Friday Fictioneers: Parts is Parts

It’s Friday Fictioneers, the greatest free show in town!  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields runs this band of merry writers, where participants are asked to write a 100-word story, with a beginning, middle and end, using a photo prompt. It’s a wonderful challenge with lots of interesting outcomes. Check out other participants here.   One of these days, I plan to get up extra early to be one of the first contributors… this West Coast delay is always a bummer!

I always welcome feedback: positive or constructive. Leave something in the comments, and make my day. I try very hard to read each story in the weekly series, and appreciate those of you who visit mine.

Please check out Tales From the Motherland on Facebook, and hit like. I will smile for hours.

Copyright- Sean Fallon

Copyright- Sean Fallon

(100 words, exactly)

Tom clenched the steering wheel and stared at the lavender sky. There were few cars in the beach parking lot, the summer crowds gone. The sunset peaked along with his anxiety.

He imagined Karen making dinner, the kids congregating in the kitchen– doing homework and chattering about their day.  He inhaled deeply, trying to focus on the calm outside.

Jesus! My head’s always at work, my heart at home– I’m spinning like a hamster.  It was rare that Tom could take the time after work to catch his breath. He watched the sun set, and tried to pull himself together.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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63 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Parts is Parts

  1. Interesting they way you have weaved a story from the broken bits of the mannequin, into the broken bits of peoples lives.


  2. Love this! I like how the photo enhances Tom’s feelings – and how he is all over the place. The photo could even foreshadow the rest of the story where he may have to make changes to be whole again.


    • Thanks so much! This was another prompt that was almost instant for me. I saw the image, and immediately thought of how life requires that we apply ourselves in so many ways and directions. I agree, this could go so many ways. I’m touched that you love it so much. 😀


  3. helenmidgley says:

    If only we could really separate the bits, lol 🙂


  4. “I’m spinning like a hamster” — very good analogy to what life frequently seems to be like. Even though a hamster is cute. I’m spinning and I’m not that cute, which is worse! Very effectively done piece, Dawn.


  5. denmother says:

    At least Tom’s got his head and his heart in the right place! Great take.


  6. I’m enjoying your mini-fictions. Are you involved with the novel writing this month as well?
    Happy T-day–


  7. Steve Lakey says:

    Very clever take on the photo prompt.


  8. Anja says:

    🙂 If only we could clone or divide ourselves to be in two places at once. Great use of the prompt. I considered a “disconnected” version but the bird came back to help karma.


  9. Dan Hennessy says:

    Once again , a very nice job .


  10. hugmamma says:

    Sounds like my hubby, who happens to be preparing for an office meeting tomorrow. And it’s 11 p.m. You nailed it!


  11. kz says:

    love where you went with this photo. a great slice of real life 🙂


  12. mike olley says:

    A torn man, indeed. A lot of tension in the first paragraph brought back nicely by the second. Good stuff.


  13. Jan Brown says:

    I think this is the first story I’ve read that interprets the pulled-apart mannequin as a metaphor for our pulled-apart lives. Very powerful stuff.


  14. Dear Dawn,

    As someone who works a full time job, I understand Tom. It’s hard to leave the job with all of it’s stress at the workplace. Perfect use of the prompt although your title had me thinking it might be a Wendy’s commercial. 😉 Good one.




  15. H. Ken Abell says:

    This was the metaphor that originally popped into my head — being torn apart, being pulled to pieces…. You did a really good job with it.


  16. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    Seems like you wrote what I wanted to — a story about compartmentalising and being torn apart.


  17. I like the way you’ve interpreted the photo, Dawn. We all recognize the feeling of being pulled in different directions.


  18. Oh how I know this feeling. But I also know the feeling of consciously slowing down to enjoy a sunset. You conveyed both well.


  19. Sandra says:

    Nicely done; I could identify with this feeling.


  20. MissTiffany says:

    I’m feeling like Tom today. Work is crazy! But my heart is at home. Nice take on the prompt!


    • Me too! I was gone ALL day yesterday and have spent this morning catching up on both the FF posts and the blog hop posts… lots of reading, and commenting. I’ll run right over to your’s Tiffany. Thanks for stopping by to check out mine as well. Enjoy your weekend! 🙂


  21. vbholmes says:

    Sounds typical of today’s frantic lifestyle–hard to keep all your balls in the air and your feet on the ground. Good story.


    • Thanks a lot. Yes, I think that most of us struggle on some level with balancing all of the demands we face. Emotional, physical, social… so many things that constitute “balls.” Thanks for taking the time to read and comment; your time is much appreciated!


  22. 100 words always sounds like more. Then you see it in print. Great job!


  23. Dawn, nice one! I thought about going this direction. For me, the delicate relationship between body and mind. Well done!


  24. Well done.. love the pace here…


  25. zookyworld says:

    A nice thought of Tom taking a breather and enjoying the sunset over the water. And a reminder to take more breaks — I bet lots of us have felt like Tom. Good story.


  26. Grim, with just a hint of optimism.
    Very clever writing.


  27. pattisj says:

    Pull himself together–Good one!


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