Friday Fictioneers: The Friendly Skies

It’s been a crazy two weeks for me! Between the traveling (I’m in Israel, visiting my daughter and grandson), holidays and blur of gratitude blog stuff, I missed last week! If any of you would still like to join the Gratitude blog party, the InLinkz will be up until January 15th. So far, 69 bloggers have joined, and it’s been so inspiring! It was also a very sad week for my family, as we had to put our 16 year old lab, Luke, down. We have been so lucky to have him so long, and the decision was agonizing. Another big distraction came when WordPress published my piece “On My Father’s Birthday, A Letter to the Man Who Killed Him.” Word Press Discover replaces Freshly Pressed. There were 35 comments in 2 minutes; my computer caught fire! Actually, I didn’t notice until another blogger messaged me and asked why there were so many comments coming in. This piece has been Freshly Pressed, featured on Discover and HuffPo and won BlogHer Voice of the Year; I didn’t think there was any life left in it!

This week, being 10 hours ahead really helps, in catching the Friday Fictioneers prompt! FF is a weekly flash fiction challenge that brings in writers from all over. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields leads the pack, and keeps all the balls in the air, while she publishes books, visits grandchildren and reads all the contributions. She’s amazing! If you’d like to join in, or read the other stories, please visit Rochelle’s blog, Addicted To Purple. I always welcome honest, constructive feedback. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.


© Melanie Greenwood


The Friendly Skies

“Jasper, what are you thinking? That girl could be your grand daughter!”

“She’s hot, and she digs me; what more do I want?”

“She digs who you were, not who you are.” James frowned. “Look, you’re my best friend; I’m just being honest with you. Isn’t it time you act your age?”
“Jimbo, chill out! As long as I’m still touring, as long as I have a private jet, I can act any age I want!”

Rock legend Jasper Jones popped the tiny blue pill in his mouth, turned to the pretty blonde and smiled. “Ready for take off baby?”

(word count: 99)

*     *     *

GIPYHelp Me Reach My Goals!   KAPOW!  The Tales From the Motherland Facebook page recently hit the 2015 goal of 800 likes (which I set after hitting the 700 mark)! I’m going big for the next year and aiming for 1,000!! Have you stopped by to spread some fairy dust? Follow me on Twitter, LeBron James does (yes, for real)! Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. Honest, constructive feedback is always appreciated.

Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email,  no spam.  ©2011-2016  All content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, I’m grateful, but please give proper credit and Link back to my work; plagiarism sucks!

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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58 Responses to Friday Fictioneers: The Friendly Skies

  1. Sandra says:

    Oh yes, so realistic it makes me want to cringe! I don’t know which of the parties deserves more sympathy. 🙂 Happy New Year Dawn.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Dawn, so many different emotions in your post. I am so happy you are with your daughter and your grandson, is there anything better? On the other hand, my heart goes to you for your loss, those crazy, furry little hearts are our family, too. Then again, congrats on your success with the story, it deserves all the attention it gets.
    As for your FF entry, you captured it so accuratelly…from aging men to foolish girls chasing 15 minutes of fame. Not just well done, brilliant!


  3. Dear Dawn,

    I’d guess that she’s in love with his money. He’s off on Fantasy Island and needs the two-by-four of reality whupped up the side of his head. Just saying. Glad to see you back on the board. BTW “granddaughter” is one word if you’d like to save one.




  4. Super realistic I think! So sorry about Luke Dawn. Such a heart wrenching decision to make.


    • Thanks Louise; it was really tough. If I weren’t traveling, we might have waited a short time more… he was getting worse, but he could not be left alone, and I had to go. Very tough to make those life/death decisions with some “one” you love. I appreciate your feedback, thanks!


  5. The last line of this made me smile (assuming the blue pill is Viagra?). Great dialogue, fantastic and funny story. (I’m not sure you need ‘Rock legend’ though – I could definitely work that out.)


  6. What a fun one this week! Love it. And congratulations on your piece being recognized by WP Discover. Well deserved honor. Have a wonderful time with your daughter and grandson.


  7. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Some things never change… Great story, Dawn. Hope you’re having a great time in Israel with family.


  8. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: The Friendly Skies | ugiridharaprasad

  9. Dale says:

    Ahhh, the classic! Aging rock star with young starlet wannabe (because why else would a pretty young thing hook up with a won’t grow up old rocker?)


