50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers Unite to Flood the Internet With Gratitude

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In 2014 I followed in the footsteps of Jen over at Jenny’s Lark, and I wrote a list of 50 things (in 10 minutes) that I was grateful for in 2014. The list actually became 60 things, because I still had time and I had a lot to be grateful for! The exercise was originally a spin off a Daily Prompt challenge. Those Daily Prompts are something to be happy/grateful about, if you haven’t checked them out yet! Jen and I had so much fun with it in 2014, that we added links to each other’s blogs, and other bloggers followed suit. I found the writing experience so positive, that I kept it in mind as a something to do again for 2015.

In 2015, the exercise exploded as I invited a few bloggers and suggested that we all come together and share gratitude. Bloggers begat more bloggers, and it grew… and grew… and grew! And once again, Jen had another great idea: focus on happy and be grateful. It’s about choosing happy, choosing positive, over the negative things that we could focus on–– and it sure feels like 2016 gave us plenty of hard things to digest! Jen’s smart that way. Gratitude or Happiness–– Chicken or egg?

The 2015 project included 74 bloggers contributing, as something I thought would be small and easy, turned into something huge. I met so many cool new bloggers, and my happiness and gratitude grew exponentially. I was reading every single list and seeing what I also am grateful for (on other lists) and how we all differ. Those places where we meet, and where we are unique are a beautiful thing and a great way to finish out the year.

In taking time to reflect on things that made me happy in 2015, and then reading other bloggers’ lists, I felt all the more grateful. It was hard not to go back and edit my list, each time I found something wonderful on other lists… but it just gave me things to focus on for 2016. If I express gratitude, I find myself feeling happy, and if I list happy things, I inevitably feel grateful–– Either way, it’s a win/win! I guarantee, you that you’ll find yourself feeling smiling, feeling grateful and happy if you spend 15 minutes reflecting on positivity. Couldn’t we all use more happy and more grateful?

I’ve made a few small changes for this year, based on feedback last year. Ten minutes was not enough; I heard that over and over. So, if you’d like to join in, here’s how it works: set a timer for 15 minutes; timing this is critical. Once you start the timer, start your list. The goal is to write 50 things that make you happy, or 50 thing that you feel grateful for. The idea is to not think too hard; just write what comes to mind in the time allotted. You may find that if you use numbered mode, and just type what comes to mind, like me you will have enough time for more than 50. When the timer’s done, stop writing. Finish whatever sentence you’re on, but don’t add more. If you haven’t written 50 things, that’s ok. If you have more than 50 things great; you can’t feel too happy or too grateful! Add the photos, links, instructions, etc after you finish the list––the timer doesn’t matter for getting these details down; it applies to the list only.  Be sure to link back to this post, so that others can find the instructions and join in to.

2016 has been a difficult year on so many levels. Regardless of how you voted, the election season was rough! So many ugly things to digest and so much drama. We lost a lot of remarkable people in 2016–– it felt like punch after punch some weeks. So let’s flood the internet with gratitude and happy thoughts. Let’s ring in 2017 on a positive note! Join us and spread positivity!

To join us for this project: 1) Write your post and publish it (please copy and paste the instructions from this post, into yours) 2) Please include a link to this/Dawn’s post 3) Click on the blue frog at the very bottom of this post. 4) That will take you to another window, where you can past the URL to your post. (folks have trouble with this, but it’s not that hard. 5) Follow the prompts, and your post will be added to the Blog Party List. (If you have problems, contact me and I’ll help).

I love reading every single list and realizing what I also am grateful for (on other lists) and how we all differ. It’s a beautiful thing and a great way to finish out the year. Please note that only blog posts that include a list of 50 (or an attempt to write 50) things that made you feel Happy or 50 things that you are Grateful for, will be included. Please don’t add a link to a post that isn’t part of this exercise; I will remove it. Aside from that one caveat, there is no such thing as too much positivity. Share your happy thoughts, your gratitude; be creative; be happy and grateful, and help us flood the blogosphere with both! And let’s all use the hashtags #BloggersUnite or #50HappyThings, cause everything needs a hashtag.

