The Jerusalem Synagogue Attack- Let’s Talk Truth.

Warning: graphic image included in this post. 

Grief so deep...

Grief so deep…

Today, as I do every Tuesday, I was sitting with a man who is dying.

Each week I volunteer at Hospice House, and I have had the honor (and it is truly, the greatest honor) of sitting with several people just before they die… a few, on their last day of life. Today I was sitting with a wonderful gentleman who accepts that his cancer is “everywhere,” and he doesn’t want to go through any more treatment. He’s an incredible man: wise, charming, funny and sharp. He likes me, and I like him, so I make extra time for him each time I’m there. I’m not sure which one of us gets more out of this arrangement; I know it means the world to me… this sacred time we share.

Today, however, was different. As I was standing there talking to him, the news was on in the background, muted, so that we could talk. Slowly I realized that the words “Breaking News” kept flashing across the screen, along with images of ambulances and people running around. I was engaged, tuned out of the news and these things… but then, an image seemed familiar. The street on the TV looked like one I’ve seen… and then I saw the words, “Terrorist attack on synagogue in Jerusalem!” My twenty-four year old daughter lives in Jerusalem. It is not a large city, so anything that happens in Jerusalem, is too close for comfort in this mother’s eyes.

I couldn’t help it; terror grabbed me and I excused myself abruptly. “George (not his name), I’ll be right back!” I rushed to my purse, stored in the front cabinet, tears rising and struggling to breathe easily– hoping to find a text message from my daughter.  I felt an old, familiar panic rising in my chest. This is not the first time I’ve feared for my oldest child’s safety, in a city so far from me. There was no message, and my heart raced faster.

Admittedly, I also felt a moment of self-recrimination. This should be easier at this point. My girl has lived in Israel, off and mostly on for nearly three years now. She has told me dozens of times that the media exaggerates things. “I’m fine, Mom;” I could almost hear her saying. I was at work, in a place where others rely on me to bring comfort. I had to pull it together. George smiled when I returned and asked if my girl was ok. I shrugged, and told him that I wasn’t sure, but guessed that she was. We talked about the Middle East, and his views on Netanyahu. We pretended everything was ok, even though he is dying and I was worried about my daughter’s safety.

                 Sometimes, perspective is everything. 

It should be easier… But my mother’s heart was racing. Scary thoughts swirled in my head. She became an Israeli citizen this past September. All but one of those murdered today had dual Israeli- U.S. citizenship. She is not a militant or politically motivated. Those murdered today were in a synagogue, bowed in prayer; they were not in a settlement or at a demonstration. My daughter is Jewish. Each of the men brutally murdered today were Jews. 

It never gets easier; I’m a mother first.

There are times when I settle into a quiet acceptance of my daughter’s choice to live in a foreign country, far from her family and place of birth. I am proud that she has such strong convictions and passions that she would live so far away, in order to live a life that fills her– spiritually, aesthetically, ideologically. She has marched to her own drummer from the day she was born; as hard as it is, I respect and admire her for that. She is a Jew and Israel is the homeland of all Jews; she feels at home there.

Here in the U.S. my daughter has to search for kosher food and places to eat. She feels out of place; she stands out in her faith. She grew up in a town that consistently, EVERY year, schedules major sporting events and school tests on the Jewish High Holy Days, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Ok, yes, I can hear you already: But there are so few Jews here! Should we observe every important holiday, in every faith? Point taken. But, should we observe EVERY important Christian holiday, just because that is the majority? I’ve heard people go on and on because a soccer game was scheduled on Mother’s Day! Hello? Really? As a mom, I hate having soccer games on my one officially sanctioned holiday too, but it’s not exactly sacrosanct.

My husband grew up in a community on the east coast, where there were enough Jews and Christians that everyone had the High Holy Days off from school. Christians were the majority there too, but it was just done that way out of respect. Here, each year our family has had to explain why our children will miss school or sporting events (which, again, are ALWAYS scheduled then) because it is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. I am certain I’ve never had to ask for Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving off.

