Friday Fictioneers: Moving On

Oops! I posted this on my page, but forgot to link up to Rochelle’s site. The excitement of being Freshly Pressed this weekend, here, completely caught me off guard, and the best laid plans… So, here it is.

This post is my contribution to Friday Fictioneers. This is my third week participating and it  has quickly become addictive! Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a weekly photo prompt on her site, and writers add their contributions. Check out other stories on Rochelle’s site, here.  This week’s photo was a challenge for me. It took some effort, but I got it down to 100, exactly.


Harry peeked inside the shop. Bev wasn’t behind the counter; so he waited. These used things made him edgy. He couldn’t avoid thinking about the past lives they’d inhabited, and how they were all cast off. It challenged his own mortality.

Bev was another story; she made him feel alive again. A year and a month since he’d lost Dorothy, it felt good to be interested in life again. He waited, poised at the door, for Bev to come from the back room. He looked forward to their lunch date, and willed himself to ignore the bride with a past.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
This entry was posted in Honest observations on many things. Bookmark the permalink.

27 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Moving On

  1. Mike Lince says:

    I love how your mind works. 🙂


  2. Cathy Ulrich says:

    I liked this a lot, Dawn!


  3. I’m glad Harry has found Bev in his life. When I think about writing this, I can’t help but think about the bride too. A bride always captures the spotlight. Maybe that’s it. I enjoyed this a lot. Nicely written, Dawn.


  4. Pam says:

    See we didn’t miss tentatively at all! Very well done! Love the bride with a past . Love love.


  5. Dan Hennessy says:

    Very nice story , full of feeling .


  6. Papa says:

    I don’t use a cane,yet.


  7. denmother says:

    You captured the picture of his expectation in this story. Nice job.


  8. pattisj says:

    Nice story. Our own mortality sneaks up on us after the loss of a loved one.


  9. I had a connection with the feelings of glancing through the windows of second hand stores. Where were these people now? How long did that marriage last? What was the story behind the old family photograph on the wall. A short story with both sadness but hope as well.
    Enjoyed this.


  10. Dear Dawn,

    You packed a lot of story and emotion into 100 words this week. All at once I felt Harry’s discomfort, past despair and hop for a future.. Well done.



    PS Happy Sukkot


    • Thank you so much Rochelle! As I’ve been reading the other entries, I started to realize that I hadn’t heard from those writers… it’s such a supportive group, and the bells finally went off, about an hour ago, when I realized I had forgotten to link up. Oops. It has been a world wind weekend with so many Fresh Pressed responses, but the Fictioneers has become a serious commitment for me, in three short weeks. Love what you have created and nurtured here! Such wonderful writers, and such great energy. Thanks for your support and kind words.

      And happy Sukkot! My daughter, in Israel was telling me all about her celebrations from what sounds like the most amazing Sukkah, this weekend. Such a lovely, celebratory holiday!



      • I understand what you’re saying, Dawn. From my first entry, a year ago April, I was hooked. It quickly became a passion that grew each week. It took me a while to understand comment reciprocation, though. In the meantime I’ve made some good friends.
        When Madison Woods, FF’s creator decided it was time for her to move on I was devastated. A couple of friends and my husband suggested I take it over. Well, the rest is, as they say, history. It’s still a passion.
        This exercise in brevity and word conservation has revolutionized my writing and found its way into my larger works.
        I went to Israel in 2006 where we celebrated Shavuot. I would love to go back someday. Where in Israel does your daughter live?


        • My daughter lives in Jerusalem, but spends a lot of time in Tel Aviv and Roch Pina (spelling). She has converted to Orthodox Judaism, and is making Aliyah. Big stuff in our family; I’ve written a lot about it. Check out this post: I’ve come a long way since that post. I accept her decisions, and support her passion, though it is still hard for our entire family.

          You do a wonderful job of supporting all of the writers on FF. You are so welcoming and kind, Rochelle. Thanks for sharing the history… I’m glad I found my way over!


  11. annisik51 says:

    A good read. You did a very good job of describing through the photo prompt and your character what it means to be aging.


  12. Yay Harry! I’m glad he has Bev, so sad about Dorothy. I always wonder about “vintage” clothes too, who wore them before and what were their lives like?


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