50 Happy Things: Bloggers Unite In A Flood of Gratitude

Share the Gratitude! thecoastalcenter.com

Last year, I followed in the footsteps of Jen over at Jenny’s Lark, and I wrote a list of 50 things I was grateful for in 2014. The list actually became 60 things, because I still had time and I had a lot to be grateful for! The exercise was originally a spin off a Daily Prompt challenge, that Jen created. Jen and I had so much fun with it, we added links to our blogs, as other bloggers followed suit. I found the writing experience so positive, that I kept it in mind as a something to do again for 2015.

This year, I reached out to a bunch of wonderful bloggers and suggested that we all come together and share gratitude. Some could make it and others couldn’t. And once again, Jen had a great idea: focus on happy and be grateful. It’s about choosing happy, choosing positive, over the negative things that we could focus on, she pointed out. Jen’s smart that way. Gratitude or Happiness–– Chicken or egg? In taking time to reflect on things that made me happy in 2015, I feel grateful. If I express gratitude, I find myself feeling happy. Either way, it’s a win/win. I guarantee, you that you will find yourself feeling good, smiling, feeling grateful and happy if you spend 10 minutes reflecting on positivity.

If you’d like to join in, here’s how it works: set a timer for 10 minutes; timing this is critical. Once you start the timer, start your list (the timer doesn’t matter for filling in the instructions, intro, etc). The goal is to write 50 things that made you happy in 2015, or 50 thing that you feel grateful for. The idea is to not think too hard; write what comes to mind in the time allotted. When the timer’s done, stop writing. If you haven’t written 50 things, that’s ok. If you have more than 50 things and still have time, keep writing; you can’t feel too happy or too grateful! When I finished my list, I took a few extra minutes to add links and photos.

To join us for this project: 1) Write your post and publish it (please copy and paste the instructions from this post, into yours) 2) Click on the blue frog at the very bottom of this post. 3) That will take you to another window, where you can past the URL to your post. 4) Follow the prompts, and your post will be added to the Blog Party List. Please note: the InLinkz will expire on January 15, 2015. After that date, no blogs can be added.

Please note that only blog posts that include a list of 50 (or an attempt to write 50) things that made you feel Happy or 50 things that you are Grateful for, will be included. Please don’t add a link to a post that isn’t part of this exercise; I will remove it. Aside from that one caveat, there is no such thing as too much positivity. Share your happy thoughts, your gratitude; help us flood the blogosphere with both!

May your holidays be filled with happiness and gratitude!

Now for my list:

50(ish) Happy Things From 2015… That I Feel Grateful For:

(in no particular order)