So, my girl found a place that respects her faith, her principles, her beliefs, and she moved there. Add to that, she finds it a beautiful country, filled with beautiful people and rich culture– and that is both Jewish and Arab people and culture. My girl has always been a person who embraces people from many walks of life. She does not discriminate, though she has faced discrimination, herself. She works helping African refugees in Israel. She has worked tutoring Arabs and Jews.

My girl has a big, wide heart… that was broken today.

At the same time that mine stopped … filled with anxiety and worry, hers was filled with grief and sadness; hers was filled with righteous indignation. She is justified in her emotions. There is nothing about the horror that happened in that Israeli synagogue that is explainable or justifiable. I’ve heard it all. I am not a staunch pro-Israel supporter, as many expect I might be. However, this was wrong on all levels. This is black and white for me: this was terrorism.

And still numerous media sites used what (even) I see as anti-Semitic, highly slanted headlines to report the incident.  The CBC stated: “Jerusalem police fatally shoot 2 after apparent synagogue attack.” Jerusalem police shoot 2? Hello? Those two shooting victims had just used meat cleavers to savagely murder four Rabbis, who were praying! Those two had just shot a police officer who was pulling another female victim to safety. The police officer later died. Those two shooting victims were cowardly murderers, attacking worshippers as they prayed. Numerous other news agencies removed the word “Palestinian” when referring tot he killers. Barely 24 hours later, many news sites did not even have this event on their current news, but many were reporting Israel’s response: demolishing the homes of the killers. There is no nuancing this to fit a political agenda or belief. They used meat cleavers. Guns… In a house of worship. No finessing can clean this up; this is what it looks like:

This is barbarism, nothing less.

This is barbarism, nothing less.

Let me say this clearly, because I believe it with every fiber of my being: If two terrorists walked into a church in any city in America and butchered 4 priests, with meat cleavers (!!), and shot several others… leaving that church awash in blood, there would be no gray area! There would be no words of explanation; no political rhetoric or nuance– no excuses. In fact, if those two men were black, or brown, or Muslim, I am ashamed to know that this country would rise up in abject rage. Let’s talk truth:

 This was an act of outright terrorism and barbarity.

    Because it happened to Jews, in Jerusalem, does not make it     any less so.

While I do not use filters very often, and I generally avoid politics on this blog and in most conversations, there is no other way for me to look at this event. As a U.S. citizen I have, sadly, become accustomed to mass shootings. I have become numbed down by the barrage of ISIS stories, and horrors, inflicted on people all over the world. Yet, I am always particularly impacted by attacks on schools and places of worship. Let me be clear; there is no place where this kind of attack would be ok, but the idea that these were men of great faith–men who studied long and hard to be closer to their God and bring it to their followers– these were men talking to God, when they were attacked and slaughtered. Prayer books and prayer shawls soaked in blood– and still, there were news agencies who rushed to place blame on Israel and the Jews.

When I heard the news, I admit: I was a mother first. I thought of my child and my child’s safety. I did not think of all of these other things in those initial minutes. That came hours later, after having read the news on various sites, having let the idea that this kind of thing happened where my child lives. I was a mother first; I messaged my girl. She reassured me that she was safe in bed, but she also shared that she was sad, that she was shocked, that she was afraid of what all of this will mean.

          I am a mother first… I am afraid too.


About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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67 Responses to The Jerusalem Synagogue Attack- Let’s Talk Truth.

  1. We were all shocked at that hideous crime. I can only imagine how much more threatening it was to you, worrying about your precious daughter as well as the entire country of israel.

    Can it be true, as a cynical friend said, that there are just too many people in this world? I look at both sides of issues and can understand the frustration and helplessness of young men in places with no hope for a future. But I would never condone the horror of this crime.


    • Thanks for your honest and thoughtful comment. Yes, your cynical friend has an important point. There’s no doubt that a sense of hopelessness and helplessness contributed to the crimes committed yesterday. That, in my opinion is a sad, hard reality. However, there is no time when it’s ok to TARGET innocent men or women, in places that should be free from the issues that swirl around them. The past two weeks have been wrought with single, targeted violences against Israeli citizens (driving a car into a crowded market, and killing a baby and mother, stabbings), but this is the worst such event in 6 years. Relatives of the murderers stated that the two men were angry over Israeli road blocks. While I truly understand the horrible frustration and hopelessness they may have felt, to enter a synagogue and commit a crime of this magnitude is beyond it all.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Morristown. It’s a hard conversation to have.


