In Honor of Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month: a new book about love, fear, and living with HD

I dropped the ball again! I meant to reblog this last week, in time for Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month. Getting back on a horse, sometimes takes many tries. I’m trying.

The Huntington's Chronicles

I don’t post on this blog enough; anyone who follows here, knows that. As I’ve noted in the past, fear keeps me away. If I hide my eyes, maybe it will go away? It, being Huntington’s Disease.

Anyone living with Huntington’s Disease knows that’s not true. HD follows us, and messes with us, inspires and drives us. If you have Huntington’s in your family, you know there is no hiding! This month, I want to honor my sister and my dear friend Sarah Parker Foster. Check out Sarah’s blog Huntington’s Disease And Me. She writes with visceral honesty and shares her journey with us all. In the past few weeks she has suffered an unbearable setback, and I am sending my love and support her way! Check out her work and add your love.

My family was blindsided by HD. My grandmother was a powerhouse and true…

View original post 2,607 more words

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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5 Responses to In Honor of Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month: a new book about love, fear, and living with HD

  1. susanissima says:

    Dawn, you’ve worked hard to enlighten us about HD. By relating your family’s story, sharing the interview, and linking us with Sarah’s blog, you’ve touched many hearts. Thank you. Sending blessings and prayers.


  2. crutcht says:

    Hi Dawn,

    Thanks for posting my interview on your Tales From the Motherland blog. Have a good weekend.

    Best, Therese

    *Therese Crutcher-Marin* Member on the HDSA Northern California Chapter Board of Directors Author of *Watching Their Dance: Three Sisters, A Genetic Disease and Marrying Into a Family Living At Risk for Huntington’s*

    Visit my Author Website: Visit my Author Facebook Page: Amazon Author Page:

    On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 11:22 AM, TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND wrote:

    > Dawn Quyle Landau posted: “I dropped the ball again! I meant to reblog > this last week, in time for Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month. Getting > back on a horse, sometimes takes many tries. I’m trying. ” >

    Liked by 1 person

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