As my final days in Israel wind down, I know I will miss my beautiful grandsons. At three, A is the light of my life, and his new baby brother has been a dream to cuddle. No doubt, the inspiration for this story comes from the reminder of what it is to be a young parent.

CORRECTION: Ok, here’s a funny side story. Here in Israel, Shabbat starts at sundown on Friday, and everyone has at least half the day off. Then Saturday is a full day off as well.  The work week begins again on Sunday–– Sunday is like Monday at home. This throws me off a little every week when I’m here. Maybe because I’m preparing to go home soon, my brain really got turned around completely, as this week I’ve been ahead by a day since Sunday.

All day today, I was sure it was Wednesday. Wednesday is Friday Fictioneers day. So I went to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ page, saw this photo and ran with it. I put it up and even added it to the InLinkz on her page… A few hours later, I woke in a panic, and realized I had the wrong day, and the wrong writing challenge.

But, I don’t have the heart to pull this down.

Ironically, sometimes two wrongs do make a right. After a year of being stuck in a funky deep, dark, writer’s block… I’m apparently unstuck! Thanks for the photo, Rochelle; I’ll try again tomorrow.

IT GETS BETTER! So… I took down the Friday Fictioneers tags, I wrote that correction and I waited for Wednesday to come, which comes here (in Israel) 8 hours before it comes to Rochelle’s home. Dale watched the whole thing transpire, as I slept.

Now it’s Wednesday, here and there. I just saw the photo prompt and voilà; it works for this story! The underwater photo is the wrong photo, one of Rochelle’s photos for Pegman, but the one that inspired my story. The official Friday Fictioneers photo prompt, below the underwater photo is the correct one and works quite nicely with my story… Hmm, maybe it’s THREE wrongs make a right? Sleep deprivation leads to creativity? Or something like that. I’ve given credit for both photos, and hopefully Rochelle finds this as amusing as I do! I know she loves kismet as much as me.

If you read all of the preamble, bravo for you! It’s amusing, if not convoluted. Many thanks to Rochelle for her passionate commitment to Friday Fictioneers, I’m so grateful for this happy writing spot. As always, I welcome honest, constructive feedback. Please leave a comment.


©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields



©J Hardy Carroll


“Honey, what is it?” Jared stroked Ellie’s cheek, as she stared blankly out the window. “You can tell me; why were you crying?”

She shrugged, and turned her face away from his earnest gaze.

“I don’t understand; everything’s so wonderful. Why are you sitting here by yourself?”

Her eyes filled with tears again, but she remained silent.

“Most people would die to live in this neighborhood, we have a beautiful, healthy new son; what could be wrong?”

Ellie struggled with words. She just wanted to curl up and watch the sky.

“I just feel so blue,” she whispered.

(98 words)

*     *     *

GIPYKAPOW! Have you stopped by Tales From the Motherland Facebook page to spread some fairy dust? I’m grateful for each Like. Follow me on Twitter, LeBron James does (for real… well, he did. But he may have dropped me recently)! Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. Honest, constructive feedback is always appreciated. Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email,  no spam.

©2011-2019  All content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, I’m grateful, but please give proper credit and Link back to my work; plagiarism sucks!


About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
This entry was posted in Depression, Flash fiction, Friday Fictioneers, Honest observations on many things, Life, Love, Motherhood, Tales From the Motherland, Women's issues, Writing and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

101 Responses to BLUE

  1. Well done!
    There are many shades to maternal depression – some cases may not ‘qualify’ for a clinical diagnosis or need more than time, support, rest, good food, and cuddles, but they still reflect the hormonal roller-coaster of postnatal adjustment, fatigue, stress, and all that having a new baby can bring up. Then there are those women who suffer full out postnatal depression (even psychosis), and deserve adequate support, understanding, and help.
    Shining a light on this is so immensely important! There are still too many who feel ashamed, embarrassed, as if they are doing something wrong or have to hide their feelings.
    Mothers, babies, and families deserve all the help they need.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Dale says:

    This is truly lovely, Dawn. Post-partum is a scary thing to experience from what I’ve heard (thankfully did not experience it myself.)