  2. Gregg Tabachow says:

    Dawn. I always think of Emily when I hear of things going on in Israel. I think it’s wonderful she followed he heart to live there but I am saddened that she has to deal with such senseless barbarism so often. Her safety is always in my thoughts and prayers.


    • Thanks so much Gregg, and welcome to Tales From the Motherland. What a wonderful treat to see your comment here. While I am not, personally, someone who prays often, I am always, always, grateful for the prayers of others. Thanks for your kind, meaningful comment… and for taking the time to read my work. xox


  3. Dawn…this may be the best blog post I have ever read.

    I am so relieved to hear that your daughter was safe in bed when this act of barbarism took place.

    May the God of Israel bless and protect his Chosen Ones.


    Liked by 1 person

    • T, thank you so very much for such high praise. It means a lot to me.

      Personally, I don’t see the Jews as anyone’s “Chosen Ones,” and wonder how often that idea fuels more hatred, but coming from you, I feel the love and care. Thank you for the sincere blessing and supportive thoughts. They are much appreciated.


  4. Lynda says:

    I am sorry that the world is such an angry place. I am sorry that the ugly things have reached out, and have touched you so intimately this week. I am grateful that your daughter is safe.


  5. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Sending prayers, Dawn.


  6. susanissima says:

    Heartbreaking on every level, Dawn. Praying, praying, praying for peace and the safety of your girl. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Horrific and frightening. A friend of mine has relatives (Jews) in France who are planning to emigrate to Panama because of growing Anti-semitism and violence.


    • The anti-Semitic rhetoric and crimes in France are appalling! It is horrific to see the things that have been done, particularly in this past year, in the name of so many other things… other than what it really is: hate.

      Thanks for your thoughts, Lisa. xo


  8. ME says:

    “There can never be enough prayers, when it comes to peace, and the safety of our children. I am praying for all of the mothers, and all of the children who are facing these challenging times.”
    Amen, I will be too. I will try to make sure I send more love out in the world today.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: The Israeli Synagogue Attack- Let’s Talk Truth. | ugiridharaprasad

  10. Carrie Rubin says:

    I can only imagine how frightening it is for you to have a daughter over there. As you say, we are mothers first. Our children’s safety is the one constant on our minds. My thoughts are with you, and I wish your brave daughter continued safety there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Carrie. We are all mothers first, no doubt. I generally have to push the issues of safety from my thoughts, but events of yesterday were so very troubling and dark, that there is no way to stick my head in the sand. Sadly, for so many, the Ostrich Effect, as Morristownmemos so perfectly called it. I appreciate your caring comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Mike Lince says:

    I can think of no words to adequately address the horrors of this terrorist attack. That it took place in a synagogue only magnifies the horrific nature of this attack. While my thoughts and prayers for you and your loved ones seem inadequate, my parent’s heart shares the concern you so vividly shared in your story. Once again your writer’s gift has shed light where news stories have come up short. Shalom. – Mike

    Liked by 1 person

  12. kjlangton says:

    My heart hurt when I heard the news…such insane violence. Glad your sweet girl is ok.


  13. Janine says:

    My mother-in-law visited Israel last year and was just telling me that the thing which pleased her the most was the fact that at the wall in Jerusalem where people place prayers there wasn’t any shoving or pushing to get through the crowd, even though there was an obvious mix of religions there together. But now. What happened in the synagogue undos that sense of peace one should have when they go pray.

    I would worry too about my child first. As mothers we have to advocate for our children before everyone else – it’s our rite. Anyway, I loved this thoughtful post. Thank you for sharing.


    • Janine, the Wailing Wall is a sacred place for Jews, but important to many others as well. In addition, it is located right there with The Dome of the Rock and one of the sites where many believe Christ is buried. Jerusalem is a holy city to so many faiths, and yes, this ongoing war is bound to take a toll on peace, on faith… in so many ways. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.