  1. My family- I am so grateful that I have people I love so much, who love me so much in return.
  2. The birth of my first grandchild, Amitai Shelev, this past August. Every single day he brings me joy! And oh the sweet smell of him, in his first three weeks! I could have died of happiness.
  3. I am so grateful for the photos, videos, Skype dates that my daughter shares with me, so that I can see my grand baby! He lives in Israel. That is a very long way from where I live, but the use of computers, smart phones, Skype, help make that distance infinitely more bearable.
  4. I am enormously happy for the 14 years of love that I’ve had from my gorgeous boy, Luke. He is a 16 years old lab and approaching his last day. While my heart is broken now, it has been made better and stronger for the love he has shown me. I am so grateful.
  5. I’m grateful for wonderful friends, who fill my life with laughs, hugs and fun… not to mention outrageously great adventures!
  6. I’m grateful for Readers who read my writing regularly, and encourage me to keep going. Thank you!
  7. I’m SO grateful to each and every blogger who joined in to help make this blog so fun! Thank you guys!
  8. I happy that my work has done so well on Huffington Post this year.
  9. I was honored and happy to be named a BlogHer Voices of the year, 2015!
  10. I was so happy to meet bloggers: Jen G, Julie T, Samara, MelissaErin, Katrina, Kelly, Emily, Julie S, James, Tonya, GG, and Cathy, in person this year. I loved getting to share your orbit, even for a little while.
  11. I’m happy for light on the water.
  12. I’m so happy when I’m eating sushi.
  13. I am grateful for the chance to do so many wonderful things this year.
  14. I am grateful for getting to be present (in the room) when my grandson was born!
  15. I am happy when I’m tutoring high school students for the college essays. I love their energy.
  16. I am happy when I have my fleecy jacket on.
  17. I was happy to spend time in my hometown and get to hang out with my hommies. Nothing like feeling loved for who you are, who you were, and where you come from.
  18. I’m grateful for pastels and paper to express myself artistically.
  19. I’m grateful for time spent in Bend, OR… twice this year!
  20. I’m so happy on the beach, looking for treasures.
  21. My sea glass collection makes me very happy!
  22. I’m happy when I make a good pot of soup, and we all enjoy it for dinner.
  23. I grateful for my book group. I love hanging out with these ladies!
  24. I’m grateful for a writing group who encouraged me for many years, and for all the people who continue to nudge me, help me edit, push me to do what I love: Write. Oona, you rock extra hard!
  25. I’m grateful every single time someone leaves a comment on my blog, or on something I’ve written for HuffPo or BlogHer. I seriously smile ear to ear!
  26. I’m so happy with my dogs. They make me laugh, they bring me love, and they make every day better. I miss them terribly when I’m away and I look forward to their wiggly, happy bodies each morning.
  27. I’m happy when I find a book to really enjoy.
  28. I’m happy writing Friday Fictioneers, flash fiction each week.
  29. I’m happy when I participate in #ThinkBigWithMarshaWright each week. Love the positivity all day each Sunday!
  30. I’m happy for rainy days, and grateful for sunshine.
  31. I’m happy on a bicycle built for two, with my husband and friends. I’m especially grateful that my husband has continued to ride with me for 33 years, 29 of them married.
  32. This summer in Israel, I was SO grateful for air conditioning!
  33. I’m grateful for good physical therapy, that’s helping me get in touch with myself.
  34. I’m so grateful for music. It’s my life blood. I am so happy EVERY time I hear Counting Crows’ Mr Jones or Stevie Nicks’ Landslide.
  35. I’m grateful that my aunts had the courage and love to tell me the truth about my family and my life. It has made all the difference.
  36. I’m humbled by all the good things that have come my way this year–– I feel happy and grateful for all of it!
  37. I’m happy that we have mountains nearby and grateful that I’m able to see the ocean, from my kitchen each day.
  38. I’m happy when my Hanukkah candles are lit, and my Christmas tree is decorated.
  39. I was so happy to spend time with Jen G and her gorgeous, delightfully delicious children this past summer.
  40. I’m happy that I could work out (ish) the InLinkz code for this blog.
  41. I’m happy when I eat fresh fruit in the summer.
  42. I’m grateful for snow.
  43. I’m grateful for the incredible community where I live.
  44. I’m grateful for legalized marijuana.
  45. I’m grateful and happy that I can say number 40.
  46. I’m so happy my youngest son went off to college. It’s great to see him happy, and I’m grateful for getting to spend time with my him there.
  47. I’m so happy that the new Star Wars movie is out; can’t wait to see it!
  48. I’m grateful for time spent with my family, in Israel this summer. It was incredible to all be together when our newest family member arrived. (Read all about it here)
  49. I’m happy when I get to eat a big, bold salad.
  50. Cheez Its make me happy!
  51. I’m so grateful I live where I do. It makes me happy every day!
  52. I’m happy to be alive.
  53. Ok, CHEAT alert: I’m adding this after the fact, because my list absolutely would not be complete without it. Hospice! I am so incredibly grateful that I get to work at Hospice each week. I feel happy, deeply honored, and so grateful with each patient I spend time with. I am touched by every single family that lets me into the room, invites me to share such sacred time, that thank me for my presence. I am so grateful for Hospice! If you want to really feel touched, and see gratitude, read the comments in THIS post. They blew me away!!

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Phew! I got that last one typed just after the timer went off! It’s true that sitting and doing this kind of meditation, brings a smile to my face and makes it easier to think of other things I’m grateful for, other things that make me happy. Can’t wait to read the others! Click on the frog at the bottom of the page to add a post of your own, or read the other amazing lists! Join us!

*     *     *

GIPYHelp Me Reach My Goals!   KAPOW!  The Tales From the Motherland Facebook page recently hit the 2015 goal of 800 likes (which I set after hitting the 700 mark)! I’m going big for the next year and aiming for 1,000!! Have you stopped by to spread some fairy dust? Follow me on Twitter, LeBron James does (yes, for real)! Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. Honest, constructive feedback is always appreciated.

Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email,  no spam.  ©2015  All content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, I’m grateful, but please give proper credit and Link back to my work; plagiarism sucks!