Please note that only blog posts that include a list of 50 (or an attempt to write 50) things that made you feel Happy or 50 things that you are Grateful for, will be included. Please don’t add a link to a post that isn’t part of this exercise; I will remove it. Aside from that one caveat, there is no such thing as too much positivity. Share your happy thoughts, your gratitude; be creative; be happy and grateful, and help us flood the blogosphere with both! And let’s all use the hashtags #BloggersUnite or #50HappyThings, cause everything needs a hashtag.

Side note: This year, I kept a running list so this will be a lot easier, but yes, I’m a fast typist. I plan to do this every year. You too can start a list for 2017 and a side effect is that you are reminded of happy-gratitude all year, as you add to your list! All I had to do was copy items into a post, with the timer running.

Please note: the InLinkz (link-up) will expire on January 3, 2017 (**extended to Jan.10th). After that date, no blogs can be added. Scan to the bottom of this post to find the inlinkz to add your post or read all of the other wonderful lists (click the frog, and they are listed).

May your holidays be filled with happiness and gratitude!

Now for my list, not in order of importance:

  1. Amitai– My grandson is the light of our lives!
  2. My children- yesterday, now, always
  3. Nearly 30 years of marriage (this February)
  4. Luke– oh how I miss this wonderful boy!
  5. Gracie and Luna- fill my days with love
  6. Washington state, Pacific Northwest- living in this amazing place!
  7. My daughter’s wedding in Israel- could not have been more special!
  8. My daughter’s wedding at home- so much fun with family
  9. Yellow Posted™ notes & lined yellow note pads
  10. iPhone-camera, phone, it’s magic!
  11. While I’m sad for loss of Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, Harper Lee, Ali, Elie Weisel, I’m so grateful for the joy they brought to my life.
  12. Internet- can’t live without it
  13. Blogging– defines me, fills me
  14. Readers for my blog- Every comment makes me smile; thank you, thank you!
  15. #ThinkBigWithMarsha every Sunday on Twitter & Friday Fictioneers each Wednesday
  16. Sushi- every Friday
  17. Frogs singing in summer
  18. Water- grateful for clean water to drink, swim in and look at
  19. Being called Grammy, Mema, Grandma
  20. Fresh lavender
  21. Waterfalls on my walk, where I can sit and meditate
  22. Salt air, time by the sea- Always.
  23. Port Townsend & Sea Glass Beach- my happy place
  24. NYC, Portland, Vancouver, Seattle, Tel Aviv… cities!
  25. Family, far and wide
  26. Greatfriends- make everything better
  27. Healing-Finding my center, MFR
  28. A good, hard cry
  29. My hair– still
  30. Hospice- Makes me happy, every shift I volunteer. Read the comments in this post!
  31. Good food- Hi, my name is Dawn and I’m a foodie
  32. Scrabble on line
  33. Fresh sheets with lavender
  34. My laptop
  35. Travel
  36. Hiking at Mt Baker- completing Ptarmigan Ridge solo (13 miles)!
  37. Amitai’s belly laughs, watching him w/books, or discovering things
  38. Skype! A chance to talk to and read to my grandson.
  39. Time spent in Israel, Israeli food and culture
  40. Unity- from all the craziness, I’m grateful for women uniting
  41. Alex & Emmy- they add so much to our family!
  42. Seeing my kids happy- #blessings
  43. Riding the bike with Barry
  44. Our trip to Croatia and Rome
  45. March on Washington, DC 1/21/17—I’ll be there!
  46. Snow
  47. The view from my window- Every. Single. Day
  48. Hummingbirds
  49. My first tattoo
  50. Legalized marijuana– yes, for real. And one of my most Tweeted posts!
  51. Driving, road trips- give me a beautiful stretch of road, my radio and freedom!
  52. Summer
  53. NYC, Portland, Vancouver, Seattle, Tel Aviv… cities!
  54. (ok, added this one:) John Oliver always but absolutely in this video! Worth every 29 minutes of your time. Thanks to Psychobabble for the reminder.

