Attitude of Gratitude, Abbreviated | The Day After

  21. Charlia says:

    I know this is a post on gratitude, but in the spirit of trying to move towards a place of gratitude, I am wondering how you coped with the loss of a dear friend. I remember you made a post about losing a friend once (not through death, more like a breakup) and I am dealing with the pain of that right now and it’s hard to feel gratitude when you are in pain. Do you have any advice, having gone through that experience, in how to move on?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Charlia, wow; I’m amazed that remember that piece!
      I totally understand how feel. It’s really hard to feel grateful, or positive, when you’re mourning the loss of a relationship–– whatever the reasons for its end. Honestly, I’m not sure I should be giving anyone advice on how to cope; I seem to struggle with this myself. I can tell you that making this list does help, even if you write it just for yourself and never share it. The act of focusing on what makes you happy is a great diversion from sadness, and helps lift you out of that, even if for just a little while. Try it!

      I found that reaching out to other friends, especially those who I knew would listen and comfort me, was huge! It was a reminder that I’m not alone, just because one friend is gone. I still miss that person, but I’ve moved thru’ the really difficult part. Time, it does heal all wounds. It’s not that you forget, and maybe you always miss that person, but time does make a difference. There’s no rushing it. Cry. Cry a lot. Or get angry. Whatever, is there, don’t ignore it or pretend it doesn’t hurt. Go out and do things. I walk a LOT and it’s a great way to clear my head, process things, and move on. It’s so personal, and what works for me, may not work for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It sucks. Sit down and make that list. Don’t force it, just write what comes to mind. I hope the weeks ahead bring some peace, and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and reading my work. I’m grateful. 🙂


  22. Pingback: {attitude of gratitude}

  23. Pingback: The Annual Attitude of Gratitude - Believe in Bumble

  24. Here is my list Dawn! Loved the challenge. Sorry it took a few days to get it done!! Happy New Year! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Pingback: 2019 ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE | Blog Me This....

  26. Pingback: Grateful | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  27. Pingback: 2019 Attitude of Gratitude – Making Time For Me

  28. Okay, now I’m craving chocolate and bananas…:D.
    So great to hear the wonderful things in your world, Dawn! Life is sounding fabulous with you.
    Thinking I might join you… will have to get on it quick…
    Happy New Year!!!!
    xxx Kat


  29. Pingback: Claire Fuller | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  30. Pingback: Attitude Of Pulchritude | Chamblee54

  31. chamblee54 says:

    Here is my 444 words. Looking up the details for my yahoo account, to verify the entry, was an exercise in nostalgia.


  32. Pingback: Reject The Black-White Binary | Chamblee54

  33. I am almost finished with my post. It should go live tomorrow. Thanks for the gentle nudges.


  34. Pingback: A Zookeeper’s Gratitude | Becoming Cliche

  35. Pingback: Gratitude for the soul – 2018 – Rushvi Jain

  36. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Infinity | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  37. Pingback: The 2018 Annual Attitude of Gratitude: Bloggers Flood The Internet with Positivity! | Tales from the Anxiety Ridden

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