2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge–– Bloggers Flood The Internet With Positivity––JOIN US!


I’m still out here, despite a pathetic year of blogging–– wherein I’ve abandoned my own love of this space, and worse, missed out on so many posts from bloggers I truly admire and respect. Trust me, I think of it most days… and have continued to struggle with my effort to get back to this sacred space. And, it is sacred. Recently I read a gorgeous post from Gunmetal Geisha, that speaks to so many things I feel and some of what has held me back. It was on my list to write this post, but her writing nudged me hard. And here I am.

This annual “Blog Hop” if you will, means a lot to me. I love reading every single post and connecting annually with so many great writers. I hope you’ll stick with me and read this entire post–– brief I’m not, but heartfelt for sure––then, I hope you’ll decide to join me this year. I know the holidays are hard for some people, and it’s a busy time of year, but pause for a moment and share the good things from 2019.


Now, on with the details:

It’s the 6th annual Attitude of Gratitude! In the past I’ve called it 50 Happy Things, but the goal is the same: to see bloggers unite to flood the internet with gratitude. Happy-Gratitude, it all = Good stuff! For the past few years I’ve opted out on New Year’s resolutions and decided to go with intention. I decided to focus on gratitude; it’s always timely. In the past, many of you have found it hard to participate in December, so I put it off until January… and now I’m a week late––but better late than never! The (InLinkz) Link-up is effective from today until January 31st at 11:55pm. Share this with your blogging friends; join us in spreading gratitude!

The holiday season has a way of rushing in every year, making it hard to remember that throughout the year there are blessings. There are so many things that bring joy, so many happy things; yet it’s easy to lose sight of this fact, as we manage busy lives. For the sixth year in a row, this is an opportunity to hit pause and focus on all the good things that each of us has in our lives.

In 2014 I followed in the footsteps of Jen over at Jenny’s Lark, and wrote a list of 50 things (in 10 minutes) that I was grateful for in 2014. The list actually became 60 things, because I still had time, and a lot to be grateful for. The exercise was originally a spin off a Daily Prompt challenge. Those Daily Prompts are something to be happy/grateful about, if you haven’t checked them out yet, do it now! Jen’s an incredibly talented woman, artistically and articulately. She works to help others at work, and then comes home and creates beautiful artwork and gorgeous writing. Check out her blog for a dose of true magic. Jen and I had so much fun with it in 2014, that we added links to each other’s blogs, and other bloggers followed suit.

In 2015, happy-gratitude exploded as I invited a few bloggers and suggested we all come together and share gratitude. Bloggers begat more bloggers, in a blog hop of sorts and it grew… and grew… and grew! And once again, Jen had another great idea: focus on happy and be grateful. It’s about choosing happy, choosing positive, over the negative things that we could focus on. Gratitude or Happiness–– Chicken or egg?

The 2015 project–– something I thought would be small and easy–– turned into something huge, with 74 bloggers joining in. I met so many cool new bloggers, and my happiness and gratitude grew exponentially.

In 2016 a lot of bloggers bowed-out. As the inauguration loomed, many said they just weren’t up for it. That year, I needed all of this positivity more than ever! There were 30 bloggers who shared their happy thoughts and gratitude.

2017 and 2018 brought lots of wonderful new bloggers to the challenge, as well as several who have contributed year after year. For 2019, I hope more of you will join us to


This year: 

1) Please read my post/list and leave a like and a comment. I’ve worked hard on this, and it feels good to be appreciated. I’ll do the same. What’s not to like; it’s gratitude!

2) Add a link to this/my post in your post, so your readers come back to read mine; I can add their link to the collection, and enjoy the fruits of my labor. It’s a bigger tidal wave of positivity if we’re all linked. It’s more fun! In addition, I love reading all of the posts, and once they link to me, I’ll add their link at the bottom of mine.

3) Set a timer for 15 minutes. Really; do it (it’s in red, clearly I mean it). This isn’t your usual post. It’s meant to be as spontaneous as you can be. It’s not supposed to be finessed, but from the heart. You’re not explaining every thing you put on your list, you are just listing as many things as you can, in 15 minutes. Once you start the timer, start your list. The goal is to write things that make you happy, or things you’re grateful for. Don’t think too hard; just write what comes to mind in the time allotted. If you use the numbered mode and just type what comes to mind, it’s easy. I fix typos after. When the timer’s done, finish whatever sentence you’re on and stop writing. If you’d like to add links or photos, do it after the timer; but keep your list short and spontaneous.

