Friday Fictioneers: Exactly 100 Words of Gratitude (and Silliness)

I recently celebrated my two-year anniversary of joining Friday Fictioneers. There was no cake (the baker has retired) or fanfare, but I felt like I wanted to thank some of the wonderful writers who have encouraged me here. That is a mighty challenge, as there are so many of you! Ted Strutz‘s cheerful photo got me thinking of happy. You all are my happy thought.

I decided to stick to the wonderful few who have encouraged me from the beginning, and have continued to tune in pretty much every week that I write. Thank you, kind writers. Your encouragement, edits and support mean so much! To all of you who I love reading and hearing from, who could not be spun into silly words, know that I appreciate each and every comment. Constructive, honest feedback is always welcome. Admittedly, this one is NOT FICTION.

If you are interested in joining this merry band of writers, from all over the world, check out Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s blog Addicted to Purple. Let the merriment commence!

© Ted Strutz

© Ted Strutz

Exactly 100 Words of Gratitude

Amyng to connect, she reached out, and I took the bait. String 100 words into a story, she encouraged. I doug in the sandy depths of my wordy brain, and my first Fictioneers’ story was björn.

The first year I didn’t miss a week. While I russelled with not making words sound like nansence, the encouragement and support of kind people gave me alicia’n brevity. Suen I was hooked.

Two years later and this deelightful challenge keeps me coming back. It never dawned on me then, that I’d so look forward to Wednesdays, and a jans to hook others!

—> There’s no working Rochelle into one of my silly sentences, but without her passion and mgenation, we wouldn’t be here! Thanks for two fabulous years Rochelle, and congratulations on your retirement from the bakery. Their loss is the reading world’s gain!

And a giant thank you to Toby (AKA: Fearless Leader, T-man, an Angel, Dumbass) for tweeting me Every. Single. Week! You rock darlin’!

*   *   *

GIPYHelp Me Reach My Goals!   KAPOW!  The Tales From the Motherland Facebook page recently hit the 2015 goal of 800 likes (which I set after hitting the 700 mark)! I’m going big for the next year and aiming for 1,000!! Have you stopped by to spread some fairy dust? Follow me on Twitter, LeBron James does (yes, for real)! Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. Honest, constructive feedback is always appreciated. Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email,  no spam.  ©2015  Please note, that all content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, I’m grateful, but please give proper credit; plagiarism sucks!

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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66 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: Exactly 100 Words of Gratitude (and Silliness)

  1. Oh my, what a wonderful tribute to Friday Fictoneers and all the wonderful people there! You crafted this so wonderfully, color me impressed. ❤


  2. Really creative and cute story, Dawn. We just naturally expect good work from you. We look forward to reading much more of your work. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

  3. plaridel says:

    great tribute anyone can relate.


  4. Now that was a bit of awesome!


  5. emiliopasquale says:

    A really nice tribute to all those who have shown support and encouragement to you in the past. It must have taken forever adding all there links, too.


    • Both the word wrangling and the links did indeed take a while… made for a day late in posting, but well worth it! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment emiliopasqauale! I appreciate you stopping by Tales From the Motherland!


  6. That IS a bit of awesome. Proud that I could be worked into your “play on names.” Kudos and congrats on two years! I should go back and see when I started.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. ansumani says:

    Really cool ! Squeeze this “unseen mon(k)ey” in too somewhere next year 🙂


  8. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Love you, Dawn. What a wonderful tribute to those who have contributed to your journey. Gratitude soooo raises our vibration! And you rock, dear friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. hafong says:

    Love your tribute to the wonderful writers here. I am so glad I stumbled my way in.


    Liked by 1 person

  10. Honie Briggs says:

    Well, it just Dawned on me that I should comment in Honied tones. What a nice story.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Exactly 100 Words of Gratitude (and Silliness) | ugiridharaprasad

  12. Fun post and a great tribute. Happy 2 years.


  13. Brilliant, really enjoyed that!


  14. Sandra says:

    Ingenious idea Dawn. Is it really 2 years??? Hope to see you here for many more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sandra! While I don’t think of you as a “Sandy,” it was the only way to make your name work. 😉 I am sincerely grateful for all of the kind and constructive feedback you have shared. Reading your stories in return is rich icing on top.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Amy Reese says:

    Hey, I thought I started you on FF! Maybe Amy is just too hard to work into a story. 🙂


  16. Congrats. How did you grow your FB like numbers? I’m stuck, but admittedly do not tweet. Did you pay for boosts?


    • Joyce, sorry I haven’t gotten back to you; somehow I missed this comment. WordPress didn’t recognize you and it went to pending… Unusual question, what made you ask, in response to this particular blog post? I am very transparent and don’t mind answering, but just wondered.