  14. As a parent I agree Dawn about the initial gut wincing feeling you must have felt at this news. We are parents first, no matter our children’s age nor their location.
    In acts of this magnitude I wonder about the world we live in. Respect for each other seems to be forgotten. Admittedly their faults of on both sides of this issue which will exist sadly until some understanding and wisdom comes into play. I am glad your daughter is ok. I am also impressed by your work in the hospice, I hope today is a better day.


    • Thank you so much, Michael. How wonderful to find your in my comments today! Yes, I too wonder about this world, even as I see myself becoming less and less idealistic and hopeful. The world seems determined to implode. It’s all so very sad.

      As for Hospice, it’s one place I always feel good and hopeful… even in the saddest moments. Thanks again for making the time for my work; it’s much appreciated!


  15. I’m grateful your daughter is safe. Sending prayers for safety and less hate in the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: The Israeli Synagogue Attack- Let’s Talk Truth. | Love All Blogs

  17. jgroeber says:

    My heart breaks for you. I cannot imagine how this hurts. I still think about being that parent standing in Sandy Hook and waiting for your child, waiting, waiting. I am so sorry you had to wait to know your precious daughter was okay.
    And I have to say, I’m a bleeding heart liberal, always pulling for the underdog, always sniffing out easy bias. But you are right. Cleavers and guns in a synagogue, in a church, in a mosque, in a school, at a hospital, a temple, gurdwara… too wrong. What have we come to as people, as humans? How can this make sense?
    Wishing you, and your daughter, peaceful sleep tonight, and peace when you wake. I think I’m wishing that for us all.


    • Jen, thank you for your very kind words; they mean a lot. In no way can I compare myself to the parents at Sandy Hook; that waiting must have been infinitely worse than mine. However, the waiting has been horrible. I had one text from her yesterday and no word since. Common sense tells me she’s fine, and just very busy… in a city on high alter. But as a mom, it would be so sweet to hear her voice right now.

      I too am a bleeding heart. The topic of Israel and Palestine is a tough one in our house. As I said, I am not a firm supporter of Israel in all of this… however, I would wonder, who really is the underdog here? That answer varies, depending on the news you read, the people you know, and where you come from… Tough, tough subject. Thanks for your meaningful response.


      • jgroeber says:

        In a talk earlier this year my husband quoted a Northwestern University group called Ask Big Questions which talks about the difference between a “hard” question and a “big” question. Who is responsible for the lack of peace in the Middle East? is a question so hard I couldn’t begin to even wrap my brain around where to begin to talk about it. I could never know enough. But should a person be able to worship safely in their place of worship? That’s a big question, but not that hard, I think. Yes, they should. I love this reframing of difficult conversations. Some questions may be too hard to answer, but we need to talk about the big questions. There’s peace in the big questions.
        Sending hugs.

        Liked by 1 person

  18. Dawn, I know totally where you’re coming from. We’re far from our children and check with them to see that they’re okay. They also check with us and were both recently here for visits. My daughter cried when we talked about what I’d do if her dad died ahead of me. She can’t see me staying here, even with help. The U.S. Embassy at one time advised their citizens to keep a low profile. Also, I’m a Catholic Christian and Christians number only about 2% of the population in India. We live in a large city where there are more Christians, but there was a priest who came to our parish who had been up north and was almost beaten to death. His back was broken. Christian tribals and others up north were hacked to death and Christian property destroyed less than 10 years ago. With all the loud celebrations and non-Christian religious practices here, there were complaints about the Christian church bells ringing at Christmas. I hope your daughter continues to remain safe. Take care. — Susan


  19. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Only The Michelin Man Knows Otherwise | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  20. Thanks so much for linking this to your Friday Fictioneers post. It is lovely and heartfelt and horrid and …. Thinking of you and yours, my dear. Alicia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Alicia, I really appreciate that. I generally don’t link things to my Friday Fictioneers stories – as I know it’s frowned upon. However, this was an important story to me, and I wanted to share it. I had planned to post my FF story on Friday, but with so much going on, I didn’t want to worry about managing that tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to read both stories!


  21. You are eloquent in your rage. I am so happy your daughter is okay, and I pray for her continued safety, as well as for those affected by this tragedy. It’s simply horrific. No other word to describe it.


