Friday Fictioneers: And Toward the Light…

It’s Friday Fictioneers, the greatest free show in town!  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields runs this band of merry writers, where participants are asked to write a 100-word story, with a beginning, middle and end, using a photo prompt. It’s a wonderful challenge with lots of interesting outcomes. Check out other participants here.   One of these days, I plan to get up extra early to be one of the first contributors… this West Coast delay is always a bummer!

I always welcome feedback: positive or constructive. Leave something in the comments, and make my day. I try very hard to read each story in the weekly series, and appreciate those of you who visit mine.

Please check out Tales From the Motherland on Facebook, and hit like. It will give me another reason to be Thankful.  Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Please note: This is a sequel to a FF post from September 25th, Into the Blue. It was one of my favorites, and has come back to me a few times. I felt like the story wasn’t over. I have not confirmed this, but I feel certain this is Washington state ferry, one of my favorite places to be!

© Ted Strutz

© Ted Strutz

(99 words)

Marjorie passed through the blue door and stepped onto the empty, waiting boat. This is the same ferry we took to Port Townsend– where we walked to Sea Glass beach, and made love after breakfast, she said to no one.

She sat near the window, gazing at the rose and lavender sky. She’d never gone without her beloved; they’d always traveled together. Not this time; this trip is mine alone. She imagined his grief, and felt a pang, wishing she’d kissed him one last time.

As the shore got closer, she smiled. I will wait for him, where we were happiest.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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72 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: And Toward the Light…

  1. hugmamma says:

    I can relate. I’m lost without my hubby. Forty-three years of togetherness…grows on you. It did me! hugs for taking me there…aaahhh, the pangs and heartache of true love.


  2. Cool ! I had just written a 100 word story in class based on real postcards from 1975 because I remembered I read one of yours before ! ((:


  3. Jim Kane says:

    Love the continuation! Nicely done!


  4. Anja says:

    So endearing yet sad. I love how you continued it from the first one. Nice thought that she will wait for him. 🙂


  5. A sequel as good as the original! Very nicely done and touching as well.


  6. pattisj says:

    The sadness is tangible. Nice work.


  7. It definitely had me wanting to read more!


  8. Sandra says:

    Very moving, I enjoyed your sequel.


  9. kz says:

    i read both stories today and i loved both. very moving.


  10. Ye Pirate says:

    Clever idea, and nice soft tale.


  11. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Sigh…sweet and powerful. I hope you keep going with this, Dawn. I’d love to see where you take it!


  12. DCTdesigns says:

    I’ve just decided that a Ferry ride into the afterlife is the perfect transportation. Love the sequel to the Blue Door. It is always fascinated to see what is on the other side. We hunted Agates instead of sea glass, that we called Kazie agates since my mother’s Godmother tried to convince us they were just as special. FYI Ted told me this is the inter Island Ferry through the San Juans.


    • I think a ferry is the perfect way to head into the next life! I was headed another way with this prompt, and then the idea of that seemed so wonderful! I’m dying to know where this ferry was going… It looks so familiar! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and share; much appreciated!


  13. tedstrutz says:

    I remember that first story… I liked the idea of the doors. I didn’t know that’s how you got to Heaven… and in Marjorie’s case, I’m sure that’s where it anchored. Yes, that’s a San Juan Ferry.


    • Who knows how you get to heaven… I’m sure it has something to do with some bribes. 😉 I started writing an entirely different story, and the ferry just called for this. I appreciated you taking the time, Ted, and I’m honored that you remember the original story!


  14. Oh wow…I have been there and you just took me back.


  15. Dear Dawn,

    I wonder if she’ll run into my Marion’s husband in her travels. Touching sentiments.




    • Hmm, could be! I started in another direction when I saw the WA ferry, but I love them so and suddenly Marjorie (from my blue door story) came to mind. It seemed the perfect vessel to the next realm. I’m not convinced that Marion’s husband is gone… you left us hanging! Shalom.


  16. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Dawn,

    I think ‘sea glass’ beach should be capitalized. Could be wrong, but the question bears attention from you. The story is mysterious and leaves me thinking she’s passed over and is on Charon’s vessel. Nice that she’ll wait for him where they were happiest.




  17. Beautifully written.
    But AnElephant is confused.
    When he takes a boat he is officially on holiday (vacation)!


  18. MissTiffany says:

    Aw, so bittersweet. I think it follows nicely from the last one. Well done!


  19. nadig7 says:

    The waitings always the hardest!


  20. mike olley says:

    Really sad. I read both stories – you do have the start of something good here.


  21. erinleary says:

    Nicely done. A sweet, sad story.


  22. Mike Lince says:

    I thought this was as romantic as it was tragic, for love and tragedy so often go hand in hand. And I loved the photo because it brought back many memories of my own, having ridden so many times on ferry boats that look just like this one in the photo. Your story vignettes are always a delight. They leave me anticipating more, and what greater compliment is there to a writer? – Mike


  23. What a wonderful sequel – yes it really gives a little hope.


  24. Wonderfully told, Dawn. It has a sadness but also a romantic quality and sense of hope. So much to capture in a short space.


  25. It’s nice that you continued that other story. Will there be others after this as well?


  26. Steve Lakey says:

    A lovely, bitter-sweet tale.


  27. atrm61 says:

    What a soft and sensitive tale-loved it:-)


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