      To answer: I do tweet, but honestly don’t think it impacts the FB numbers much, if at all. I’m pretty lame on Twitter! :-p My FB numbers have grown as my writing has gotten more exposure. HuffPo, the BlogHer Voices award, and 3 Freshly Pressed nods has driven traffic a lot! I’m really honored and grateful… it took a LONG time to see movement. I’ve only “boosted” a couple of Huffington Posts pieces, because getting those out there is more of a challenge, and several environment/conservation FB posts (not blog posts, just POV posts that have petitions attached. It’s not worth boosting the ones from my blog. I’m happy with the traffic they get on their own. Hope this helps, or answers your questions?


  17. My name was hard to work in, so I’m happy to be included verbatim.. Thank you so much for the mention, and so happy to actually have met you over meatballs and strawberries 😉 I’m soon a three year addict.


  18. Fun and Funny !!! A very nice way to say how much you appreciate your followers and their comments.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Valery says:

    Masterful wrangling. Even a non-blogger can appreciate such clever, fun wordsmanship! Seems like only yesterday that you introduced TFTM.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Valery. TFTM is 4+ years old now, but I’ve only done Friday Ficitoneers for 2. Both have been a whirlwind! Thank YOU for taking the time to always lift me up. It is much appreciated, friend.


  20. ceayr says:

    Crazy lady!
    Very amusing.


  21. wildbilbo says:

    Hahaha clever 🙂 Two years – quite the achievement, well done.

    Just a heads up – I think there is a word missing at the bottom of your disclaimer. The paragraph starting with “Help me reach my goals! KAPOW!” ends with “If you want to share my work, please give proper…?” I think you’re missing attribution.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Wow! That was utterly delightful, and clever to boot! Nicely done!


  23. gahlearner says:

    What a fun and clever way to celebrate two years of Fictioneering. I only stumbled into this last spring, and always love to read about the Fictioneers’ history.


  24. Kourtney Heintz says:

    Congrats! Love your clever flash fiction homage to the other members. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Dear Dawn,

    Has it really been two years? And this month marks my third year as facilitator. I never knew when I joined a few months prior to that what a wonderful journey I had ahead of me and what incredible people I would meet. Count yourself among those most incredible.
    I love your clever tribute to Friday Fictioneers.
    I’m sorry I’m so late this week. Party plans, cleaning and shopping have slowed me down.

    Much love, hugs and shalom, my friend.



    • Glad you made it by, Rochelle. Admittedly, I was stumped to find a way to work “Rochelle” into a sentence… but then, for all your commitment and dedication, I figured that you deserved a separate paragraph! 🙂 Thanks for your continued kind words of support! YOU rock!


  26. rgayer55 says:

    I’m flattered to be part of the story. I too am filled with gratitude for what this wonderful group has done for me. It’s somewhere around 4 years for me. My writing is so much tighter now. The 100 word limit really forces one to be clear and concise, making every word count. Thanks for mentioning me with the link. You are a gifted writer, my friend.


    • You are so welcome, darlin’! I feel enormous gratitude to all of the wonderful FF writers, and those who read our stories, for their kind support… over and over. And, I couldn’t agree more: the 100 word limit has done so much for my writing overall. I will always be long-winded, but I can cut nearly anything down now! 🙂


  27. Your story mention made me smile. What a creative way to say thank you. I appreciate you just as much!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Dee says:

    HI Dawn so sorry to be later getting here, I’ve had a heck of a time just lately. Thank you for including me in your very clever celebration of two years with the Friday Fictioneers. I feel flattered and humble to be included in this wonderful group. Like others I can’t quite believe it has been two years, but here’s to many more. It feels lovely to be appreciated; you are appreciated just as much.



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