I’m adding one to my list, on 12/27/16, a sad day for this Star Wars fan: 

55) Carrie Fisher! I’m incredibly grateful to Carrie Fisher for being one of THE first, and THE most badass female heroes in my life, as Star Wars’ Princess Leia. As a high school student, I saw the very first Star Wars movie with my then boyfriend. We were blown away, but had no idea that this series would still be thrilling 40 years later! I went to the latest movie in the series, on Christmas Eve, with my husband, 2 sons and nephew- it’s become a bit of a family tradition!   When I heard that Carrie Fisher suffered a heart attack, just before Christmas, I felt sick. It was such a relief to hear that she was ok, and to be honest, over the past few days I stopped worrying about it. So this morning, it was truly a shock to wake up to news of her death. I’m grateful for the role she played in reminding me that women can be badass space heroes too, and I’m happy for the years of joy that character and the Star Wars movies have given me. Here’s to you Carrie:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSYValHWNOs

And here are the wonderful bloggers who have shared this year! 



Heather at Becoming Cliché

Melissa at Psychobabble

35 Jupiter Drive

Louise Jensen at Fabricating Fiction

Laura Bell

Nancy Adair

Coffee With Mama Heidi

Musings In the Middle

Anna Shaver

Eclectic Evelyn


Mom The Obscure


Oh My Heartsie Girl

Keeping It Real with Teresa

A Delectable Life-Dale

Our Unschooling Journey

Jackie- Tales From the Anxiety Ridden

Kristi- Thankful Me


Cathy’s Remembering 2016

Ten Thousand Hour Mama

Huntington’s Disease and Me


Siobhan McNamara

Marriage Reset



*     *     *

GIPYHelp Me Reach My Goals!   KAPOW!  The Tales From the Motherland Facebook page recently hit the 2015 goal of 800 likes (which I set after hitting the 700 mark)! I’m going big for the next year and aiming for 1,000!! Have you stopped by to spread some fairy dust? Follow me on Twitter, LeBron James does (yes, for real)! Most importantly, if you like a post I’ve written, hit Like and leave a comment. Honest, constructive feedback is always appreciated.

Click Follow; you’ll get each new post delivered by email,  no spam.  ©2015  All content and images on this site are copyrighted to Dawn Quyle Landau and Tales From the Motherland, unless specifically noted otherwise. If you want to share my work, I’m grateful, but please give proper credit and Link back to my work; plagiarism sucks!

get the InLinkz code

About Dawn Quyle Landau

Mother, Writer, treasure hunter, aging red head, and sushi lover. This is my view on life, "Straight up, with a twist––" because life is too short to be subtle! Featured blogger for Huffington Post, and followed on Twitter by LeBron James– for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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67 Responses to 50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers Unite to Flood the Internet With Gratitude

  1. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers Flood the Internet With Gratitude | ugiridharaprasad

  2. Pingback: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple

  3. Dear Dawn,

    You certainly do a lot of traveling. Wonderful list. You are blessed with an amazing family. Thank you for generously sharing.



    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dawn, I’m adding my gratitude link even though I don’t have 50 things. If I need to add more, I can. I have much to be grateful for – one of those things was getting to meet Jen in person at the Book festival in September!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Surviving Depression Part II, Holiday Edition | Becoming Cliche

  6. Dale says:

    So glad I caught Rochelle’s post that connected me to your post and made me realise – GASP! – I somehow was not following you… what up wit dat!!
    I am definitely joining in on the fun (and did last year? but know not on who’s link I did find it!)
    Love your list, Dawn!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers Flood the Internet With Gratitude | Psychobabble

  8. Psychobabble says:

    Ok, I did the blue frog linky thing and it seems to have worked. Did it??

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: grateful – 35 jupiter drive

  10. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers flood the internet with gratitude | fabricating fiction

  11. Pingback: Year End Gratitude… | Just Laura Belle

  12. Lizzi says:

    I do love this idea. I can’t wait to join in. You have some beautiful things on your list and I’m glad they’re in your world 🙂


  13. Hi Dawn, This is a wonderful project! I write five things I am grateful for and five I am looking forward to, each evening before I go to bed. As I have a chronic health problem, sometimes I have to work hard to get my five things, but that isn’t a bad thing. I realise that I can get a lot of joy by concentrating on little things, like a cup of tea or a hot shower, a snuggle with my dog or a comment on my blog. I won’t be able to join in the project, (getting everything done at Xmas is a difficult thing for me) but I will add some extra things to my list tonight. I loved reading your list and reading about the project. Congratulations! It is a very cool thing that it is growing each year.
    – Kate