  22. Heidi Sloss says:

    Such a moving post, thanks for channeling your anguish and fear and love into writing it. What the world needs more of ate mother’s, like your, who can empathize with other people. We are all like all the other mothers of the world, wanting our children to live in a world they can be safe in and thrive. So sad that new women (and men and kids) are having to bury their lives ones. We to have family living in Israel and we also hold our breath every time Israel is on the news. When is enough enough?


  23. hbksloss says:

    Sorry about the typos, damn autocorrect!


  24. Dawn, I came late to the campfire in the blessing of your writing..
    The pain and the concern runs so strong in your words. And congratulations of the well deserved spreading it gets. You are a brave woman.

    There is nothing to justify these crimes committed.. it is so easy to divide humans in two different groups and choosing the easy targets is always the easy way out. An escalating chain of revenge is likely to mostly find victims among the most innocent. The scariest part apart from the horror of a proximity of murder is that the terrorists have fulfilled their purpose just like ISIS does.. they want more Palestinians killed so they can justify they own deeds… It’s not a cowardly thing to abstain from revenge.. It is the bravest thing one can do.



    • There is nothing redemptive in all of this, Björn. The escalation of violence, the loss of innocent lives– on both sides– it is all so terrible, and sucks the hope from so many. Thanks for sharing your thoughts; I really appreciate it!


  25. I just happened to see your note about your story being published and am just reading through your traumatic experience. As a mother, I can only begin to imagine your worry. There is never any excuse for terrorism. A place of worship, a school …anywhere, there are innocent people..never an excuse. I could relate however to your volunteer experience for I was privileged to have sat and listened to wonderful people who were dying and they touched my soul and taught me so much in our brief encounters. Your post is heartfelt, and only speaks the truth. I have another blog that I would love to reblog this to stigmahurtseveryone and shall check your facebook as well, shalom, Oliana aka Cheryl-Lnn

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oliana, thank you so much for your lovely words of support, and kind feedback. I really appreciate you taking the time to read these stories and connect through the comments.

      I am always honored with someone shares my work: on their blogs, Facebook or Twitter. It took this old dog a while to figure out the new tricks, but I’m grateful to play along now. 😉 Silly metaphor, to say: feel free to share my work, and thank you!


  26. Reblogged this on Stop the Stigma and commented:
    A brave tale of truth by a courageous and insightful woman and mother.


  27. Pingback: The Jerusalem Synagogue Attack- Let’s Talk Truth. | Stop the Stigma

  28. oneintercessor says:

    Reblogged this on A Common Life and commented:
    I must add a reminder that God’s chosen race is the Jews. Jesus Christ was born into that race, and if nothing else convinces people there is a reason to read about Him, how about the constant racism we’ve seen against the Jews throughout all of history? Why is it people hate Jesus and not the other religious leaders? Why is it Jews have been persecuted throughout the ages?

    Finally, why is it so hard to believe in a God who rules men’s hearts in love and compassion and seeks to forgive freely, not as a result of works? This free grace offered goes against our human desire to work for what we have; to work to feel responsible.

    “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” No other god did that, and none freely say, “Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

    In light of this massacre which should be talked about on every news channel, ‘Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, I will repay.’ Amen and Amen.

    Justice will be served one day, in the most righteous manner possible.


  29. cedrik dupree says:

    Dear Dawn,
    i was hesitating before writing this comment, feel free to keep it private if you wish so. i’ve been in the Middle East for a few years, enough to see that nothing is black and white. First of all, your last blog is amazing, the way you described the event was emotional and full of empathy, and I’m happy to see that you daughter was safe. As I travelled in various Arab countries, i discovered that terrorism is everywhere targeting Jews, Christians, minorities in North of Iraq, Kurds, Sunni against Shia, etc, etc.. the root is often coming from raw hatred, amplified by certain medias, spokespersons and groups of interest, through TV, social media, with endless and refined communication tools.
    I would like to ask you one question, sorry to be so direct: instead of being in this location, if you happened to have in the arms a dying child in Gaza injured by shellings during last events, how would you have reacted ? There are also a lot of mums who witnessed the death of their children (this time more than 2,000 people died in the gaza strip), and who ask God why, without answer. All in all, at the root of violence you will always find frustration, disillusion, loss of hope, especially among young people. And the pressure that the Israeli authorities have drawn upon Palestinian populations over the years, through land occupation, illegal construction of settlements and blocus of the Gaza strip has inevitably built immense frustrations and laid ground for radicalism unfortunately. And radicalism has become the main plague of the Middle East, affecting first families, women and youth who just want to live in peace.
    Despite all this, Jerusalem remains a tense but fascinating place, a sort of light in the dark, whether on the Arab or the israeli side. With the best pomegranate juices in the world !