Click the frog to join. Copy and paste the URL below that, to add the InLinkz to your own blog


About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
This entry was posted in Awareness, Blog, Blogging, blogs, Connections, Daily Observations, Honest observations on many things, how blogs work, Huffington Post, Israel, Life, Motherhood, Musings, My world, Positivity, Skype, Social Media, Tales From the Motherland, Wonderful Things, Wrting and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

137 Responses to 50 Happy Things: Bloggers Unite In A Flood of Gratitude

  1. A great idea Dawn, thanks for pulling it together. I enjoyed your list – I’d love to meet some of our fellow bloggers in person – one day!


  2. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | Björn Rudbergs writings

  3. What a great idea, I enjoyed coming up with 50 things that made me happy in 2015. It was so much easier than I anticipated. Your list is so funny, eclectic and filled with love, glad you had a wonderful year!


  4. Loved the idea…and yes I did enjoy meeting you, so I do know how great it is…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | She's a Maineiac

  6. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | ladyleemanila

  7. Your list made me smile. What a wonderful idea. Spreading the goodness 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude « Applecore

  9. Another fantastic blog, Dawn, complete with photos. What a doll baby your grandson is. Your daughter looks like motherhood agrees with her.. What a beautiful location you live in. Well done. 🙂 — Suzanne


  10. Cathy Ulrich says:

    So much fun, Dawn. Thanks for including me in the group and I so look forward to going for a hike when you’re back in Colorado! Merry Christmas, friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | The Art of Living Fully

  12. Samara says:

    Thank you for the invite, sweet friend. I loved reading your list, and I had a good time making mine.
    I hope we get to hang out some more in 2016. Peace. xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: 50 happy things (almost) | follow your nose

  14. Katalina4 says:

    Dawn, thank you. Thank you so much for thinking of me.
    I found / made the time, and loved it – a beautiful meditative moment.
    xxx Kat

    50 happy things (almost)


  15. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | Life Is A Journey… Not A Guided Tour

  16. Beautifully written! Thanks so much for inviting me to play along.


  17. hbksloss says:

    So much fun to create a post like this, release it into the world and then read all the other bloggers’ posts! Thanks for organizing this and inviting me! Looking forward to reading other’s lists!


    • I have just finished reading them all (so far) and they all blow me away! So inspiring and wonderful! Thanks so much for participating, Heidi!

      BTW: I tried reaching your friend MaryAnne. Her link didn’t work. She needs to add it again, or let me know and I’ll help her.


  18. Psychobabble says:

    Thanks for doing this, Dawn. I’m thankful to have met you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Yeah for gratitude. Gosh you have this 50 happy thoughts in 10 minutes thing down. Thanks for sharing the good vibes. So glad to know you and share in such a fun post. What a year you had! All the best for 2016 and beyond. And if I am grateful enough to make Blogher 2016 hope to meet in person.


    • Welcome to Tales From the Motherland, Janelle. Glad that we got together in Happiness and Gratitude! I hope to make BlogHer again this year, and it would be great to meet in person! Thanks again for joining in for helping to spread good stuff!!


      • hbksloss says:

        I am signed up for BlogHer 2016! I will need a roommate for the hotel reservation I made of you are looking to share a room.


        • Heidi, thanks so much! SO great that you’re going! I won’t be able to commit until much later this year, so much going on! If I do go, I tend to bunk alone. I come off as a mad extrovert, but I NEED massive doses of alone time. We will, however, hang out and connect! That would be so great! xo


  20. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | The Waiting

  21. The Waiting says:

    Dawn, thank you for your list and for encouraging me to post my own. I’m grateful for you and your endless encouragement and wise words! Happy holidays!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. MaryAnne says:

    I love that you work at hospice. Such a blessing to so many families. Congratulations on your first grandchild!