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Psychobabble says:

    OMG I kept thinking about the last 10 minutes of that John Oliver episode and how I just wanted to write FUCK YOU 2016 over and over but that really wasn’t the exercise, now, was it?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: No Star To Follow | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  16. Pingback: Fifty Happy Things – Coffee With Mama Heidi

  17. Most excellent list. Thanks for the smile and positive vibes
    My gal just moved to WA. Settling into her home. Hope it is
    Good to her.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: 50 Things I'm Grateful for in 2016 (Linky Party ends 1/3) | Eclectic Evelyn

  19. Pingback: Ten Things of (50 Happy Things) Thankful #10Thankful #50HappyThings | Considerings

  20. Pingback: Mom the Obscure

  21. Great list, thanks for doing this again. And I like your suggestion of starting a running list.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Pingback: 50 Things To Be Grateful For in 2016 | This is Another Story

  23. Pingback: #BloggersUnite for #50HappyThings: JOIN US! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  24. I was grateful I found your linky on Twitter being shared by Eclectic Evelyn. Now I am grateful to meet you! Happy New Year!!


  25. Teresa Bri says:

    It’s my first time doing something like this, but I loved it, It’s always heartwarming to discover that we have so many things to be grateful for. Thank you for hosting, and for challenging us. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank YOU Teresa for checking out my post and joining in! I’ve been on the road for two days, driving my son to school. So, I’m just checking out things now. Can’t wait to read your list! I agree, it’s so inspiring to see what each of us brings to this… it reminds me that there is so much more to appreciate, than whatever I thought of in those 15 minutes! Thanks again for your encouraging words, and for sharing the good stuff!


  26. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Trumped | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  27. rawsonjl says:

    I just love this idea and could not wait to start my list!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Pingback: 50 – Count ’em – Yes, 50 Things I Am Grateful For In 2016… | Adventuresnluv

  29. susielindau says:

    I can finally breathe again! I overdid Christmas in every way possible. I’m looking forward to chillaxing in 2017 and catching up with blogging friends! Happy New Year, Dawn!


  30. Women uniting—heck yes. That has been one powerful thing that keeps me going through the dark days! Lovely to read your list again this year and find other bloggers’ gratitude lists!

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers Unite to Flood the Internet with Gratitude | Huntington's Disease and Me

  32. Pingback: My #50HappyThings 2016 for #BloggersUnite | siobhanmcnamara

  33. Pingback: #50HappyThings | Chamblee54

  34. Pingback: 50 Happy Things For 2016 – erinlearywrites

  35. Pingback: My end of 2016 Gratitude List - The Ten Thousand Hour Mama

  36. I love your list and I love the whole idea of gratitude. It’s great to take stock now and again. What surprised me most about doing this is the great feedback from friends on Facebook, especially those who shared some of the experiences. Thanks for inspiring so much gratitude x

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: The Cost of Bread | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  38. Happy New Year, Dawn! I’m sorry I missed this. Your list is lovely as always — and your first tattoo? Really? What is it of? (I have no tattoos.) (And YES, you seem to be an extremely fast typist!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gigi, I sent you an invite this year, and hoped you’d join. There is still one more day (I extended it), if you’d like… seems to be your M.O.; remember how it went last year! 😉 I do type fast, but as noted, add links etc later. I type only the list in the 15 minutes. And this year, I kept a running gratitude list, so it was much easier! My tattoo is the Om symbol. I planned it for years, and while it’s not quite the way I wanted (that’s a story!), I love it. Hope you’ll consider adding your list to the blog hop, before it closes on the 10th.

      Liked by 1 person

  39. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2018: Bloggers Unite to Flood the Internet With Gratitude | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  40. Pingback: The 2018 Annual Attitude of Gratitude: Bloggers Flood The Internet With Happiness & Positivity! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  41. Pingback: The 2019 Attitude of Gratitude Challenge–– JOIN US! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND

  42. Pingback: 50 Happy Things 2016: Bloggers Unite to Flood the Internet with Gratitude. – Tales from the Anxiety Ridden

  43. Pingback: 50 – Or Almost 50 – Yes, 50 Things I Am Grateful For In 2019 | adventures in love

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