  10. With all the writings of rock stars I guess a private jet has a lure that is close to what love could be… I think selfies is nothing new really…


  11. Oh, the little blue pill must make many men feel younger. Well done.


  12. ansumani says:

    And then there are those without a private Jet who pop ‘herbal’ pills in the young lady’s drinks. Nice story.


  13. Looks like another shag, baby, is coming up for jasper.


  14. storydivamg says:

    Perfect story for this prompt. Well told. That creepy character gave me goosebumps in all the wrong places.

    All my best,


  15. d3athlily says:

    I think your Fictioneers story certainly could have had any rock legend of growing age, as there are still so very many around, so I loved your take on it!
    Also. I’m new to trying out the fictioneers, and therefore a new reader. But I just wanna give my condolences about your dog. My heart goes out to you and yours. 😦


  16. Mike Lince says:

    Dawn, I am impressed that the time change and baby time allowed you to fit in your FF stories. How appropriate that this week’s photo was of a jet! You could go anywhere with that prompt.

    It’s funny that, reading other comments, the blue pill was thought to be Viagra – so obvious, and yet what I immediately thought of was a hit of LSD. (Don’t ask how I made that association.) Either way, the concept worked, and I had no difficulty getting on board with your story.

    I am so glad you get to spend this time with your grandson. They grow so fast! And now he knows you, and you will forever be Nana! I can just see him smiling and laughing with you. – Mike


    • Thanks so much, Mike. I was in fact picturing Viagra, but I could see how it might be LSD too… the last line would work with that too. I am enjoying a good long dose of baby Amitai. He is adorable and a lot of work! Oh my. I’m exhausted already! 😉 Thanks for your kind feedback.


  17. gahlearner says:

    This is a great story, I can ‘see’ the characters. Ewww… 😉
    And I’m so sorry about your dog, I lost my first dog at the same age a few years ago. Knowing what has to come doesn’t make it easier.


    • Thanks so much, on both counts. I had such a strong image in my head for this story. I’m glad it came out for readers. And yes, losing our big golden boy has been so hard. I am away right now, but at home, the kitchen seems so empty. I appreciate your kindness, on both.


  18. A cheeky little one from you Dawn! You don’t leave much to the imagination when the little blue pill is popped! Without wanting to be gushy, your writing style is so inspirational to me, thanks.


  19. Danny James says:

    To the moon Alice!



  20. rgayer55 says:

    Whoever coined the phrase, Dirty Old Man, was not talking about his hygiene. I hear there are some Dirty Old Women out there too, but fortunately, I’m too old to pass for their grandson (now I’m making myself nauseous).

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Amy Reese says:

    Oh, yay! You’re visiting your daughter and get to see your adorable grandson. That’s wonderful Dawn. Great take on your story. I bet many pills have been ingested inside a private jet. And I’m sorry about your lab. That must have been so hard. Hugs.


  22. Margaret says:

    Good story. At least Jasper has James to keep his feet on the ground – or try to. So sorry about your dog. We had to go through the same thing a few months ago. Horrible. And congratulations on your article about your father. It’s beautiful.


  23. All right, I don’t care what anybody thinks or says: I want to be Jasper at least for a week or two. I think I could better accept the rest of my life as a non-Jasper that way. Maybe the little blue pill is a tic-tac anyway! BTW, both my sons have been to Israel via Birthright, but I never have. If only they’d open up their criteria a little bit to 65 …

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Great story of a man who believes his own press. He ought to know better.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Jasper is liable to “die of love” literally. She’ll probably be too much for the old boy. Some people grow older but not wiser. Good story, Dawn. It was sad about Luke, but how wonderful you can begin the new year by visiting with your daughter and grandson. I’m sure WordPress reblogged your piece about your dad’s death because it was so good, but I’ve received a few comments from other people’s pieces from a year ago. I think there might have been a mix-up with them. Happy New Year to you and yours. 🙂 — Suzanne


    • Thanks Suzanne. If Jasper dies, he’s bound to die happy! 😉 Do you mean a mix up with WordPress? Not sure about any mix ups, but was happy to see my piece on their main page! Happy New Year to you and yours, as well.


  26. plaridel says:

    i won’t be judgmental on this matter. i’d just say jasper the cutie deserve each other whatever that means. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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