    You took Rochelle’s personal pic from “What Pegman Saw” 😉 This week’ss FF is a campfire!
    I won’t tell if you don’t 😉


  3. neilmacdon says:

    Serendipity is a wonderful thing. This story does fit, so well


    • Right? Isn’t it funny who things happen? As I prepare to pack up, and adjust to re-entry at home, my brain has been both sleep deprived and on fire. I thought I was late for the dance last night (all those night owls and folks on the other side of the world, always get in early!), and I end up as the first entry. Serendipity, kismet, space cadet–– to infinity and beyond! Thanks for reading Neil!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Dawn,

    Again leave up the Pegman picture. It works. In 2006 I also snorkeled in Eilat which was glorious, too.
    As for your story. Oh how I remember those days. I suffered postpartum blues with all of my boys, particularly the first one. Very well written, my friend. Enjoy your grandbabies.



    Liked by 1 person

  5. pennygadd51 says:

    You tell your story with great simplicity, and that makes it even more emotionally powerful. Kudos!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. granonine says:

    Post-partum depression, or “baby blues.” No joke, and impossible to understand unless you’ve had it. Beautifully described 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Excellent piece. Moods know no logic, especially not depression.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. k rawson says:

    Her pain is palpable. Wonderfully written piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. ceayr says:

    Good story.
    Happy Tuesday.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I remember the “I just want to curl up and watch the sky” days. I had the baby blues with both my babies. It is impossible to explain, I was thrilled to have them, but cried for weeks after. You described it so well. Get lots of grandbaby snuggles to take back with you! =)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Liz Young says:

    I remember that feeling, and you describe it so well. After two gorgeous girls we had completed our family (we thought) with a boy, and I should have been ecstatic.Not so, and it took a friend with the same problem being briefly sectioned for me to hightail it to the doctor. An unexpected fourth pregnancy seven years later threw me into a panic but fortunately I didn’t suffer that particular brand of blues again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, it’s amazing how many women have struggled with PPD, Liz. Not an easy thing at all, and so often not supported by others. Everyone thinks you should just get to it and be happy. So glad you had good support and help. Thanks for the feedback and for sharing your own story; I’m honored.


  12. Iain Kelly says:

    When the depression is so hard to understand, if it appears to be for no reason, the harder it is to deal with. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This is so well describe… I think the problem with depression is that it often doesn’t have a real reason… and baby bliss turns baby blues… wonderful story.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. StuHN says:

    No man is ever going to be able to truly understand what a woman goes through with birth or any depression afterwards. We can try, we can empathize, but…it’s like your tale: he just doesn’t get is. Very well expressed.


    • Well, I’m glad you said it and not me. 😉 I’ve been tempted, but I know that all of the hearts here are in the right place. It’s true though; it’s a woman’s thing. I appreciate the compassion and kind feedback.


  15. Excellent story! Glad I stopped by.


  16. kislaya says:

    Well written piece! Sometimes it is difficult to understand the reason for such sadness or depression that creeps up un-noticed…and post-partum depression is something that I have seen in my friend. She took almost 2 years to come out of it with the help of family and friends.


  17. Abhijit Ray says:

    She is depressed for some reason. She needs space to recover.


  18. Sandra says:

    As someone has already said,you told this story with great simplicity. In my experience, it’s really hard to talk about how you feel when you’re in the depths of a depression, and you captured this perfectly. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to sit there, say nothing and show they care. Other times rationalisation is needed. Whatever, the sensitive onlooker almost always feels as helpless as the victim. Good one. And I’m glad you’re over your ‘block’. I hope your creative force surges as a result of being dammed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sandra! From your mouth to …’s ear! I feel like it’s time to pull out of my own dark places and do what I love! It’s so good to reconnect with others I draw inspiration and encouragement from. Cheers!


    • Ok, I feel like I’m going loopy! I don’t see anything on J.Hardy or Rochelle’s site. Just the photo. J Hardy does mention bees, and insanity, but only in his story. I feel like I’m looking at one of the pictures that you need to stare hard at, to see the hidden image! Duh.