4) Be sure to click on the blue link at the bottom of my post, and add your info to the inlinkz, so that folks can find all of us in one place. I will also add each of you to the bottom of my post. I update it daily.

5) Include instructions in your piece, or better yet: provide a link to mine, and ask your readers to join us.

6) When you tag your piece, or share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media, use these hashtags #AttitudeOfGratitude #BloggersUnite so our impact is collective.

7) Finally, IF you add a blog post that is not related to gratitude or this challenge, I will remove it. Sorry, but them’s the rules. 

Each year I read every post. Those places where we meet, and where we are unique, are a beautiful thing and a great way to start the year. how Admittedly, it’s hard not to go back and edit my list, each time I find something wonderful on your lists… but it gives me things to focus on next year. When I express gratitude, I find myself feeling happy, and if I list happy things, I inevitably feel grateful–– either way, it’s win/win! I guarantee, you’ll find yourself smiling, feeling grateful and happy, if you spend 15 minutes reflecting on positivity. Couldn’t we all use more of that? Think of this as a blog party, to share happy, grateful thoughts. 

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Here’s  my 2019 Gratitude list (not in order of preference):

  1. My family
  2. My 4-year-old grandson, Amitai
  3. My gorgeous new grandson Avinoam. January 29, 2019 was very special!!
  4. My kids­- building adult relationships with them. Loving them so much.
  5. My husband- 33 years (plus 5 more) of laughing, fighting, loving.
  6. Popcorn with brewers yeast
  7. Frozen dark chocolate covered bananas, nightly.
  8. Boats on still water.
  9. The view of the bay and San Juan islands, EVERY day
  10. Amitai- each and every chance I get to chat with or see him.
  11. Going to the movies
  12. My husband putting the toilet paper on tp holder.
  13.  Whistler, Port Townsend, Home–– my happy places
  14. Water, to drink, to bath & swim in, to look at.
  15. Driving in my car, with the radio. Road trips!
  16. Music, EVERY day!
  17. Personal growth, therapy
  18.  Sleep— I need a lot more of it
  19. Orgasms
  20. Puzzles
  21. My dogs Gracie and Luna
  22. Air flight, any travel
  23. Fresh flowers
  24. Time on the bike
  25. Gary Chapman: The 5 Love Languages
  26. First snow of the year
  27. Christmas ornaments & my tree
  28. Birds, birds, and more birds
  29. Girl’s night out
  30. Hiking solo & with friends/family
  31. Alexa, and the music she provides so I can dance in my kitchen daily.
  32. Dental floss
  33. WA state ferries
  34. My writing group.
  35. Good books. My book group.
  36. The blogging community- you guys rock!!
  37. Sun on the water; clouds on the water.
  38. My laptop
  39. The Internet–– it’s magic! Google is my friend.
  40. The Oscars & annual party (this year #25)
  41. Green moss on trees
  42. Mountains & ocean
  43. The Pacific NW- it’s a magical place
  44. Regular dinner parties with friends
  45. My work at Hospice- The people I serve, the people I work with.
  46. Sunsets
  47. GREECE. What an amazing trip with my family!
  48. Sushi, sushi, sushi! Every Friday, and any other day.
  49. My cell phone—a computer in my hands
  50. Fresh sheets on my bed, and a cool pillow
  51. Fresh seafood
  52. Fall colors
  53. Great food!
  54. Old growth forest
  55. Designing and working on our new forever home
  56. Views from our new property
  57. Museums–– art and more art. Always art.
  58. Hummingbirds at my window every day
  59. My sea glass collection
  60. Yellow post-it notes, and now the little colored one for editing my novel.
  61.  Love.
  62. Kindness.
  63. Friends who fill my life with joy. I am so grateful for each of you.
  64. Shoes. I might have a problem.
  65. THIS. Take a minute and be reminded that despite all this cray-cray, there is a lot of good! I’m grateful.

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section; I’d love to hear from you!


Check out these bloggers’ lists:

Rochelle, Lish, Na’ama, Dawn, Plaridel, Jackie, Francine, April, 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

 * * *


KAPOW! Have you stopped by Tales From the Motherland Facebook page to spread some fairy dust? I’m grateful for each Like. Follow me on Twitter, LeBron James does (for real… well, he did. But he may have dropped me recently)! Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. Honest, constructive feedback is always appreciated. Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email, no spam.

©2011-2020 All content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, I’m grateful, but please give proper credit and link back to my work; plagiarism sucks!

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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44 Responses to 2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge–– Bloggers Flood The Internet With Positivity––JOIN US!

