Christmas with Mom, a Dark Wish for Santa (Writing Contest Entry)

As Christmas approaches, I lie beside my Mom each day at the Hospice House, and find myself wishing for one thing: peace for Mom.

“Dear Santa, please bring my mother a peaceful death. Take away her fear. Please let her be finished with this horrible battle, against Huntinton’s Disease, that she can’t win. She can’t write anymore, but she asks for this each day.     Thank you Santa, a daughter.”

I write this letter with heavy heart. I have had so many wonderful Christmas memories with my mother, and she has given me so many gifts.  This gift I wish for her.


***  This is an entry for a Christmas writing contest:  memories with your mother or grandmother. The host is and her blog is really worth checking out. Things I Want to Tell My Mother, is a blog written to a mother with Alzheimer’s.

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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5 Responses to Christmas with Mom, a Dark Wish for Santa (Writing Contest Entry)

  1. There is a touching honesty in your writing. After seven years of losing my dad to Alzheimer’s, I thought I was ready for him to go peacefully, stopping the confusion and pain and bouts of anger. But when he did die, I found myself missing the dad before the Alzheimer’s, and I mourned all those memories. It’s hard no matter what.

    Thank you for sharing this. It’s now entered in the “Christmas Memories With Mom” contest. On Christmas Eve or Day, whenever you usually celebrate, I’ll hope for happier previous memories, the kinds what whisk you back to times of laughter, closeness and joy.


    • Thank you Marylin for your kind thoughts. I have already begun mourning the Mother I’ve already lost to Huntington’s… much like Alzheimer’s it is a long, sad process. I know that when she goes, I will mourn yet again, but I wish this for her more than I can say. Each day, she tells me that she wants it to end. It is painful to hear, knowing I can do nothing. Thanks for entering my post in your contest and thanks for checking out my blog. There are several other posts you might relate to. I hope your holidays bring peace and happy memories as well. Dawn


      • Thank you for sharing this personal moment with us.
        I lost my mother to cancer many years ago…and regret every day since then that I was not there for her and with her at the end. But I know that there is a fine line between knowing you are with her in her last days and having to see this most special person suffer and fade away. I so appreciate your heartfelt letter to Santa…I add my prayers to yours. Strength and courage to you…and peace and the joy of past happier memories.
        I’ll be following your blog…hope you have a chance to check out mine:


        • Thank you Vivian. I appreciate you taking the time to read the post and comment. It has been a long decline, Huntington’s being a lot like Alzheimer’s that way. Being with her each day at Hospice has been a tremendous learning experience, though it is very difficult for sure.

          I will check out your blog and you may enjoy some of the older posts on mine… thanks for stopping by! 🙂


  2. Reblogged this on The Huntington's Chronicles and commented:

    There was little else I thought about… for weeks on end.


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