  23. Amy Reese says:

    What a wonderful list, Dawn. It really made me smile. We have so much to be thankful for. Slowing down to think about it is something will all should do. I’m gonna do it now. See what I come up with. Thanks for putting this together, Dawn. From the looks of it, it’s a great success! xox

    Liked by 1 person

    • Do it, Amy! You will feel so good! AND, I’d so love to have you join in. You can either figure out the linksy, or add a link back to my blog in the instructions (we’re all inserting same instructions) so that your blog friends can be inspired and join in too. 🙂 I know your list will be wonderful! xox


  24. Pingback: 50 Happy Nutty Things for 2015. | Spoken Like A True Nut

  25. Pingback: 53 Things Of Happy: An Exercise in Gratitude | Fish Of Gold

  26. Pingback: Fifty (plus) Things of Happy: an exercise in Gratitude for the Longest Night | Muddy River Muse

  27. Pingback: 50 happy thanks | rarasaur

  28. rarasaur says:

    You’re awesome, Dawn, and this came together beautifully. On a personal note, it was exactly what I needed today. Thank you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • rarasaur says:

      Also, also, your list is fabulous. Fleecy jackets and new babies, and meeting bloggers face to face– it’s all fun and sunshiney stuff. I loved reading it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I feel like I held off on some of the hard stuff, because I’ve written enough about all that, this year. It’s time for healing and looking toward positivity. The pain is part of the journey, but I was happy to focus on the good stuff… Admittedly, #4 causes a lump in my throat, a giant yank on my heart, each time I pause. It will be a very hard day, indeed, saying goodbye to this boy I love so dearly. But yes, fun and sunshine is good too. xox

        Liked by 1 person

        • rarasaur says:

          I understand that. The hard stuff and the sunshiney stuff fold so tightly into each other sometimes. I think all the lists I’ve read so far reflect a bit of both, but when every few words is happy or thankful– even the rain clouds look pretty silver. 🙂 ❤

          Liked by 1 person

    • I think several of us needed this, and it was my hope that we could all hold each other up a bit, and share something good. I’m so glad it helped, R. (( hugs ))

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Pingback: 50 Happy Things: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | The Bumble Files

  30. susielindau says:

    I love your list and will join you tomorrow. What a great idea!
    I noticed you are part of the Friday Fictioneers. I named that group, started by Madison Woods, years ago! And we almost have the same last name. Ha!


  31. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | 3 Dinosaurs

  32. Pingback: The slowest doesn’t always win | From One Crazy Life To Another

  33. Pingback: My 50 Faves and How to Join! | Susie Lindau's Wild Ride

  34. Pingback: 50 Happy Things: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | go mama o

  35. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015 Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude

  36. Pingback: Fifty Little Bits of Gratitude | Audrey Kalman: Writing of Many Kinds

  37. Pingback: 60 things o’ thankful | The Monster in Your Closet

  38. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | Squirrel Thoughts

  39. Pingback: Spread the Gratitude and Joy: 50 Happy Things | The Needy Narcissist.

  40. Pingback: 50 Happy Things | Wake Up Your Luck

  41. Pingback: Gratitude in the Blues – QBG_Tilted Tiara

  42. Pingback: I am grateful: | OurWorld

  43. Pingback: My grateful/happy list for 2015 | cherrytales

  44. thank you for this wonderful idea and for sharing your lovely list! i had lots of fun coming up with mine(: merry xmas ❤


  45. I loved your list and the entire idea of thinking of gratitude. It is the small things that we miss in our daily lives, I think. What struck me particularly was 36, I am humbled, yes sometimes being humbled and grateful are the same or should be. Again, thank you for this, I am grateful I could sit and not only read but could remind myself of all the gifts I have been given.


  46. rgayer55 says:

    What a wonderful list. I enjoy many of the same things, and am especially grateful for hospice too. They took really good care of my Dad.
    God Bless you and have a wonderful Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Russell! I’m so happy that you took a look at this project; it’s been so inspiring! As for hospice: I truly look forward to each shift that I work there. Thanks for taking the time, and a very happy Christmas to you and those you love.


  47. Pingback: 'Words' by Aanu

  48. What a marvelous idea and list, Dawn. I found myself smiling all the way through. 🙂 I’m grateful for bloggers like you who share your stories, thoughts, and passions with us. Thank you. Can’t wait to see what 2016 brings your way. Wishing you all the very best for the holidays and new year. ~Terri

    Liked by 1 person

    • Terri, I nearly emailed you guys, to see if you’d join… it just took off and I’ve been so busy with Christmas! Write your list and join us; it’s so wonderful to see so many bloggers share their good things and gratitude. I too feel grateful for connecting with you and so many other great people, Terri. Blogging has been so rewarding. I really appreciate your very kind words and support. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2016!