  1. Yes, Dawn, it’s been a long time…it seems like forever. But something drew me to your post title and I’m so glad to reconnect with you. I love your gratitude list…mine would be as long…I feel like I am living my dream. 2019 was amazing with my three debut pbs and the round-the-world trip and getting to hug critique buddies in NZ, Australia, Switzerland, and Italy. And now I have another picture book launching later this month, with a book even at the local B&N. I keep thinking I need to ask someone to pinch me to wake me up.
    I’m so glad you are where you need to be and I love that your challenge is all about focusing on the good. Hugs to you!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Vivian! I am so happy to hear from you, and so honored that you stopped by. What a year you’ve had; apparently I have a lot more catching up to do than I realized! 😉 I’m so excited to hear that you are living your dream. I’m hoping to say the same at some point, but not yet. For now, I’m grateful for connections like this one, that writing brought my way, and the many good things in my life. I’ll try to be better at keeping up. Happy New Year! xo


  2. Jackie Weber says:

    Dawn, I am so excited to see this back and so happy to read through your growing list. I’m glad you’ve been spending time with family and yourself. Both are equally important on the never ending journey of life. Thank you so much for bringing this back! I look forward to it yearly and reached out on Twitter a few weeks ago not sure if it would make a comeback. Happy New Year!! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: 2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge! | Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple

  4. Dear Dawn,

    I’m so happy you’re doing this for another year. I’m very grateful for the challenge, that shouldn’t really be such a challenge. 😉 I’ve now posted my list. 😀

    Shalom and a stellar 2020

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rochelle, oh how I’ve missed FF and our merry group. That in itself should be enough to get me back in the saddle–– you all inspire me so much, and I LOVE the writing challenge–– but clearly I’m still daunted.
      I’m so grateful you decided to join in again this year. I’ll look forward to hearing from some of my other favorite FF folk, when they see your list. Happy New Year, friend. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Attitude of Gratitude | Up From the Ashes

  6. Pingback: Attitudes of Gratitude | Na'ama Yehuda

  7. Ah, Dawn, then so it is … I left the link at the linky-thingy and I want to add my gratitude for the prompt, for it was, as it always is, a good thing to put time in. And heart. And a bit of light. We can all use it in regular intervals, don’t we?
    I hope to see more of you this year, and don’t beat yourself up for what you could not do – time is what it becomes. And life does life. We’re here. In the here and now, and all the potential yet to come!

    Attitudes of Gratitude

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve missed your beautiful words, Na’ama. When I drop out of blogging, I miss so many beautiful words! Not beating myself there, just reminding myself. ☺ Your words soothe and comfort and empower. Thanks for taking the time. I’m so glad the blue “linky thingy” works this year! Of course, Rochelle makes it look so easy, and much sassier. Happy New Year, and thank you so much for sharing!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Pingback: My Gratitude List: Looking Back and Ahead | The Day After

  9. Dale says:

    And just like that you appeared in my inbox! I was looking for a previous post and landed on last year’s attitude of gratitude and then I wondered, hmmm… wonder if Dawn is gonna this year? And then not two days later, BOOM! There you are! Woot!

    Wonderful list, wonderful photos, wonderful exercise that I am so glad you encourage to partake in year after year! Now! Off to read Na’ama’s and Rochelle’s… but maybe I’ll do my own first 😉

    Thank you, Dawn. xoxo

    Oh! And Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: The Good Life | Musings of a Random Mind

  11. Thanks for the ‘nudge’ Dawn, I’ve just taken a deep breath and done my list. feels like a good thing as the new year begins. Good to connect with other positive people.
    Happy New Year !

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is wonderful! I too find it so wonderful to connect with all of you who encourage me and each other, and who want to share positivity, going in to this new year. I’m off to read now; Happy New Year!


  12. Pingback: 2019 Attitude of Gratitude – Tales from the Anxiety Ridden

  13. Pingback: 50 – Or Almost 50 – Yes, 50 Things I Am Grateful For In 2019 | adventures in love

  14. April says:

    Hi Dawn – I sooo appreciate starting the year out with your prompt. Thanks for continuing the annual attitude of gratitude challenge. I’m sharing the link here but I did follow the link-thingamagig. ☺️ But, just in case, leaving my link here as well. Sending you blessing for the New Year!


    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: 2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge | A Dalectable Life

  16. Dale says:

    As promised, it is Sunday and I am here! I’ll be reading all the entries shortly!

    2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Dale says:

    Have come back here to read the other lists… the link to Na’ama’s blog doesn’t work…

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Thank you, great blog.


  19. Pingback: Some Words of Grief and Hope | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

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