    • Cedrik, first, welcome to Tales From the Motherland; I appreciate you taking the time to read this story and leave such a thoughtful and thought-provoking response. This same piece was published on the Huffington Post this past Sunday and has brought hundreds of responses… most of them similar to yours– but far more aggressive. I have never chosen to keep a comment private or sensor. I suppose I would, if something very offensive was said, but here I am quite open to exchange… on the HP site, I have no choice, and there have been some very hurtful and harsh things said.

      I will say this: my family and friends know my position on Israel, I would not publicize it. It is a challenging topic in our home, as my husband and children are Jewish, our daughter lives there. She has actively worked to help Palestinians in Syria, and is someone who very open on the topic. I found the deaths of so many innocent civilians horrible. I in no way celebrate the deaths of Palestinians or see their suffering as less important than that of any Jewish Israeli. This particular story was written on the day it happened. As a mother, I was scared to hear about it– but, my fears pale enormously, next to those of the thousands of mothers who face far worse, on a daily basis. That does not, however, make these murders in the synagogue justified or any less horrific. That was my point. The vicious cycle of killings and violence does not help any mother or child. Anything I say does not do justice to the inequities I see and feel about the entire situation. However, I have avoided politics on my blog for as long as I’ve been blogging because I never set out to be an authority. I am a very emotional person, whose heart bleeds easily. Your question pains me because I certainly see how my one post has caused so many to ask the same question. However, I did not set out to justify or explain decades of hatred and violence– I reacted to this day, this event and can not answer all the other questions, without stirring up more anger from either side. It’s a slippery slope, with no good place to go.

      ” And radicalism has become the main plague of the Middle East, affecting first families, women and youth who just want to live in peace.” On this point, we agree completely. We probably agree on many others, but I am not willing to delve into it any further. I’ve learned from the HuffPost comments, I can’t say anything without enflaming someone else.

      Thanks again for taking the time to read this, and for your thoughtful approach to a difficult, complex and infinitely painful topic.


  30. I don’t know if we share the same views on the conflict but I admire the honesty and emotion in your writing. I don’t mean to sound rude or arrogant, but I wonder if this conflict would continue if both sides abandoned their religion. I find it strange and puzzling that so many people would put faith in an all knowing and powerful deity who seems to ignore their plight; mute to all the cries of orphans, mothers and widows. Why then do such people find strength in God?

    I also find oneintercessor’s comment rather ironic. How can you speak against racism yet proclaim Jew’s are God’s chosen race? Do you not think its hypocritical for god to claim he is just on the one hand, and favour one race over the other for no logical reason.


    • stilcounting4now, thank you so much for taking the time to read my post, and share your views. Your time is much appreciated.

      To respond to your comment: I would agree that you don’t know if we have the same views about the conflict, as I a carefully and intentionally did not discuss my views about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in this post. The views here are expressed solely about this incident. It was horrific, and no justification is valid, in my mind. While I absolutely understand that this did not happen in a vacuum, I would feel the same if it happened ANYwhere else. It was wrong.

      As for religion or beliefs, that is far beyond my opinions, and far too personal for me to judge. Why does anyone believe in anything, when it can all be questioned or judged? People in the Middle East believe for the same reasons that anyone living anywhere does, but there is certainly no doubt that religion has been the cause of widespread suffering, including murder and persecution, for all of history. As for “God’s chosen people,” this is not something I said, nor do I espouse to it. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my work and respond, so I will not criticize their views.

      I thank you for visiting Tales From the Motherland, and for taking the time to express your thoughts.


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