Friday Fictioneers: Why She Finally Clubbed Him

friday-fictioneersWelcome to Friday Fictioneers, the best flash fiction in town! Each week– on Wednesday, not Friday, writers from all over the world throw their hats in the ring, and respond to a photo prompt. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields leads our merry band, and this week Danny Bowman provides the muse. Join us or check out other stories, on Rochelle’s blog, Addicted to Purple.

© copyright Danny Bowman

© copyright Danny Bowman

(98 Words)

“Every time I organize the kitchen cabinets, you grab the cereal or something, and put it back wherever you want! It feels like what I do just doesn’t matter!”

Gina’s voice grew increasingly unsteady as she faced her husband.

“For thirteen years, I’ve tried telling you what bothers me, and you dismiss my feelings. ”

She could feel her heart race and her palms grow sweaty, as she tried to tell him how she felt.

Ray smiled.  “Honey, let’s not make a mountain out of a mole hill.”

Gina reached for the cast iron skillet. Right where she left it.

*     *     *

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© 2014 Please note, that content and some images on this page are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland. If you want to share my work, please give proper credit. Plagiarism sucks.

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About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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76 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Why She Finally Clubbed Him

  1. Dee says:

    Oh no, I sense big trouble brewing on this kitchen… How many times have I stood there and experienced much the same thing and considered the closeness of the frying pan or scissors – no too much blood…
    Lovely take on the prompt Dawn


  2. Carrie Rubin says:

    Oh, yes, the epitome of patronizing. It feels horrible when someone tries to downplay our feelings, as if they’re not worth having. It’s rarely about the little things, anyway. It’s usually a culmination of little thing after little thing that leads to the frustration. To have that brushed aside as if it were a mere over-reaction is hurtful.


  3. Honie Briggs says:

    Mole hill? Mole hill! You wanna see a mole hill? I’ll show you a mole hill, Mr.! Oh, I could feel the tension rise in this episode. Nice work!


  4. helenmidgley says:

    Great pun, so good I groaned while I laughed 😉


  5. Sandra says:

    Been there, got the T shirt. If you want to know where anything is in my kitchen, it’s where my husband last used it. Nice one, made me smile.


  6. Adam Ickes says:

    Wrong choice of words. Poor guy won’t even see it coming when she flies off the handle.


  7. Clever take on the prompt, Dawn. Anger is certainly building there and he seems totally unaware of it. He’s probably reading the paper or something and can’t see her expression.


  8. DCTdesigns says:

    Well I’d say it is definitely a mountain now. Marriage counseling anyone?


  9. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    Ha! I missed the title, and was going to comment;…”and that’s why I killed him, your honour.” But then I caught the title — PERFECTION!


    • Thanks! Originally, the final line wasn’t there… you had to catch the title. But, a few people missed it, and when I was commenting to Adam, ding ding ding! The new ending came to me. Glad you liked it Miz Hann-Basquiat!


  10. sara says:

    Ha! What woman can’t relate to this? Nicely done 🙂


  11. El Guapo says:

    …a little disturbing that you ere inspired to this by such a serene image! 😉
    That being said, HE HAD IT COMING!!!

    Fun tale.


    • Well my friend, every week this group of Fictioneers goes all dark on my ass, and I’m always the odd man out. I figured I’d just join in this week. Generally, I see the photo each week and whatever first sentence or phrase that comes to mind, is what I work off of. The mountain/mole hill phrase came instantly and then the domestic scene came quickly behind. Had to write it. 😉


  12. claireful says:

    Lovely tension building in this. And just that little use of italics right at the end, says it all.


  13. pattisj says:

    Whack-a-mole, anyone? Too funny, probably because most of us have been there. I prefer the rolling pin.


    • If I actually baked, I might have thought of the rolling pin… but I’ve only used mine a half dozen times, ever. However, my great grandmother’s cast iron pan… that seems like it could do some damage! Thanks Patii.


  14. I went with cast iron and dark as well. 🙂



  15. Cathy Ulrich says:

    That mole hill just got a LOT bigger! Good one, Dawn!


  16. Mike Lince says:

    I love this post. It starts out like any normal conversation and escalates quickly, thus sucking in the reader. This could be a scene in a drama or a cartoon. It could be funny or it could get bloody. Regardless, you have accomplished a major writer’s objective – to immediately capture the reader’s imagination, which is not a given. Your talent shows here, and your readers are expressing their appreciation. Good work, Dawn! – Mike


  17. I felt the weight of my own pan as I read your words. What an explosion of pent up emotion, nicely penned. Perfect.


  18. Dear Dawn,

    AARRRRRGGGH! A mountain out of a molehill? Can you say systematic minimization? Oh yeah, been there, done that, have the permanent teeth marks in my tongue to prove it. Justifiable clubbing IMHO.

    Clever use of the prompt and a title that adds another hundred words. Love it! Love it! Love it!




  19. Hala J. says:

    “I’ll mountain out of a molehill YOU!!” were probably the last words he heard. (Or, if he’s lucky, something a bit pithier) I’m a bit of a neat freak myself, and if someone can’t be bothered to put things where they belong, then how did they survive for so long? Obviously this guy just met his end—or got damn close! Hilarious read!


  20. atrm61 says:

    Thank God he did not use that skillet or shecould not have found it handy to use- wonder if the volcano burst out of the mountain she created in the end-on his head?lol!Am still laughing-this was ingenious,Dawn 😀


  21. elmowrites says:

    Ah, domestic bliss. The title doesn’t leave much to the imagination as to what happened next either – he should have thought more carefully about which bits of the kitchen he messed about with. Hiding the skillet would have been a start!


  22. R. E. Hunter says:

    Not the right thing to say at that point.


  23. The Waiting says:

    He had it comin’. ;D


  24. Amy Reese says:

    He better not misplace that skillet. It’s funny how these little thing add up, and oh, do they add up! I have this issue all the time, myself. Great story, Dawn!


  25. two stories of iron skillets so far this week.. I think there is a mountain out there..


  26. MissTiffany says:

    I can relate to this story. Nice one, Dawn!


  27. K.Z. says:

    ha! wonderful blend of humor and horror. the pent up anger and frustration was palpable 🙂


  28. subroto says:

    Bang bang Gina’s cast iron skillet came down on his head…..


  29. Oh I’ve been there. I am there now in fact, in the middle of a major sort-out of every room in the house.


    • Amazing how it never ends… I keep thinking that one day, my insistence that only cereal be on the cereal shelf will take hold. But alas… Welcome to Tales From the Motherland, Siobhan. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story and share a comment. Hope you’ll check out others, and jump in again. 😉


  30. That will learn him! She might regret it though soon after! I wonder if the jury will shake their heads and call it “justifiable homicide”? 🙂


  31. draliman says:

    I guess after all those years she finally snapped. Of course, the skillet would be where she left it – it doesn’t sound like something he would use!
    Great story.


  32. There’s always something to be said for everything in its place and a place for everything. He obviously didn’t cook. Love the story, Dawn.


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