Andrew Pochter: Everyone’s Son

Take a minute to read this story by my writing friend Lisa at Cyclingrandma. This is a story that barely dented the news, but should be seen. As the parent of a daughter who majored in Religious studies, lives in Israel and is as passionate about the Middle East as Andrew Pochter was, my heart grieves for his parents, and those who knew and loved him. The Middle East has lost a beautiful supporter.


As our nation celebrated its 237th birthday with fireworks, barbeques, parades, retail sales and even a few Declaration of Independence readings, I followed the news in Egypt. This country, with its history extending thousands of years, is still struggling to secure a government.

As I watched my grandchildren scamper like squirrels from the sandbox DSCN1290  to the baby pool, climb boulders and listen to stories, DSCN1314  I thought about a 21-year-old man I’d never met.

Andrew Pochter   pochterwas stabbed to death June 28 while observing the anti-government protests in Alexandria, Egypt. A rising junior at Kenyon College, Pochter, a religious studies major, was interning for the summer, teaching English to 7- and 8- year olds and improving his  Arabic.  He had planned to study abroad next spring in Jordan.

The perpetrator disappeared in the crowd.

The news about Egypt continues. The story about Andrew disappeared after one day.

View original post 138 more words

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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2 Responses to Andrew Pochter: Everyone’s Son

  1. Thanks for reposting this. We don’t want young people to lose their passions for making the world a better place; but we don’t want them in harm’s way either. It’s tough being the parent in these situations. I admire how you’ve coped with your daughter overseas– it was hard when mine were away- and one is talking about returning permanently in a few years.
