Friday Fictioneers: ¡Olé!

friday-fictioneersWelcome to Friday Fictioneers, my favorite weekly flash fiction scene. Supportive writers, fun stories and great prompts from our wonderful hostess, Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s. Check out details to join or read other stories on her website Addicted to Purple. Thanks to Janet Webb for our intoxicating photo this week.  Happy Valentine’s Day fellow Fictioneers!

This is an (mildly) erotic piece, for Valentine’s Day. For those of you who have been together for ages, like Smart Guy and I have, try pretending you’re new for night! Check out my post this week about my marriage of 27 years; our anniversary is Valentine’s Day.

Filed under other information and updates: it’s been an exciting week for me in blogging. On Monday, for some reason that is still a mystery, nearly 1,400 people stopped by Tales From the Motherland; 1,000 of them to re read my post about my affair with Barack Obama! It was insane, and thrilling!  I also won the Tipsy Lit Writing Challenge last week, with my story about Prince. This week, I would be enormously grateful if my Friday Fictioneer comrades would check out my post this Saturday for the Weekly Writing Challenge at Tipsy Lit, where I will be competing again. If you like it, I’d be grateful for your vote. The competition has been fierce the past few weeks; I only won by 6 votes last week. Something tells me that this week will be even tougher. Please pop by Tales From The Motherland on Saturday, read my story and vote, if you have the time.


(100 word, exactly)

“Barthelona,” he enunciated. “The ‘s’ is like ‘th’ in Ethpañia.”

I tried not to laugh. Everything about him was sexy, but it sounded like he had a lisp.

“Barthelona,” I demurred, flirting back.

He smiled and poured another glass of sangria. The first had already gone to my head; I sipped the second as the dark tavern and wine spread its warmth throughout my body.

My friends urged me to do something fun, after the divorce.  I’d bought the tickets to Spain ignoring their added warnings about foreign men.

Go ahead, take advantage, I thought, as Alvaro touched my leg.

*             *            *

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© 2014  Please note, that content and some images on this page are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland. If you care to share my work, please give proper credit. Plagiarism sucks.

Any ads at the bottom of this page are not endorsed by Tales From the Motherland. I am just not willing to pay extra to have them not appear there.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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49 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: ¡Olé!

  1. I can see that happen — Barcelona is a just that kind of city… and they truly lisp


  2. JackieP says:

    Ah, romance. I recommend it. haha. Great story.


  3. Katalina4 says:

    Ah mere leg caress…ah, I was getting ready to blush… 🙂
    Very fun little scene! Makes me long for travel…


  4. Perry Block says:

    I don’t know if I like Alvaro. At least make him buy you a whole bottle of sangria before you let him touch your leg!


  5. K.Z. says:

    hmmmm sounds like a good city to do something fun after a divorce 🙂 loved your story, Dawn and congratulations on your win!! 🙂


  6. Mike Lince says:

    You could do much worse than Barthelona! I can relate to being young and in Spain, where falling in love with one of the local beauties would be as easy as falling off a log. I imagine the men are equally appealing, although I haven’t really noticed. I like the carefree quality of this piece, how it floats in and then away like a dream before awakening. You are showing some versatility, which I admire.

    Good luck with the Tipsy-Lit! I am pleased to see you getting into the writing groove and also getting the recognition you deserve. – Mike


  7. Jan Brown says:

    Oh, maybe you can ignore the warnings for one night 😉


  8. Good story, Good luck with Tipsy Lit this week.


  9. znjavid says:

    Nice story and congrats on your success.


  10. Deanna Herrmann says:

    The lisp was a cute touch. Happy Anniversary!


  11. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    I think there’s a reason that in Latin America they dropped the lisp. Lovely writing, darling.


  12. hugmamma says:

    Love that she’s going to take advantage of him. btw…happy, happy anniversary…have a lovely valentine’s day celebration!


  13. DCTdesigns says:

    Yes please I’ll have another. Thank you for the little romantic fantasy. This will be my sweet dream valentine.


  14. El Guapo says:

    Fun! (This is the first I’ve read that wasn’t macabre, too.)

    (Though those were also fun.)


  15. She is going to live! Good for her. Ole indeed.


  16. Querida Dawn,

    I had a college professor from Barthelona. It drover her nuts that I’d picked up an Argentinian accent in high school. She just could never make me lisp. But I did slur my double L’s.
    Great story. I could feel my own leg tingle. 😉

    Paz y shalom,



    • Gracias Rochelle! We had a Spanish teacher in high school, who was from Spain. We all lisped! 😉 It was a while before I learned that that was not how all Spanish speakers spoke! It’s Valentine’s Day, we should all have tingly legs, sí? Shabbat Shalom. dawn


  17. Oo la la! Well done! I remember when I was lucky enough to visit Barcelona (they were prepping for the Olympics there), and learned about the pronunciation. At first I thought the guy had a lisp. I learned.


  18. wmqcolby says:

    I … LOVE … this … story! I have friends in BCN and I have been there a few times, even wrote a story about one of my visits. You nailed it! Bjorn is right, though. Cava IS better with tapas.

    There is one technical note. They lisp the “c” before the vowel, never the “s” and they lisp the “z” as well. Similar approach in Italy with the “c” before the vowel is a “ch” sound or in America where we say “sh” with a “cio” and a “cia” at the end of certain names and words.

    Fun stuff.


    • Wow! Thank you so much! I really appreciate this helpful feedback, and it’s always wonderful when someone loves your work, so bingo! As for Cava, you and Björn have it all wrong… she is there for sangria, with a sexy man… tapas are not on the menu. 😉


  19. rgayer55 says:

    Great story, Dawn. Maybe I should work on my lisp. It got the green light for Alvaro. 🙂


  20. Soapsuds says:

    LOVE THIS!!! xoxo


  21. What happens in Spain, stays in Spain. Great story!


  22. Kourtney Heintz says:

    Love the flirty fun of this piece and now I am dying for sangria!


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