  49. Pingback: 50 Happy Things | worstwritingever

  50. Pingback: 61 Things To Be Grateful For | Chamblee54

  51. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | Mom the Obscure

  52. Pingback: 50 Happy Things for 2015: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude | Mom the Obscure

  53. Pingback: 50 Happy Things-Bloggers unite in flood of gratitude - Tales from the Backroad

  54. Pingback: 50 Happy Things from 2015 | Thoughts of a Socially Anxious Extrovert

  55. basants says:

    Thank you for taking the initiative of making something as lovely as this! Spreading positivity and happiness, in my opinion, is the best thing a person can do. I was inspired by you to make my own list and I was hoping you checked it out: https://thoughtsofasociallyanxiousextrovert.wordpress.com/2015/12/28/50-happy-things-from-2015/
    Happy New Year!


  56. Pingback: Don't Worry...Be Happy | Heart Like a Dog

  57. Pingback: 50 Happy Things: Because Gratitude is Contagious | Becoming Cliche

  58. sara says:

    Lovely list Dawn, thanks for sharing and inviting me ❤️ I’ll work on mine over the next week or so, or after my assignments are handed in, anyway!

    Liked by 1 person

  59. Corina says:

    I divided mine up into 4 different posts because each was long. How should I list those?


    • Corina, sorry for the delay. I was traveling. First, thanks so much for joining the Gratitude Blog party; I’m so happy you chose to do this!

      I guess, I’m not sure how to answer your question. If you did it for 10 minutes, as per instructions, you should have one post… not sure what you mean, but I’ll check yours out. However, you should only add one link. You could add the first, and then add directions at the bottom of that post, to find the others? That’s what seems to make the most sense. I would only have 1 link added, to be fair to others.

      Again, thanks so much for participating!


  60. Pingback: 50 Things + 10, Part 4 | Wasted Days And Wasted Nights

  61. Pingback: 2015’s: 50+ Things Of Gratitude | hopeful kind of sad

  62. Pingback: Sending out 2015 with gratitude | Things I See and Know

  63. Pup Fan says:

    Thank you SO MUCH for doing this – I really needed this dose of positivity, and I’m so happy a friend sent this my way.

    Love your list!


  64. Thank you SO MUCH for doing this! I really needed this dose of positivity, and I’m so glad a friend sent this my way.

    Love your list!


  65. Pingback: Full of gratitude in 2016 | The Ten Thousand Hour Mama

  66. Pingback: A Gratitude Challenge to Start the New Year | Mama in the Moment

  67. Pingback: I Am Thankful | Run, Knit, Love

  68. Pingback: Starting 2016 with Gratitude - The Good Hearted Woman

  69. Pingback: And A Gratitude Miracle Happened! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  70. Pingback: Feeling grateful  | housestillstanding

  71. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude | From diapers and tutus to meetings and boardrooms

  72. Pingback: 50 happy things: Looking back again | RISE OF THE UNDERDOG'S

  73. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: The Friendly Skies | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  74. thebettersoul says:

    Great idea….shall allow for reflection and I am sure we shall be surprised to see where the source of our happiness lies. Shall make my list soon and be a part of the ‘Gratitude flood’.


  75. Pingback: Gratitude 37 Ways | mishinctrl

  76. So lovely. Congratulations on your first grandchild! And how in the world did you manage to get that down in ten minutes?! You get an idea of my relationship with time by the fact that I just now missed adding my link. Probably by no more than a few hours. But, you inspired me to end that grumbling post of mine with positivity and gratitude. It’s a wonderful thing o aspire to, and I owe it to you.


    • Well, as I said in the post… I wrote the items, and then took a few more minutes to add links and a few descriptions. I think it was about 15 minutes total. I type fast, I talk a lot–> write a lot, and I was hurrying. Later, I realized that I didn’t really put a lot of thought into it. Maybe that’s how it should be? Spontaneous. Mostly, I was worried about mucking up the link for others… so I was worried. I’m SO grateful that so many awesome bloggers contributed… and really happy that you took some time on that plane, to think about this. Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  77. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers Flood the Internet With Gratitude | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  78. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2018: Bloggers Unite to Flood the Internet With Gratitude | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  79. Pingback: The 2018 Annual Attitude of Gratitude: Bloggers Flood The Internet With Happiness & Positivity! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  80. Pingback: The 2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge–– JOIN US! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  81. Pingback: The 2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge–– Bloggers Flood The Internet With Positivity––JOIN US! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

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