Friday Fictioneers: I’m Talking to You!

Friday Fictioneers, the most wonderful flash fiction on the interweb! Warning: highly addictive! Rochelle Wisoff-Fields pulls it all together, asking participants to write a 100-word story, with a beginning, middle and end, in response to a photo prompt, and to interact with our peers. This week’s photo comes from Rochelle. Check out other stories or join us, by visiting Rochelle’s blog, Addicted to Purple.

Last week I managed to visit 2/3 of the posts, and appreciate all of you who read my story– especially given how late I was! However, this week I will be away again. I leave Friday for two weeks in Fiji, a trip I won a year ago. Needless to say, I’m not sure how much time I’ll have, or what kind of wifi there will be. Given my addiction for FF, I’ll do my best to join in next week. If I’m not around… I’ll be swimming with the fishes, in the best possible way!

Positive or constructive feedback is always welcome; please leave your calling card.

©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

I’m Talking to You! (100 words, exactly)

Madly attracted to you, I hung pictures on my wall– snapshots of you, often taken when you were distracted, looking elsewhere.

                Shout, shout, let it all out!

In the Polaroids, you looked anywhere but at me; my feelings unrequited.

                                  These are the things I can do without, Come on,

Every song seemed to be about you, about us… waiting to be us. I looked at the snapshots and wished.

                                                    I’m talking to you,                 

I walked past your apartment– notice me, notice me– singing along, and hoping…

                                                                         Come on.                                

Still married, all these years later– the song still gets to me.

*     *     *

Make me smile; HELP ME REACH MY GOAL:  I’d love to see my Tales From the Motherland Facebook page reach 500 likes in 2014. Have you stopped by to spread some fairy dust? Follow me on Twitter, it’s where I try to be brief.  Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. I love to hear what readers think. Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email, with no spam.  If you see ads on this page, please let me know. They shouldn’t be there.  © 2014  Please note, that all content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, please give proper credit. Plagiarism sucks.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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49 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: I’m Talking to You!

  1. For some reason this has a ring of truth to it. Was that you, sticking up the pictures? I hope you have a lovely time in Fiji – lucky you!


  2. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    You know, I thought I was being terribly clever, noticing the Tears For Fears album that I thought no one else would focus on… it’s clear I am rusty! Great minds think alike… that’s how I am going to see it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I tried for the Tears For Fears route, but couldn’t remember one song. I love what you’ve done with the lyrics, Dawn. Excellent as always.


  4. storydivamg says:

    This is beautifully crafted. I’m with Claire–this has the ring of truth. Whether you skillfully told a tale from your experience or wove a fresh story of your own creation, it works. Thanks for sharing.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


  5. Ring of sincerity in this one. Nicely done 🙂 Enjoy your break 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. There is that obsession… somehow I’m glad for her it’s an obsession not to be ashamed of.. (I know people having tender obsessions that almost become traumas)… I did not notice any record titles… but it seems to be possible.


  7. Bjorn, I noticed the Tears for Fears album in the background. It made me think of the story. I would agree obsessions can go in a lot of different directions! Admittedly, this could be a tiny bit true to life. 😉


  8. Dear Dawn,

    Interestingly I took this picture in my son’s studio. I was totally unaware of Tears for Fears so i’m the one getting an education this week.
    I’m wondering if the woman’s obsession is with her husband or another. Skillfully written as always and the song is nicely woven into the warp and woof of the story.




    • Thanks Rochelle. The album was one of the first things I noticed. 😉 But there were so many things in the room that caught my eye… It was a wonderful prompt! The “obsession” is with her future husband. I like to think of it as a crush. 😉 Shalom, dawn


  9. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Dawn, Once again you have written a wonderful story and it is perfect for the prompt! You are so GOOD! Nan 🙂


  10. Maree Gallop says:

    I love how you have woven the lyrics of the song into your story – interesting and creative, well done!


  11. plaridel says:

    quite a take on the prompt. the way you approached it was very elegant. .


  12. Rishal says:

    I imagined the storyteller walking through the room, longing for the person in the photographs. Did sound a bit of a stalker to me (…snapshots of you, often taken when you were distracted, looking elsewhere)
    Well written 🙂

    – Rishal


    • Rishal, thank you and welcome to Tales From the Motherland. I think that in our youth we tend toward “crushes” that look remarkably stalkerish, if we were to continue them, or if we were older. That longing and wishing… is so immature. (well, and maybe a bit stalkerish as well! 😉 ) I appreciate your feedback!


  13. amac says:

    This feels a little poetic. I like it, different .

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Amy Reese says:

    I remember when I first heard this song, Dawn. It seems like a long time ago. It’s definitely a song that sticks with you, especially if there’s a memory attached. I like your take a lot. Excellent.


  15. JackieP says:

    Ah, that love that stays hidden in the shadows. Great story.


  16. subroto says:

    Great story. Maybe time to shout out that everybody wants to rule the world 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi Dawn. You’ve perfectly captured the true fan feeling. I love your original approach, including the lyrics as part of the story. Congratulations on winning the trip. That’s awesome. Enjoy Fiji. 🙂 LHN


  18. Thanks! I’m so glad you joined it; I really wanted to include the lyrics and have it be something unique. I appreciate you taking the time to both read, and leave such a kind comment. ☺️


  19. wmqcolby says:

    Ohhhh nice, Dawn! Unrequited love in a marriage! (haha). Seriously, though, I liked the integration of the Tears For Fears song. It works well.
    Enjoy your time in Fiji. I’m in Jerusalem right now.


  20. Another story straight from your heart. Loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. helenmidgley says:

    Loved this, especially as a Tears for Fears fan. The way you wove the lyrics was fab 🙂


  22. Love Tears for Fears. Have fun in Fiji…take lots of pictures!


    • Ditto, and will do! The trip so far is FANTASTIC!! Taking loads of photos and will post my first (of several) pieces about Fiji, later today… I’m on Tuesday (to your Monday)– +19 hours to my Seattle. Check in later to see some of the magic. Thanks for your comment, Dawn.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. rgayer55 says:

    I love the way songs, or even band names, can take us back to different eras and evoke wonderful memories. It’s too bad youth is so darn fleeting.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. vborzymowski says:

    Really loving this, it has such a good rythm to it, very clever. Can’t for you to get back from Fiji and writing the next one! all the best Veronika


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