  19. Jelli says:

    Hehe, I did read your preamble and get it, entirely. I get knocked off on my schedule if I don’t get to church on Sunday, too. I love how you’ve taken the prompt in an unexpected direction. I like the underwater pic, too. It adds to your story’s depth. 🙂 ❤ Congrats on your new grandson, and blessings on getting to spend some time with your family! Shalom ~ Jelli.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Alice Audrey says:

    Baby Blues – and not the eye color. Husbands don’t really get it.


  21. Your preamble was just perfect. Heck! I’m out of whack due to not teaching because of the snow and lack of attendance. That’s only been a couple of weeks and I’m still in the same time zone I was when this started. You aren’t. Plus the days of the work week are being messed with there! I love this piece. I can imagine how a new baby would change things, for better or for worse. Well done.


    • Yes, that preamble went thru’ a few metamorphoses! 😉 And hopefully you will dig out soon!
      A new baby can do that, but then PPD is a biological, hormonal thing that really can blindside a woman. One of the hardest parts is that everyone, including the new mother, thinks they should be happy… it’s so devastating and inconceivable, to most people.


  22. There’s no quick fix for the blues. Maybe some music. Hope her man can work the wireless.


  23. You are right! Both pictures work. It is a sad story but one so many can relate to! Enjoy your last few days and safe travels back to the US! ❤


  24. I felt touched by your story – told in a gentle and empathic way. Nicely done.


  25. plaridel says:

    it’s understandable. everybody gets the blues especially a young mother.


  26. michael1148humphris says:

    I got the intro, I guess many writers have such moments. I loved that you told the tale and the story. Way back in my early working career I nursed people with severe depression. I met some lovely individuals and their babies. Memories

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for taking the time for reading all of that, and sharing your thoughts; it’s much appreciated. That’s important work, Michael! Glad you were there for them; a true mitzvah. What did you do in your career?


  27. Wow! How confusing but its anarchy and the first rule to the Friday Fictioneers are there are no rules, apart from the 100 words and writing something tenuously linked to the picture. I like it, its well written and so many of the posts can be really confusing to read anyway I think its fab!!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. 4963andypop says:

    Love all the logical questions, whose only answer is a color. Depression does not express itself logically, and can be baffling to those who prefer everything to be rational. You depicted that well.


  29. Corina says:

    Some days are just like this. Blue. It can be scary for those around us that want to make everything right. Sometimes we just have to let the blue be.


    • Yes, yes, yes! It’s so hard for some people, but I know that sometimes I just need to keep my feet in the fire, and come out the other side in my own time and way. Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Corina; it’s much appreciated.


  30. Oh my, Dawn. I had a good chuckle on your day to day confusions. LOL
    It happens sometimes. I keep posting on Fridays because I can’t bring myself to post my story earlier. I’m so boxed in. Thanks for msking my day with your funny confusions.
    I enjoyed reading your story. It gave me chills, as I know from my mother’s permanent (like in she never got out of it) post-partum depression when my younger borther was born, how overwhelming it can be. You wrote about it in quite a sensitive way. Well written despite the confusion. : )
    Have a wonderful weekend …
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  31. lisarey1990 says:

    This is really powerful. An excellent write.


  32. I think this works perfectly for FF, in fact, perhaps better. This kind of depression must be horrible. Just having a baby and wanting to feel excited but unable to. It’s very powerful.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Margaret says:

    Such a moving story, Dawn. Your dialogue shows powerfully her inability to understand why she’s feeling that way, and his concern. What a horrible condition it is – as other commenters have said. I’m glad you got your little mix-ups sorted out. Time differences can send you crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. gahlearner says:

    Ane excellent story. I wonder if and how post partum depression is related to the often occurring hormone-change driven depression in menopause. After giving birth, the hormones also jump upside down in women’s bodies. I hope someone close to her gets her help. And I loved, and chuckled at, the intro.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Beautiful story. Didn’t expect that from this picture.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. All’s well that ends well, it did fit the prompt very well and was a very powerful piece

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Abhijit Ray says:

    I think black cat assumes importance when her brother comes into picture. I can relate famiies do not want their daughter / son getting into a relation without being approved. Nice story.

    Liked by 1 person

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